Sunday, February 20, 2011

Obama... "still one of the usual suspects"

American presidents, being "leader of the free world"...have always been at the top of the "antichrist list". At his 'mercurial rise' ( Obama's) to that top spot, he fit several criteria. While his lineage was questionable as to lining up with having jewish blood (dan: 11: 37) and or being christian.
However, Obama has a role unless he is voted out and fades into obscurity. The europoeans love him to the point of proclaiming him "the defacto president of the EU after doing what the current EU president, Van Rompuy could not concerning the crisis over Greece's finanancial collapse.
( Jean Quatemer
Frances Liberty links)
Dan 11:27 suggests that two kings, one the antichrist...Will fight and then come to " one table speaking lies" and then they shall fight once more vs 40. The defeated king of the south is Egypt/ her allies. Then the king of the north attacks the holy covenant/gloriuous land ....Then Michael the great prince shall stand up ( sound the last trump w/ the voice of arch angel ) and CHRIST COMES BACK.
The question regarding Obama is, will his role be as our sitting president? or a former president over an international new 10 headed confederation? If sitting U.S. president....6 years....if other, look for Dan 11:40-45 where "he" shall conquer " many countries (militarily or economically?) vs 43 the gold...silver....precious things ( the oil!) of the middle east. vs 44 The tidings of the north and east line up with Rev 16:12 where the way of the "kings of the east be prepared."....for the gathering to Armageddon vs 16. (China...India...etc for oil) Rev 6:6 "hurt not the oil...." interesting that Revelation is the 66 th book and 6:6 deals with oil=gold=power= 666 and the world is worshiping the same.

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