Sunday, October 16, 2011

Signs of the times

The signs of these end times are everywhere....The European Union is the image of "Mystery Babylon" complete with the mark of 666. The first biblical reference to 666 is when Solomons treasury was filled with 666 talents of gold. The second is Nebuchadnezzars image with the head of gold measuring 666 cubits. The EU's monetary system and those who control it, have already stripped Greece of it's sovereignty, where they can not buy or sell in the market with out permission.

The EU Presidential flag is "The Bar Code flag" which has the mathmatical numbering 666. The Euro 20 dollar bill has 666 embeded in symbos of "stars of six shaded in blue and six shaded in gold on front, and six on back in white = 666. Also the "Arches have 666 embeded with the round sphere like shapes at top of pillars.

The secret societies that have their roots in Babylon mystery Religion believe the power of 666 must be manifested even if hidden by secret symbols, evidenced by Masonic / Luciferian symbols. With 666 attached to the "worlds" financial system and it's currency, they lay claim to control of the same.

When Jesus paid taxes...he said,"give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." The coin had Caesar's Image! As also we see that the Image of Nebuchadnezzar, made of Gold was in cubit's 666. Bowing down to the financial system of this end-time in the form of a one-world government is at hand.

Rev. chapter 8 speaks of a mountain 'as it were cast into the sea" and a third of all life in the sea dies....with the recent volcano in Iceland and the oil spill in the Gulf along with the recent rash of major earthquakes, we see at the very least..."type and shadow" forewarning us that the true figure is close at hand. Throughout scripture type and shadow always pre-figures the prophetic events in not only literal shadows, but in allegory, metaphors, and parables.

The "Muslim Union" is being formed of all the Mediterranean/middle-east Islamic countries which can be interpreted as the "Image" that the nations must worship when it's takeover of all nations is complete.The Anti-Christ shall first come in Peace, "then cometh sudden destruction."

2 Thessalonians 4 warns that "except there first come a falling away (greek "Apostasy" from the faith") that wicked one (Anti-Christ) shall then be revealed.

The "Apostasy" can only be Born Again believers...for to fall away from, means they were in the faith! Paul continues to warn that God shall send them a 'strong delusion' to believe a lie, because they were not lovers of the truth!

Matthew 24: 42-51 the Lord Jesus warns us that we must be ready for these end-times, so that our house ( our responsibility in the great commission of sharing the gospel) will not be broken up when the "thief" comes. We are to have the "meat in due season " for those we are called to reach. The "meat" is the "WORD" and revelation of it's fullfillment to warn, and equip ourselves against the spirit of apostasy and lukewarmness through love of the world and the things of the world!

2 Chronicles 7:14 is our first refuge from being likened unto the Church of Ephesus who 'left their first love."

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