And Hell Followed...Part 3 The Scientology Years and beyond
"And Hell Followed......"
By Steven E. Masone Revelation 6:8 "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
Part 1.
My first seven years as a "born again" believer and young minister of the Gospel began with incredible hope and vision to be used of God. It was the fall of 1993 when after two years of evangelizing in northern California, I came face to face with demonic powers that both confirmed my calling, and began to bring the "Jonah" in me to the surface.

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
I believe there is a point in every preacher's life where the reality of the immense responsibility
and the consequences of defeat will cause the preacher to desire to run from their "Nineveh" and take refuge under their 'juniper tree' from the threat of the "Jezebel/witchcraft" & demonic force arrayed against God's servants. I was at that point.
Personally I had faith for myself to stand against the "wiles" of the enemy, but when demonic involvement against my children came on the stage, I felt like Elijah fleeing to a Juniper fear gripped my heart.
All I wanted to do was take them and myself to safety away from their own mother who had become involved with witchcraft. As pastor of a small church I started in a city in northern California... I had to take a leave of absence to fight for my two small children, ages 7 & 9 a girl and boy respectively.

In my desperation to change the tide of the battle I was in with my ex-wife, I used my skills as an advertising/publicist that I had been trained in for years to find myself on the Oprah Winfrey Show to do battle before tens of million viewers. And Hell followed.....
God had been preparing me my entire life for this purpose. My earliest childhood memories began with abusive traumas and abandonment, betrayal and rejection. My father left my mother and myself and two brothers when I was 2. My only memory of him was at 4 when he visited us once for an hour. Shortly after that visit, our house caught fire and burned to the ground. My mother shortly before this scared us boys to death in a fit of rage breaking every dish and glass in the house screaming that she was leaving us and it was because we were so bad.
A year or two later she was hired as a singer/spokes-model for a TV show and soon married a drunk who began coming home in drunken stupors beating and abusing me. She and he were divorced soon but she married another drunk and he was worse. In retrospect it was almost like a personal demon had been assigned to torment and destroy me. ( "The sins of the fathers are visited upon their children unto the fourth generation.")

My great grandparents were devout believers but the church we were associated with was far from manifesting the spirit of Christ due to many doctrinal errors. My step-father talked my mother into sending my brothers and I to the Orphanage home ran by an affiliated church.
"Out of the frying pan, into the fire!" an understatement about the enormity of the abuse we three boys were subjected to as beatings and unspeakable evil was perpetrated against us...and Hell followed. Hell followed in the form of abandonment, betrayal, rejection, dysfunction, fear, shame, and these 'demons' became my keepers.
As if Satan had put up a sign..."open season" on my soul and mind, unbelievable traumatic events and supernatural deliverance from these, followed me all my days. I began an uncanny way for my age to begin understanding that my battle against these forces were not of my ability to deal with, let alone understand.

It happened when I was seven years old, I was at a friends house and I had climbed the fence and was on the roof. From a psychological understanding, this was the beginning of my "Para-suicidal risk-taking behavior. From God's Word, this was Satan trying to Kill, steal, and destroy what God has created.
I was trying to get back down from the roof, but I was not close enough to the fence for my feet to reach it and I tried to hook my left leg back up on the roof to shimmy my way back up. My foot slipped back down into the gutter of the roof and I could not it back out. I could not pull myself up
either, and I began to lose my strength in holding on.
"YES, Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me..the Bible tells me so." Whatever amount of time it was that I spent in Sunday school and church by this time, I do not recall, but I absolutely recall that I believed in him, and loved him, and that he loved me! As I was ready to lose my hold and fall with my foot stuck in that gutter, I knew how hurt I was going to get, including the fact that I could die.
I began crying and calling out to God to save me. I remember this event crystal clear, and I said these words to God; "God, if you will save me, I promise I will serve you forever and do whatever you want me to do, just please help me!" I began to slip down off the roof and a 'peace' came over me as I expected to first feel my foot being snapped in two, but as I came to myself I was standing on the ground, knowing that God supernaturally intervened in my life...and Hell followed...

My first experience in doing battle with demonic forces was in 1989 when I took over a small church in Oroville California. I organized the few parishioners who were left by the last pastor to go out into the neighborhood to pass out fliers when we came to a house down the street. As we approached the house I heard a scream from the side of the house and out came this disheveled old man acting crazy and screaming obscenities and threatening us with a rake. I sensed immediately an evil presence and commanded "come out of him in the Name of Jesus! Not only did the demon come out and loose that man, there was a flock of chickens in the street that the demons went into, and it looked like an explosion of chicken feathers as these chickens disappeared... along with the saints that 'were' with me! I knew at this point I was in for a different ministry that my Bible college classes had not prepared me for...And Hell Followed.
Then came the rest of the gifts of the Spirit into my ministry. In retrospect, I can remember some of the nine gifts of 1st Corinthians operating spontaneously in response to my "new convert/childlike faith." Faith can literally move mountains of 'the impossible' and fill 'valleys of dark shadows' to those who believe. Perhaps because I believed through 'necessity' of my experience, the truth of Ephesians 6:12...that I "desired the best gifts"....all of them!
I remember a visitation from a dark form when I was 4 or 5 years old. I sensed that it was a male figure that stood over me as I was in bed. My mother at that time had no boyfriends or male acquaintances that it could have been. This to my understanding was not a friendly visitation as a fear gripped me as I shut my eyes when it would not stop from hovering over me, just staring at me, and I prayed. Finally it was gone and from that time forward I seemed to have an extra sense of discernment. After being born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, that primitive discernment began increasing tremendously.
While I had several supernatural experiences as a young man, it was not until I was grounded in the bible that I could look back in retrospect and see how my path had been ordained for my training and edification.

On the plane to Chicago to appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1993, I began to understand in the "Spirit" how wicked and evil my ex-wife had become. A friend of hers told me she had taken out a contract on me by a 'rogue' sheriff's deputy involved in her satanic coven of 'witches and perverts' that had already planted drugs and other evidence in my house that I had previously discovered, that could be used against me in the custody battle. I handled the contract by getting help from one of the deputy Chiefs, a friend who was in homicide, and he put out the word he knew of the plot and would turn the department inside out looking for anyone connected to my ex-wife if I was hit.
The first Judge I went before to get custody, gave me a temporary restraining order against my ex-wife to cease from subjecting my daughter to second hand cigarette smoke. My daughter had developed serious asthma problems from the exposure and had to be on a 'pulmonary' breathing machine to deliver her asthma medication in the strength she needed. But she kept smoking in the car and everywhere around my daughter in defiance of the order, and my daughter kept having attacks that landed her in the emergency room frequently. The mother was an RN and was part of the smokers group that denied the dangers of second hand smoke exposure.
So I had my daughter's doctor do labs on her and we sent samples to the World's foremost authority in the field and he found the levels of nicotine in my seven year old's system was the equivalent of a 9-12 cigarette a day smoker.
The back and forth custody battle began to take it's toll on my spiritual condition and I began to sense the effect it was having was transposed to those I ministered to. I was aware of the spiritual warfare against "witchcraft" because of my ex-wife and her coven. This was not rocket science! When I began to understand and see this same spirit in "The Church" disguised and in the "high places" of ministry, I found myself isolated and in shock, how subtle and insidious the spirit of "Jezebel" had taken her throne across the ministry of the church.
God had given my little congregation the beginning of great revival. With only about twenty faithful, I obeyed the voice of God and began bringing 30-40 people from the homeless shelter to special services where we also fed them hot meals while the Spirit of God worked salvation and miracles in a mighty way. Blind eyes were opened, broken legs healed, devils cast out and souls were obeying the gospel. We were seeing more souls baptized every week than all of our affiliated churches in the area where thousands attended.
A Jezebel spirit hates her throne threatened by God's prophets. In the Church, the Jezebel spirit will allow anointed ministries that come through and add to her kingdom, for she is in control and takes the credit and glory for all that God is and does.
The Jezebel spirit is resident in men and women, but the 'model' is always in an Ahab-Jezebel tandem rule. While a pastor or minister may be like an Ahab, blind to his wife's ambition for herself and her offspring's continuance of the "dynasty"...she is the true head. And any threat that another man or woman of God will have any success, plant a 'Na-both's vineyard'... she will use her powers to turn her Ahab against them and send out the false accusations against God's anointed, to 'kill, steal, and destroy.
While God was giving me experience with the overt assaults of witchcraft through my ex-wife and her minions, he was also revealing to me the enemy within the ministry of his church. As Elijah went to Mt. Carmel to defeat Jezebel's false prophets, we see a spiritual warfare tactic in that until Jezebel is thrown down by her own "eunuchs" ( the true ministry that she has emasculated) a 'Jehu' ("Jehovah-is my strength") must preach to them asking "who is on my side?" (God's side)
While I see the parallel in retrospect, I certainly did not want to believe that men of God were not hearing from the Spirit of God but rather "Jezebel." Because of the victories God had given at my little church, I was being ostracized by the tongues of Jezebel. Every Jezebel who sits on the throne, will have her messengers and false accusers do the dirty work like Ahab's Jezebel paid the accusers of Na-both and brought his death.
Instead of having a place of refuge and 'safety in the multitude of council'...a Jezebel will drive away those who are able to discern her true spirit whether thy actually are conscious of Jezebel's position, she will know those anointed that may eventually expose her. Jezebel served Baal, and believed she was doing her god's will.
Between the fight against the spirit of witchcraft using my ex-wife, and Jezebel in the ministry which was connected to the headship for my accountability, I resigned my church and went full time in the battle to save my children from their dangerous environment... And Hell followed!
Jezebel has her minions cooperating inside and outside the church. After obtaining a restraining order to protect my daughter from the second hand smoking of her mother, our case ended up in another court. The Judge was a woman who immediately let her anti-God sentiments known. She especially hated preachers and the usual custody accusations of how I deprived my children "worldly entertainment" etc...She was a Jezebel in"secular authority" position as many are. Just like there will be a "Political Beast" and a "Religious Beast" ( Mystery Babylon the great Mother of Harlots) these too will be used by the enemy to destroy men of God.
But God is always on time and a friend who was also in a custody case in this same court, told me that he was in a men's support group and our bailiff was there and confessed he and the Judge were committing adultery together. The Bailiff knew one of my ex-wife's cop friends and obviously 'pillow talking" with the Judge, promoting my ex-wife's cause.
So armed with this and medical proof showing my asthmatic daughter had high levels of cotinine, I sent out press releases and called friends in the media to bring attention to the findings which were done through the world's top expert, settling the second hand smoke issue, that in fact exposure to second hand smoke is damaging. And through the court systems back channels, I would reveal the 'affair' unless she ( the Judge) did the right thing.
The response to my press release was more than I expected as on the day of the hearing where I presented the medical proof, every media news organization it seemed, showed up. The Judge took custody away from my ex-wife and temporary custody to my mother until a "Guardian ad litum" (attorney) for my daughter could be appointed and final decision made, which eventually was in my favor.
In the mean time, international media frenzy took the story to the Oprah Winfrey show, Time Magazine, Inside Edition, BBC Special, and front page in all the dailies and radio talk shows all over the world... for it was a 'landmark' legal case.
I had aligned myself with" Parents Against Second hand Smoke", (PASS) and agreed to appear on the Oprah show to help educate millions about the dangers of second hand smoke and also put smokers in custody battles on notice that they could lose if they don't stop exposing their children to it.
Home Smoke-Free Home
By Andrea Sachs;Elizabeth Brack Mullen/San Francisco Monday, Oct. 25, 1993
Steven Masone hasn't lived with ex-wife Susan Tanner for seven years, but he still can't get over one of her habits: chain smoking. It bothers him because it bothers their daughter Elysa, 8, who suffers from asthma. Masone, a minister in Stockton, California, worries that Tanner is aggravating Elysa's condition by lighting up around her. He even got a court order five years ago, barring Tanner from smoking in Elysa's presence. But Tanner's puffing -- and Masone's huffing -- continued. Finally, after Elysa had an asthma attack this month, a doctor said the child would end up in an emergency room if things ! didn't change. Frantic, Masone went back to court. Last week, in a ground- breaking decision, a county judge gave temporary custody of Elysa to Masone's mother, ruling that Tanner's smoking was endangering her daughter's health.
It's not unusual for courts to rescue children from their own homes, but their parents are usually charged with gross neglect or abuse. Tanner, who plans to appeal, is losing her daughter for doing something that is perfectly legal, even if it is frowned upon by the Surgeon General. Hers is one of a growing number of cases, mainly involving children in divorce custody suits, in which judges have prohibited parents from smoking around kids who are sensitive to tobacco. Legal Times reported this month that courts in at least 11 states have dealt with the issue, almost always siding with the nonsmoking parent.
The legal actions herald a major new offensive by America's antismoking forces. Their campaign, having stormed through airplane cabins, office buildings and restaurants, is moving into the home. "Parents exposing their children to secondhand smoke is the most common form of child abuse in America," argues attorney John F. Banzhaf III, the executive director of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). Banzhaf, a longtime foe of the tobacco industry and mastermind of the child-protection strategy, got a major boost in January, when an Environmental Protection Agency report concluded that secondhand smoke causes 3,000 American adults to die of lung cancer each year. The study also blamed proximity to smoking for hundreds of thousands of cases of childhood respiratory illnesses, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma.
The tobacco industry, which sued the EPA over the report, disputes the court judgments against smoking parents, arguing that the case against secondhand smoke hasn't been proved. In fact, some prominent scientists, including epidemiology expert Alvan Feinstein of the Yale medical school, believe the EPA may have overstated the evidence in its study. Nonetheless, most health researchers agree it is prudent to keep
Read more:,9171,979461,00.html#ixz...
Of course my ex-wife was also invited on Oprah and later I found out that she (ex-wife) and her coven alerted every coven of witches they could connect to... to watch the show so they could see me and curse me and pray against me.They did! And hell followed.....
Without getting into the 'why' of God letting these curses have effect, other than for my training and learning to battle these forces of darkness, my body and mind came under savage attack that has given me spiritual insight and power against the same. (a spiritual anti-venom serum) It has been said, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
Heart attack, kidney failure, anxiety disorder just to name a few of my battles over the next few years was my lot as God in his omniscience, prepared me for this ministry. The Jezebel in the church is "Mystery Babylon The Great, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth..." Over...and in the Church!
She is the embodiment of "the Apostasy" that began post- apostolic early church, right after the Apostles laid their foundation. The Emperors and all the other "Ahab's" wanted the vineyard Christ planted by his Death, Burial and Resurrection. And unless every house, every ministry, every church, every church organization or fellowship, according to scripture has a true anointed prophet whom God speaks to mouth to mouth, and understands spiritual warfare against the Jezebel spirit of this hour, who we see at the Church of Thyatira, Rev.2:18-29 ...they will have "another Jesus."
We know we wrestle against principalities and powers of satanic influence, these principalities manifest continually in those where prideful ambition rebels against the humility of holiness. And rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. "Giving place to the devil" is not to exclude pride, ambition, controlling spirits in ministry.
As rebellion in the heart of Eve allowed the serpent entrance to her mind, rebellion in the hearts of men and women is simply "pride " in action. When ambitious men and women use their will to control and manipulate others, for their kingdom, this is witchcraft.
In this end-time age, saints will fall to the influence of the "spirit of "mystery Babylon" as never before as the Holy Ghost is allowing all scripture to be fulfilled. It was almost as if God was crash course training me against this spirit in a microcosm in my ex-wife's personification of that evil.
The spirit of Jezebel, while identified in female gender, is not exclusive to women only as king Saul in his Rebellion was of the "sin of witchcraft." So much so that he sought out the witch of Endor to "necromance" the prophet Samuel. "Familiar spirits" as scripture tells us were like the "evil spirits" David chased away with his harp, and are also sent to lead the rebellious heart to deeper depths of demonic involvement.
When the woman usurps authority over the man, it is the same rebellion that king Saul committed that opens the door to satanic control. Saul, usurped the prophet priest's authority in his unlawful act that cost him his throne.
Only a Jehu, ( strength of Jehovah) can bring down this spirit.
Can we see man (Adam) turning over his authority to the serpent by "spiritual emasculation" through " Mystery Babylon" the seducing spirit that prevails in this end-time "Laodician Church?"
We can if God's order for his church through the five fold ministry does not preach and teach divine order of these things and we have a II Chron 7:14 revival of humility. Humility is the greatest weapon we have against this foe. Holiness without humility is Pharisaical hypocrisy. (outward only)
True humility comes from dying to self. The Bible tells of the pure spikenard. God purposely used this term "pure" in His Word to show that it is truly spiritual. But if the alabaster box is not broken, the pure spikenard will not flow forth. Strange to say, many are still treasuring the alabaster box, thinking that its value exceeds that of the ointment.
Many think that their outward man is more precious than their inward man. This becomes the problem in the Church. One will treasure his cleverness, thinking he is quite important; another will treasure his own emotions, esteeming himself as an important person ; others highly regard themselves, feeling they are better than others, their eloquence surpasses that of others, their quickness of action and exactness of judgment are superior, and so forth.
However, we are not antique collectors; we are not vase admirers; we are those who desire to smell only the fragrance of the ointment. Without the breaking of the outward, the inward will not come forth. Thus individually we have no flowing out, but even the Church does not have a living way. Why then should we hold ourselves as so precious, if our outward restrains instead of releases the fragrance?
So the Treasure is in the earthen vessel, but if the earthen vessel is not broken, who can see the Treasure within? What is the final objective of the Lord's working in our lives? It is to break this earthen vessel, to break our alabaster box, to crack open our shell. The Lord longs to find a way to bless the world through those who belong to Him. Brokenness is the way of blessing, the way of fragrance, the way of fruitfulness, but it is also a path sprinkled with blood. Yes, there is blood from many wounds. When we offer ourselves to the Lord to be at His service, we cannot afford to be lenient, to spare ourselves. We must allow the Lord utterly to crack our outward man, so that He may find a way for His out working.
Each of us must find out for himself what is the mind of the Lord in his life. It is a most lamentable fact that many do not know what is the mind or intention of the Lord for their lives. How much they need for the Lord to open their eyes, to see that everything which comes into their lives can be meaningful. The Lord has not wasted even one thing. To understand the Lord's purpose, is to see very clearly that He is aiming at a single objective: the destroying or breaking of the outward man.
However, too many, even before the Lord raises a hand, are already upset. Oh, we must realize that all the experiences, troubles and trials which the Lord sends us are for our highest good. We cannot expect the Lord to give better things, for these are His best. Should one approach the Lord and pray, saying, "Oh, Lord, please let me choose the best?" I believe the Lord would tell him, "What I have given you is the best; your daily trials are for your greatest profit." So the motive behind all the orderings of God is to destroy our outward man. Once this occurs and the spirit can come forth, we begin to be able to exercise our spirit.
Gods timing in this process is never ours.The Lord employs two different ways to destroy our outward man; one is gradual, the other sudden. To some, the Lord gives a sudden destruction followed by a gradual one. With others, the Lord arranges that they have constant, daily trials, until one day He brings about large scale destruction. If it is not the sudden first and then the gradual, then it is the gradual followed by the sudden. It would seem the Lord usually spends several years upon us before He can accomplish this work of destruction.
The timing is in His hand. We cannot shorten the time, though we certainly can prolong it. In some lives the Lord is able to accomplish this work after a few years of dealing; in others it is evident that after ten or twenty years the work is still unfinished. This is most serious! Nothing is more grievous than wasting God's time. How often the Church is hindered ! We can preach by using our mind, we can stir others by using our emotions, yet if we do not know how to use our spirit, the Spirit of God cannot touch people through us. The loss is great, should we needlessly prolong the time.
end ch1
Part 2
The Training Years
Scientology? Yes, I have heard of it.. I told the voice on the phone...What has Scientology have to do with Army OP's? I asked. The voice continued briefly I listened, not really clear why I was being tapped to start my civilian Army reserve status with this kind of assignment.
I was only home from being discharged from the U.S. Army for less than six months and thought I would have more time before called up to do some more "black OP's" (clandestine operations) for the Alphabet outfit that recruited me while in Panama. (Alphabet...CIA, DIA,DEA etc...)
The deal was, I would be released early so that I could address my medical issues from the "Jungle Fever" that I got in Central America. I was involved with the secret training and support for the Chilean overthrow of the dictator Allende.
Though just used as 'muscle' for my 'sniper expertise'...I was enlisted for later service so they could keep an eye on me. When hospitalized for the fever after the "Chilean affair" and another secret op, I was talking out loud in my delirium, and drew their unwanted attention. After they looked closer at my file and liked what they saw concerning my training in counter-insurgency, I was later recruited.
Because of my martial arts and eastern philosophy experience, they thought I was the "right guy" for the Scientology assignment. They gave me the name and business address of the person who would get me in the door, and he did, And HELL Followed...
Within two months just like my handler predicted, I had been recruited by Scientology's "Guardian Office"...their secret and most powerful office in Scientology, headed By L.Ron Hubbards wife, Mary Sue Hubbard.
I was hired to be an Assistant Guardian of Public Relations, sort of like an Assistant U.S. Attorney is to the U.S. Attorney, AG's were placed at Church of Scientology Orgs (Main area official church verses a 'Mission' that is franchised.) My official staus was conditional and permanent after required Scientology "Auditing."And I also was the Northern California Director for the National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice (NCLE) a Scientology branch 501-c3 for the purpose of exposing Interpol and other police abusive activities. And of course to show Scientology's concern for Civil Liberties, helping their image with other groups I also worked with behind the scenes.
Obama's executive order giving INTERPOL unlimited access to U.S. law enforcement files and immunity from prosecution ought to scare the devil out of anyone who knows INTERPOL's history, and the fact that they are the "EU's" (European Union) 21st century "Gestapo".
Not subject to "Freedom of Information Act" nor court order and lawsuits.
When Nazi Germany took over "The International Police of Chiefs Organization" and formed Interpol, it's secret files with damaging evidence both true and false against leaders in the countries they soon took over by blackmailing and 'turning' their victims into double agents... and this is how the IRS/INTERPOL tandem infiltrated THE Church of Scientology (CoS).
For Immediate Release Contact: 851-7922
Rev. Heber C. Jentzsch
Heber Jentzsch, Regional Director
Karen Leventhal, Executive Assistant
John Mettle, Activities Director
Nick McNaughton, Los Angeles Representative
Polly Hertz, Special Projects
by the National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is the last fortress of protection for several hundred Nazis still living in the United States. Many of these war criminals escaped to the United States and found asylum in the very country where millions gave their lives to prevent such an atrocity. Some of those protected Nazis live here in Southern California. In an exclusive interview with the head of immigration for the Region Joseph Surack, a rather bizarre picture of Nazi protection develops.
Against the background of this interview one must examine what has been happening in Southern California for some years. The mounted battle against "Illegal aliens" if they are Mexican has been one of heated concern by some of the more conservative press. INS his attacked the area of illegal aliens and rounded
National Chairman Jeff Friedman Director of Research -- Vaughn Young
1551 N. La Brea, # 108, Hollywood, CA 90028 (213) 851-7923
New York, Washington, DC, San Francisco Detroit, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego, Boston, Portland, St. Louis Minneapolis, Las Vegas
The News American
Baltimore Maryland
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1975 VOL. 202-NO. 206
The Nazi Connection Part I
Interpol, with Ties to Reich, Gets Data on Americans
* First of three parts.
American law enforcement organizations - including Baltimore police - regularly provide top-secret information to a private international police agency whose top leaders, since World War II, have been former ranking officers in the German Gestapo and the Nazi SS. That information is contained in recently declassified U.S. and German documents about Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization.)
Interpol's president during the early war years was Rein hard Heydrich, who on Jan. 20, 1942, convened the meeting at which 15 top-ranking Nazis worked out the "final solution to the Jewish problem": mass execution.
The meeting was held at Interpol headquarters.
Its president from 1968 to 1971 (and German representative until 1973) was Paul Dickopf who, until he fled Germany when he apparently sensed the tide of victory turning, was SS officer 337259.
Interpol today, and historically, refuses to help search for wanted Nazi war criminals. Between Heydrich and Dickopf, records show Interpol'. top leadership included high ranking members and former members of the Third Reich.
Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies haw freely and regularly, exchanged confidential information with Interpol since 1947 by means of electronic communication links and exchange of personnel.
All of that information goes into Interpol's extensive in formation center and is also passed on to any of about 120 foreign countries.
Though it is a private agency officially attached to no particular government, Interpol receives direct funding from the U.S. Treasury Dept. and has its U.S. offices in the Treasury Building. Treasury Secretary William Simon said last week that no information can reach foreign hands through Interpol that would endanger either U.S. security or individual privacy. He said Interpol does not have direct access to highly confidential FBI records, but does have indirect access. Either directly or through the Treasury Dept., Interpol works with the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, Secret Service, Customs and other federal agencies.
It has access to the FBI's vast National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
And, as one government spokesman taking a hard look at Interpol said last week, "If everything the FBI has is in its NCIC computer and Interpol links with that, then the whole world has this information."
Interpol works directly with local police throughout the United States.
"We've done a considerable amount of work with the Baltimore Police Department," Louis Sims, Interpol's chief of American operations, remarked. "We do a lot of work with local police all over the country."
Col. Joseph Carroll, chief of detectives for Baltimore police, said he has given "sporadic" information to Interpol. No member of the police Inspectional Services Division (ISD), the police intelligence unit, would comment on any connection with Interpol.
Thomas Farrow, agent in charge of the FBI's Baltimore office, said he has exchanged information with Interpol, and
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Sunday, March 16, 1975 THE NEWS AMERICAN
Continued from Page lA
Paul Kramer, deputy U.S attorney here, said his office gave Interpol information on at least one occasion - to try to track down convicted gambler Julius (Lord) Salsbury. No law enforcement person contacted in Baltimore conceded any knowledge of the lnterpol-Nazi connection.
And, while lnterpol chief Sims was quick to point out his agency's ties with U.S. organizations, he was unwilling to admit any links with the Third Reich.
Asked about Heydrich, the wartime Interpol chief, Sims said, "I've never heard the name before." Asked about Dickopf, who died in 1973 after heading lnterpol for four years, Sims said, "He was a German citizen who didn't desire to serve in the SS and fled to Switzerland."
But Dickopf, Sims admitted, joined the SS in 1938. His "desire not to serve" was not manifested until he fled four years later, when a number of Nazi leaders began to desert. Sims added, "Anyway, lnterpol didn't really exist luring the war."
That remark is consistent with repeated lnterpol testimony before Congress, when agency officials have claimed Interpol went out of business during World War 11, only to resurface thereafter.
But documents provided to Sen. Joseph Montoya's Treasury subcommittee by the Church of Scientology's National Commission on , Law Enforcement and Social Justice indicate exactly the opposite.
Because of those documents, Montoya a New Mexico Democrat, will hear testimony later this spring on the lnterpol-Nazi connection, and Rep. Edward Beard, D-R.I., last week called for a U.S. General Accounting Office investigation of Interpol.
A June 1962 Interpol document marked "strictly confidential" states that the agency "since 1940 had been run by the German chief of security police, (Reinhard) Heydrich."
Heydrich took office several months after Interpol's 1939 convention in Berlin, an affair sponsored - according to another Interpol document - by "the SS and chief of the German police Heinrich Himmler." Heydrich was assassinated in 1942, but until then, as Interpol president, he:
* Convened the meeting of 15 top Nazi leaders at Interpol headquarters in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee where, during a four-hour meeting, the "final solution to the Jewish problem" was mapped out: deportation to the east, forced labor and mass execution.. (Among those present at the meeting was Adolph Eichmann, to whom much of the "final solution" work fell:)
Ordered the "Kristallnacht" in November 1938 - the burning and destruction of Jewish synagogues in Germany and Austria.
As SS officer, Heydrich headed the "elite of the elite" intelligence service. When he was assassinated in 1942, more than 2 million Poles were killed in retribution. Heydrich was immediately succeeded as Interpol president by Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, whose photograph - in Gestapo chief uniform - graced the June 10, 1943 issue of Interpol's publication, "Internationale Kriminalpolizei.
Kaltenbrunner, an intimate of Eichmann and one of the earliest members of the Gestapo, was hanged at Nurenberg in 1946 for major war crimes.
(lnterpol chief Sims said last week he had "never heard" of Kaltenbrunner., Nor would he comment on publication of Interpol's magazine throughout the war years - when the agency supposedly did not exist.)
Other Third Reich leaders also were involved with Interpol. ' The "strictly confidential" 1962 lnterpol document says that' Arthur Nebe, "head of the Kriminalpolizei of the Reich," headed Interpol's International Bureau during the war. Nebe, believed still at large, directed one of the "mobile killing units" and assisted in Nazi "medical experiments" during the war. F.E. Louwage, who served on the Nazi Interpol staff under Kaltenbrunner, was Interpol president from 1946 to 1956.
During that time, he ran the Interpol offices from funds left over from wartime Interpol efforts.
But Interpol finances improved dramatically in 1968, when former SS officer Dickopf was elected president.
Interpol acknowledged, in its international publication, that "exceptional contributions" were made by unnamed persons in Switzerland, Venezuela and Brazil - reputed hideouts of former Nazis. Interpol chief Sims described his agency last week as "a middleman between overseas and U.S. agencies who want to exchange information - .-We deal with any American state, local or federal agency with a law enforcement function."
As part of that function, personnel from such U.S. agencies as the Secret Service, Customs, Drug Enforcement Agency and Alcohol, Tax and Firearms help staff Interpol's American offices.
The News American
MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1975 VOL. 202-NO. 207
The Nazi Connection -- Part 2
Hoover Secretly Attended Meeting
* This is the second of three articles on Interpol, the international police agency whose staff includes prominent ex-Nazis.
The late FBI Director J Edgar Hoover established American law enforcement': Nazi Connection almost 30 years ago - by going behind the back of his own government. Hoover's actions are spelled out in recently declassified American and German documents about Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization.)
Documents show that former Secretary of State Dean Acheson warned of Interpol's "Nazi domination" and that a spokesman for former U, S. Atty. Gen. Tom Clark offered a "studied recommendation" that America not unite with Interpol after World War II.
But Hoover secretly attended Interpol's 1946 convention, was elected vice president of the agency, and the United States was inextricably entwined with the organization whose top officials since the war - and at least until 1973 - have been men who were leaders of the German Gestapo and the Nazi SS.
As reported in The Sunday News American, Interpol is a private police agency that receives top-secret information from federal, state and local law enforcement agencies - including Baltimore police.
Yet its history is marked by these names and events:
* Its president from 1968 to 1971 (and German representative until 1973) was Paul Dickopf, who until he fled Germany after four years in the German Security Guards was SS officer 337259.
Its president during the early war years was Reinhard Heydrich, head of the intelligence service of the SS, who on Jan. 20, 1942 - summoned 15 top Nazis to Interpol headquarters, where the "final solution to the Jewish problem" - mass execution - was worked out.
* When Heydrich was assassinated several months after the conference, he was succeeded as Interpol president by Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, a Gestapo chief who was later hanged at Nurenberg for war crimes.
* Arthur Nebe, director of a German "mobile killing unit" and assistant in Nazi "medical experiments," headed Interpol's International Bureau during the war.
* F. E. Louwage, who served on the Nazi Interpol staff under Kaltenbrunner, was Interpol president from 1946 to 1956 and had J. Edgar Hoover as his vice president from 1946 to 1950, when an apparently furious Hoover pulled the FBI out of its direct link with Interpol. Under Louwage, an invitation was extended to the United States in May 1946 to join Interpol at its annual convention - with an obvious eye toward America's resuming the membership it had dropped during the war years.
But Acting Secretary of State Acheson, who received the invitation, immediately sent a memo to the Justice Dept. asking for advice, and adding:
"We assume this is same organization founded Vienna 1923, taken under Nazi domination 1938 and headquarters removed Berlin, at which time U.S. ceased relationship." A Dept. of State confidential memo signed "Kirk" followed quickly, confirming Interpol's background.
Immediately thereafter, a spokesman for U. S. Atty. Gen. Tom Clark followed with a memo flatly stating: "It is my studied recommendation that no represenative of the government of the United States be designated. to attend this meeting.
One year later, Acheson and Clark found that behind their backs Hoover had attended the meeting and had been elected vice president.
That information was transmitted to Acheson from the French Embassy in Washington, which extended invitations to that year's convention on behalf of Interpol. The memo notes:
"The Dept. of State will recall that the American delegate to the (Interpol) conference in 1946 was Mr. J. E. Hoover, chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington."
Followup memos from Acheson and Clark indicate a
Continued from Page IA
sudden change of heart over Interpol with Acheson noting the agency "has been reconstituted." Clark added in a memo that Hoover had been elected vice president and, as such, "steps were taken (by Hoover) to make the FBI an official member of (Interpol)."
Thus was the United States entwined with the Nazi-dominated Interpol.
And the matter of Interpol's Nazi domination was never again brought to attention - until documents were presented to Sen. Joseph Montoya's Treasury subcommittee (which helps fund Interpol) by the Church of Scientology's National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice.
The Treasury Dept. became the Interpol hookup, in 1950, when Hoover suddenly pulled the FBI out.
At the close of the war, some Communist countries - which, to this day, as member nations, receive American information through Interpol - joined the Interpol network. One of them, Czechoslovakia, used Interpol in 1950 to track down a group of refugees who had fled to West Germany.
When Hoover learned of it, he immediately pulled the FBI out and, when Louwage flew to Washington to plead with him to rejoin, Hoover refused.
Official explanation fox the FBI's pullout was given only as "special reasons," and it was left to the Treasury Dept. to continue America's Interpol relationship.
As part of that relationship,. U. S. law enforcement agencies regularly provide Interpol - and up to about 120 foreign police organizations - secret information.
Interpol has access to the FBI's vast National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
Because of its history - and today's questionable ties Sen. Montoya, D-N. Mex., will hold hearings this spring on Interpol, and Rep. Edward Beard, D-R. I., has called for a U. S. General Accounting Office investigation of Interpol. . ... TUESDAY: lnterpol 1975.
The News American
VOL. 202-N0. 208
The Nazi Connection Part III
Interpol Follows Jews, Ignores Their Killers
This is the last of three articles on Interpol, the private international police agency, and its affiliation with former Nazis, Gestapo members and SS agents. Baltimore is among the cities contributing to Interpol's information center.
By MICHAEL OLESKER Staff Reporter - Interpol, the private international police agency, won't lift a finger to track down Nazi war criminals.
But its files are filled with information on Jews it suspects of crimes.
The agency blames "the rules" for not tracking down Nazis - but, Interpol itself drew up those rules.
Interpol acts as a middleman for 120 countries that cooperate in tracking down persons wanted by police. But it has historically refused to cooperate in any effort to track down Nazi war criminals, saying its own charter does not allow it to do so. Its charter has not stopped it from making overt religious remarks in International Criminal Police Review, the agency's publication.
"Jewish offenders have a preference for offenses which require the use of craftiness," Interpol official Paul Marabuto wrote in the publication in April 1950.
"That explains why Interpol . . . has so many Jewish names in its files," he added. Those remarks, and the agency's unflinching refusal to pursue Nazi war criminals, are not terribly surprising, though, considering the agency's background.
Its president from 1968 to 1971 was Paul Dickopf, who until he fled Germany after four years in the Security Guards was SS officer 337259.
Its president during the early war years was Reinhard Heydrich, head of the elite intelligence service of the SS, who on Jan. 20, 1942 summoned 15 top Nazis to Interpol headquarters, where the "final solution to the Jewish problem" - mass execution - was plotted. Between Heydrich and Dickopf, recently declassified American and German documents show, Interpol's top officials included former ranking members of the German Gestapo and the Nazi SS.
Documents have recently been presented to Sen. Joseph Montoya's Treasury subcommittee - which funds Interpol - and to Rep. Edward Beard, D.R.I., who has called for a General Accounting Office investigation.
The documents were presented by the Church of Scientology's National Commission on Law Enforce. ment and Social Justice.
Montoya, a New Mexico Democrat, and Beard are apparently concerned that Interpo1 receives top-secret information from federal, state and local (including Baltimore) police and that Interpol has access to the FBI's vast National Criminal Information Center.
"We're wondering if there's been any invasion of privacy," a Treasury subcommittee spokesman said last week. "Who is getting all of this information? What does the U.S. get in return? And how much information does Interpol get?
"And then there's the problem of its Nazi connections. Is Interpol a haven for Nazis? We're going to ask some very pointed questions."
Beard spokesman Morton Blender, who coincidentally covered the trial of Adolph Eichmann 14 years ago, said he was told:
"The whole idea of the Germans with Interpol was to make a Europe-wide police force, the core of which was the Nazis. It would be the Gestapo of the whole world, a secret police."
Treasury officials rejected the criticism, however, defending Interpol as a valuable mechanism for tracking down international criminal suspects.
In a statement to Sen. [missing letters]inued from Page 1A [missing letters] toya, Treasury Secretary William E. Simon said last week that Interpol's operations were discontinued during the war and that member countries rejoined only in 1956.
That coincides with the official Interpol line, but does not hold up with newly declassified war documents.
Simon denied that Interpol has direct access to the FBI information center, saying that any requests for information must first be run through the U.S. National Central Bureau. That, Simon indicated, assures that no information can reach foreign hands that would endanger individual privacy or American security.
Simon listed about a dozen cases in which U.S. police' took advantage of Interpol, and about a half-dozen cases in which foreign police did likewise.
The cases, which took place within the past few years, involve such matters as murder, drug trafficking, deportation and illegal passports.
None concerned pursuit of Nazi war criminals.
The Interpol charter says the agency does not pursue "political" criminals, prompting a Washington critic to say last week, "What they're saying is that genocide is political." Interpol's stance on nonpursuit of Nazis prompted the American Jewish Congress to charge the agency with lending "an unexpected sense of safety" to such criminals in .hiding. Yet Interpol is recognized by the United Nations as a legitimate (though private) intergovernmental organization.
As Simon said last week, "This special arrangement gives both organizations broad opportunities to take part in discussions on matters of common interest."
The UN link - established in 1971 - gave Interpol something else - added credibility. For an organizations whose roots were planted - and flourished - in Nazi Germany, that was a major step forward.
End of series.
Scientology by Scientology allies....note: I never bought into the reincarnation-space race cosmology...Steven Masone
L. Ron Hubbard started Scientology in the 1950s and almost immediately there was a campaign put in place to discredit it. The reason for this opposition was, according to Hubbard, due to Scientology's opposition to psychiatric practices i.e., the use of psycho-surgery (lobotomy and electric-shock), psychotropic drugs, psychopolitics - and exposure of different mind control methods.
"Psychiatry and Mental Health were chosen as a vehicle to undermine and destroy the west! and we [Scientology] stood in their way.... They have infiltrated boards of education, the armed services, even the churches." -- L. Ron Hubbard
Secret societies and their power in the 20th Century
by Jan van Helsing
(excerpt from book, pages164-6)
L.Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology
"Another personality with an interesting background is now deceased L.Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Scientology church. Since this book here is dealing with background knowledge, perhaps we should look at the background of L.Ron Hubbard whose organisation is really victimised in public.
In the early days of MK ULTRA, the consciousness control program in the US, the former naval officer Hubbard had researched the mechanism of human thinking, knowing about what secretly went on in the Navy. After refusing to comply with government research and to joint he control psychiatrists, he published the book DIANETICS -- the Modern Science of Mental Health. The book proclaimed mental freedom and integrity as the birth right of humanity. The book made the bestseller lists and Hubbard's "auditing techniques" were described as very successful. Some of the processes that Hubbard offered to reach mental freedom were secretly used by the government to try and enslave the people. Other techniques described by Hubbard were indeed antidotes to the MK ULTRA methods of consciousness control.
And from then on this was taught in the Scientology Church, from the grade OT3 in the hierarchy upwards. You think this is nonsense? Then read the following sentences carefully! If this was nonsensical, nothing more would have happened besides some ridiculing and sneering. But you will always recognise by the severity something is treated whether it is in somebody's way.
Church of Scientology's Psycho Politics
"The monologue "Psycho Politics" from the Church of Scientology is probably the best monograph available to bring you up to date with the way mass mind control agents, like Aspartame and the psychology/ psychiatric power structures are being used to control political dissident in our country, and also documents its roots in modern times. "
-- Dr James Bowen MD, Author of the monologue, Aspartame - mind control drug
Scientology - exposing mind control drugs
Hubbard (Scientology) Human Detoxification from the effects of living in our polluted environment -- By Karl Loren
"It is your AWARENESS that is attacked by these chemical pollutants -- not your heart or liver. When your awareness goes down, you are much more likely to become a criminal, and more prone to accept false information. You are in some form of a hypnotic state -- ready for anyone to command your actions."
Scientology exposed MK Ultra
The Guardian's Office played a part in the exposure of "MK Ultra," a long-running and terrifying series of experiments in mind-control funded by Canadian, British and U.S. Intelligence Agencies.
What do Scientologists believe?
The Creed of the Church of Scientology
The Creed of the Church of Scientology was written by L. Ron Hubbard shortly after the Church was formed in Los Angeles on February 18, 1954. After he issued this creed from his office in Phoenix, Arizona, the Church of Scientology adopted it as official because it succinctly states what Scientologists believe.
We of the Church believe:
That all men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own lives;
That all men have inalienable rights to their sanity;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own defense;
That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations, churches and governments;
That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others;
That all men have inalienable rights to the creation of their own kind;
That the souls of men have the rights of men;
That the study of the mind and the healing of mentally caused ills should not be alienated from religion or condoned in non-religious fields;
And that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.
And we of the Church believe:
That man is basically good;
That he is seeking to survive;
That his survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.
And we of the Church believe that the laws of God forbid man:
To destroy his own kind;
To destroy the sanity of another;
To destroy or enslave another's soul;
To destroy or reduce the survival of one's companions or one's group.
And we of the Church believe that the spirit can be saved and that the spirit alone may save or heal the body.
Available at:
Do they imagine themselves "gods on earth?" Do they teach that extraterrestrial beings from outer
space seeded mankind on this planet...and are soon coming back to rule
over us?
Yes they do have an interesting cosmology, just like other religions, particularly those that believe the universe was created in less than a fortnight.
Why did the IRS approve Scientology as a 501(c)3 tax exempt Church?
Why not?
Do the CIA and FBI secretly run the Church of Scientology?
Probably, there is evidence to suggest this:
Could a person be risking his very life by joining this cult?
A person risks his life by joining any cult or sect directly influenced by the CIA. A prime example is the Peoples Temple.
Personally, I find a belief in the State to be the, "world's most dangerous religion."
Conspiracy against Scientology
Why infiltrate and discredit an organisation unless there's something to be kept hidden?
The last corporate entity to practice the subject of Scientology was the Church of Scientology of California. In the early 1980’s a group of conspirators took over the Church. The conspirators dismantled the Church of Scientology of California and replaced it with three new corporations
Church of Spiritual Technology - CST
Religious Technology Center - RTC
Church of Scientology International - CSI
The above three corporate entities market the "Scientology Religion".
The way this is accomplished is that CSI alters, deletes, and fabricates LRH issues such as LRH HCOBs, books, and tapes. RTC then approves these alterations, deletions, and fabrications made to LRH issues by CSI. CST then accepts the "based on the works of LRH" issues and archives them in underground storage vaults "for future generations."
The above three corporate entities are co-conspirators in a fraud being perpetrated on the paying Scientology public. The executives of these corporations and Church promo make the false statement to the paying Scientology public that what they are purchasing and receiving is "pure, unadulterated LRH technology". They make this fraudulent statement while knowing full well that they have made thousands of alterations, deletions, and fabrications to LRH issues.
This Scientology evaluation involves -
Ending an era of false Scientology
False Scientology began in the 1980s and involved perverting and corrupting the true teachings of L. Ron Hubbard by -
Intentional misapplication of ethics or tech or policy that send a being down tone.
False Scientology is also called Reverse Scientology or Black Scientology.
The evaluation aims to re-establish true Scientology as taught by LRH.
Preliminary Statement
By Steven E. Masone Revelation 6:8 "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
Part 1.
My first seven years as a "born again" believer and young minister of the Gospel began with incredible hope and vision to be used of God. It was the fall of 1993 when after two years of evangelizing in northern California, I came face to face with demonic powers that both confirmed my calling, and began to bring the "Jonah" in me to the surface.

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."
I believe there is a point in every preacher's life where the reality of the immense responsibility
and the consequences of defeat will cause the preacher to desire to run from their "Nineveh" and take refuge under their 'juniper tree' from the threat of the "Jezebel/witchcraft" & demonic force arrayed against God's servants. I was at that point.
Personally I had faith for myself to stand against the "wiles" of the enemy, but when demonic involvement against my children came on the stage, I felt like Elijah fleeing to a Juniper fear gripped my heart.
All I wanted to do was take them and myself to safety away from their own mother who had become involved with witchcraft. As pastor of a small church I started in a city in northern California... I had to take a leave of absence to fight for my two small children, ages 7 & 9 a girl and boy respectively.

In my desperation to change the tide of the battle I was in with my ex-wife, I used my skills as an advertising/publicist that I had been trained in for years to find myself on the Oprah Winfrey Show to do battle before tens of million viewers. And Hell followed.....
God had been preparing me my entire life for this purpose. My earliest childhood memories began with abusive traumas and abandonment, betrayal and rejection. My father left my mother and myself and two brothers when I was 2. My only memory of him was at 4 when he visited us once for an hour. Shortly after that visit, our house caught fire and burned to the ground. My mother shortly before this scared us boys to death in a fit of rage breaking every dish and glass in the house screaming that she was leaving us and it was because we were so bad.
A year or two later she was hired as a singer/spokes-model for a TV show and soon married a drunk who began coming home in drunken stupors beating and abusing me. She and he were divorced soon but she married another drunk and he was worse. In retrospect it was almost like a personal demon had been assigned to torment and destroy me. ( "The sins of the fathers are visited upon their children unto the fourth generation.")

My great grandparents were devout believers but the church we were associated with was far from manifesting the spirit of Christ due to many doctrinal errors. My step-father talked my mother into sending my brothers and I to the Orphanage home ran by an affiliated church.
"Out of the frying pan, into the fire!" an understatement about the enormity of the abuse we three boys were subjected to as beatings and unspeakable evil was perpetrated against us...and Hell followed. Hell followed in the form of abandonment, betrayal, rejection, dysfunction, fear, shame, and these 'demons' became my keepers.
As if Satan had put up a sign..."open season" on my soul and mind, unbelievable traumatic events and supernatural deliverance from these, followed me all my days. I began an uncanny way for my age to begin understanding that my battle against these forces were not of my ability to deal with, let alone understand.

It happened when I was seven years old, I was at a friends house and I had climbed the fence and was on the roof. From a psychological understanding, this was the beginning of my "Para-suicidal risk-taking behavior. From God's Word, this was Satan trying to Kill, steal, and destroy what God has created.
I was trying to get back down from the roof, but I was not close enough to the fence for my feet to reach it and I tried to hook my left leg back up on the roof to shimmy my way back up. My foot slipped back down into the gutter of the roof and I could not it back out. I could not pull myself up
either, and I began to lose my strength in holding on.
"YES, Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me..the Bible tells me so." Whatever amount of time it was that I spent in Sunday school and church by this time, I do not recall, but I absolutely recall that I believed in him, and loved him, and that he loved me! As I was ready to lose my hold and fall with my foot stuck in that gutter, I knew how hurt I was going to get, including the fact that I could die.
I began crying and calling out to God to save me. I remember this event crystal clear, and I said these words to God; "God, if you will save me, I promise I will serve you forever and do whatever you want me to do, just please help me!" I began to slip down off the roof and a 'peace' came over me as I expected to first feel my foot being snapped in two, but as I came to myself I was standing on the ground, knowing that God supernaturally intervened in my life...and Hell followed...

My first experience in doing battle with demonic forces was in 1989 when I took over a small church in Oroville California. I organized the few parishioners who were left by the last pastor to go out into the neighborhood to pass out fliers when we came to a house down the street. As we approached the house I heard a scream from the side of the house and out came this disheveled old man acting crazy and screaming obscenities and threatening us with a rake. I sensed immediately an evil presence and commanded "come out of him in the Name of Jesus! Not only did the demon come out and loose that man, there was a flock of chickens in the street that the demons went into, and it looked like an explosion of chicken feathers as these chickens disappeared... along with the saints that 'were' with me! I knew at this point I was in for a different ministry that my Bible college classes had not prepared me for...And Hell Followed.
Then came the rest of the gifts of the Spirit into my ministry. In retrospect, I can remember some of the nine gifts of 1st Corinthians operating spontaneously in response to my "new convert/childlike faith." Faith can literally move mountains of 'the impossible' and fill 'valleys of dark shadows' to those who believe. Perhaps because I believed through 'necessity' of my experience, the truth of Ephesians 6:12...that I "desired the best gifts"....all of them!
I remember a visitation from a dark form when I was 4 or 5 years old. I sensed that it was a male figure that stood over me as I was in bed. My mother at that time had no boyfriends or male acquaintances that it could have been. This to my understanding was not a friendly visitation as a fear gripped me as I shut my eyes when it would not stop from hovering over me, just staring at me, and I prayed. Finally it was gone and from that time forward I seemed to have an extra sense of discernment. After being born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, that primitive discernment began increasing tremendously.
While I had several supernatural experiences as a young man, it was not until I was grounded in the bible that I could look back in retrospect and see how my path had been ordained for my training and edification.
On the plane to Chicago to appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1993, I began to understand in the "Spirit" how wicked and evil my ex-wife had become. A friend of hers told me she had taken out a contract on me by a 'rogue' sheriff's deputy involved in her satanic coven of 'witches and perverts' that had already planted drugs and other evidence in my house that I had previously discovered, that could be used against me in the custody battle. I handled the contract by getting help from one of the deputy Chiefs, a friend who was in homicide, and he put out the word he knew of the plot and would turn the department inside out looking for anyone connected to my ex-wife if I was hit.
The first Judge I went before to get custody, gave me a temporary restraining order against my ex-wife to cease from subjecting my daughter to second hand cigarette smoke. My daughter had developed serious asthma problems from the exposure and had to be on a 'pulmonary' breathing machine to deliver her asthma medication in the strength she needed. But she kept smoking in the car and everywhere around my daughter in defiance of the order, and my daughter kept having attacks that landed her in the emergency room frequently. The mother was an RN and was part of the smokers group that denied the dangers of second hand smoke exposure.
So I had my daughter's doctor do labs on her and we sent samples to the World's foremost authority in the field and he found the levels of nicotine in my seven year old's system was the equivalent of a 9-12 cigarette a day smoker.
The back and forth custody battle began to take it's toll on my spiritual condition and I began to sense the effect it was having was transposed to those I ministered to. I was aware of the spiritual warfare against "witchcraft" because of my ex-wife and her coven. This was not rocket science! When I began to understand and see this same spirit in "The Church" disguised and in the "high places" of ministry, I found myself isolated and in shock, how subtle and insidious the spirit of "Jezebel" had taken her throne across the ministry of the church.
God had given my little congregation the beginning of great revival. With only about twenty faithful, I obeyed the voice of God and began bringing 30-40 people from the homeless shelter to special services where we also fed them hot meals while the Spirit of God worked salvation and miracles in a mighty way. Blind eyes were opened, broken legs healed, devils cast out and souls were obeying the gospel. We were seeing more souls baptized every week than all of our affiliated churches in the area where thousands attended.
A Jezebel spirit hates her throne threatened by God's prophets. In the Church, the Jezebel spirit will allow anointed ministries that come through and add to her kingdom, for she is in control and takes the credit and glory for all that God is and does.
The Jezebel spirit is resident in men and women, but the 'model' is always in an Ahab-Jezebel tandem rule. While a pastor or minister may be like an Ahab, blind to his wife's ambition for herself and her offspring's continuance of the "dynasty"...she is the true head. And any threat that another man or woman of God will have any success, plant a 'Na-both's vineyard'... she will use her powers to turn her Ahab against them and send out the false accusations against God's anointed, to 'kill, steal, and destroy.
While God was giving me experience with the overt assaults of witchcraft through my ex-wife and her minions, he was also revealing to me the enemy within the ministry of his church. As Elijah went to Mt. Carmel to defeat Jezebel's false prophets, we see a spiritual warfare tactic in that until Jezebel is thrown down by her own "eunuchs" ( the true ministry that she has emasculated) a 'Jehu' ("Jehovah-is my strength") must preach to them asking "who is on my side?" (God's side)
While I see the parallel in retrospect, I certainly did not want to believe that men of God were not hearing from the Spirit of God but rather "Jezebel." Because of the victories God had given at my little church, I was being ostracized by the tongues of Jezebel. Every Jezebel who sits on the throne, will have her messengers and false accusers do the dirty work like Ahab's Jezebel paid the accusers of Na-both and brought his death.
Instead of having a place of refuge and 'safety in the multitude of council'...a Jezebel will drive away those who are able to discern her true spirit whether thy actually are conscious of Jezebel's position, she will know those anointed that may eventually expose her. Jezebel served Baal, and believed she was doing her god's will.
Between the fight against the spirit of witchcraft using my ex-wife, and Jezebel in the ministry which was connected to the headship for my accountability, I resigned my church and went full time in the battle to save my children from their dangerous environment... And Hell followed!
Jezebel has her minions cooperating inside and outside the church. After obtaining a restraining order to protect my daughter from the second hand smoking of her mother, our case ended up in another court. The Judge was a woman who immediately let her anti-God sentiments known. She especially hated preachers and the usual custody accusations of how I deprived my children "worldly entertainment" etc...She was a Jezebel in"secular authority" position as many are. Just like there will be a "Political Beast" and a "Religious Beast" ( Mystery Babylon the great Mother of Harlots) these too will be used by the enemy to destroy men of God.
But God is always on time and a friend who was also in a custody case in this same court, told me that he was in a men's support group and our bailiff was there and confessed he and the Judge were committing adultery together. The Bailiff knew one of my ex-wife's cop friends and obviously 'pillow talking" with the Judge, promoting my ex-wife's cause.
So armed with this and medical proof showing my asthmatic daughter had high levels of cotinine, I sent out press releases and called friends in the media to bring attention to the findings which were done through the world's top expert, settling the second hand smoke issue, that in fact exposure to second hand smoke is damaging. And through the court systems back channels, I would reveal the 'affair' unless she ( the Judge) did the right thing.
The response to my press release was more than I expected as on the day of the hearing where I presented the medical proof, every media news organization it seemed, showed up. The Judge took custody away from my ex-wife and temporary custody to my mother until a "Guardian ad litum" (attorney) for my daughter could be appointed and final decision made, which eventually was in my favor.
In the mean time, international media frenzy took the story to the Oprah Winfrey show, Time Magazine, Inside Edition, BBC Special, and front page in all the dailies and radio talk shows all over the world... for it was a 'landmark' legal case.
I had aligned myself with" Parents Against Second hand Smoke", (PASS) and agreed to appear on the Oprah show to help educate millions about the dangers of second hand smoke and also put smokers in custody battles on notice that they could lose if they don't stop exposing their children to it.
Home Smoke-Free Home
By Andrea Sachs;Elizabeth Brack Mullen/San Francisco Monday, Oct. 25, 1993
Steven Masone hasn't lived with ex-wife Susan Tanner for seven years, but he still can't get over one of her habits: chain smoking. It bothers him because it bothers their daughter Elysa, 8, who suffers from asthma. Masone, a minister in Stockton, California, worries that Tanner is aggravating Elysa's condition by lighting up around her. He even got a court order five years ago, barring Tanner from smoking in Elysa's presence. But Tanner's puffing -- and Masone's huffing -- continued. Finally, after Elysa had an asthma attack this month, a doctor said the child would end up in an emergency room if things ! didn't change. Frantic, Masone went back to court. Last week, in a ground- breaking decision, a county judge gave temporary custody of Elysa to Masone's mother, ruling that Tanner's smoking was endangering her daughter's health.
It's not unusual for courts to rescue children from their own homes, but their parents are usually charged with gross neglect or abuse. Tanner, who plans to appeal, is losing her daughter for doing something that is perfectly legal, even if it is frowned upon by the Surgeon General. Hers is one of a growing number of cases, mainly involving children in divorce custody suits, in which judges have prohibited parents from smoking around kids who are sensitive to tobacco. Legal Times reported this month that courts in at least 11 states have dealt with the issue, almost always siding with the nonsmoking parent.
The legal actions herald a major new offensive by America's antismoking forces. Their campaign, having stormed through airplane cabins, office buildings and restaurants, is moving into the home. "Parents exposing their children to secondhand smoke is the most common form of child abuse in America," argues attorney John F. Banzhaf III, the executive director of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). Banzhaf, a longtime foe of the tobacco industry and mastermind of the child-protection strategy, got a major boost in January, when an Environmental Protection Agency report concluded that secondhand smoke causes 3,000 American adults to die of lung cancer each year. The study also blamed proximity to smoking for hundreds of thousands of cases of childhood respiratory illnesses, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma.
The tobacco industry, which sued the EPA over the report, disputes the court judgments against smoking parents, arguing that the case against secondhand smoke hasn't been proved. In fact, some prominent scientists, including epidemiology expert Alvan Feinstein of the Yale medical school, believe the EPA may have overstated the evidence in its study. Nonetheless, most health researchers agree it is prudent to keep
Read more:,9171,979461,00.html#ixz...
Of course my ex-wife was also invited on Oprah and later I found out that she (ex-wife) and her coven alerted every coven of witches they could connect to... to watch the show so they could see me and curse me and pray against me.They did! And hell followed.....
Without getting into the 'why' of God letting these curses have effect, other than for my training and learning to battle these forces of darkness, my body and mind came under savage attack that has given me spiritual insight and power against the same. (a spiritual anti-venom serum) It has been said, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
Heart attack, kidney failure, anxiety disorder just to name a few of my battles over the next few years was my lot as God in his omniscience, prepared me for this ministry. The Jezebel in the church is "Mystery Babylon The Great, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth..." Over...and in the Church!
She is the embodiment of "the Apostasy" that began post- apostolic early church, right after the Apostles laid their foundation. The Emperors and all the other "Ahab's" wanted the vineyard Christ planted by his Death, Burial and Resurrection. And unless every house, every ministry, every church, every church organization or fellowship, according to scripture has a true anointed prophet whom God speaks to mouth to mouth, and understands spiritual warfare against the Jezebel spirit of this hour, who we see at the Church of Thyatira, Rev.2:18-29 ...they will have "another Jesus."
We know we wrestle against principalities and powers of satanic influence, these principalities manifest continually in those where prideful ambition rebels against the humility of holiness. And rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. "Giving place to the devil" is not to exclude pride, ambition, controlling spirits in ministry.
As rebellion in the heart of Eve allowed the serpent entrance to her mind, rebellion in the hearts of men and women is simply "pride " in action. When ambitious men and women use their will to control and manipulate others, for their kingdom, this is witchcraft.
In this end-time age, saints will fall to the influence of the "spirit of "mystery Babylon" as never before as the Holy Ghost is allowing all scripture to be fulfilled. It was almost as if God was crash course training me against this spirit in a microcosm in my ex-wife's personification of that evil.
The spirit of Jezebel, while identified in female gender, is not exclusive to women only as king Saul in his Rebellion was of the "sin of witchcraft." So much so that he sought out the witch of Endor to "necromance" the prophet Samuel. "Familiar spirits" as scripture tells us were like the "evil spirits" David chased away with his harp, and are also sent to lead the rebellious heart to deeper depths of demonic involvement.
When the woman usurps authority over the man, it is the same rebellion that king Saul committed that opens the door to satanic control. Saul, usurped the prophet priest's authority in his unlawful act that cost him his throne.
Only a Jehu, ( strength of Jehovah) can bring down this spirit.
Can we see man (Adam) turning over his authority to the serpent by "spiritual emasculation" through " Mystery Babylon" the seducing spirit that prevails in this end-time "Laodician Church?"
We can if God's order for his church through the five fold ministry does not preach and teach divine order of these things and we have a II Chron 7:14 revival of humility. Humility is the greatest weapon we have against this foe. Holiness without humility is Pharisaical hypocrisy. (outward only)
True humility comes from dying to self. The Bible tells of the pure spikenard. God purposely used this term "pure" in His Word to show that it is truly spiritual. But if the alabaster box is not broken, the pure spikenard will not flow forth. Strange to say, many are still treasuring the alabaster box, thinking that its value exceeds that of the ointment.
Many think that their outward man is more precious than their inward man. This becomes the problem in the Church. One will treasure his cleverness, thinking he is quite important; another will treasure his own emotions, esteeming himself as an important person ; others highly regard themselves, feeling they are better than others, their eloquence surpasses that of others, their quickness of action and exactness of judgment are superior, and so forth.
However, we are not antique collectors; we are not vase admirers; we are those who desire to smell only the fragrance of the ointment. Without the breaking of the outward, the inward will not come forth. Thus individually we have no flowing out, but even the Church does not have a living way. Why then should we hold ourselves as so precious, if our outward restrains instead of releases the fragrance?
So the Treasure is in the earthen vessel, but if the earthen vessel is not broken, who can see the Treasure within? What is the final objective of the Lord's working in our lives? It is to break this earthen vessel, to break our alabaster box, to crack open our shell. The Lord longs to find a way to bless the world through those who belong to Him. Brokenness is the way of blessing, the way of fragrance, the way of fruitfulness, but it is also a path sprinkled with blood. Yes, there is blood from many wounds. When we offer ourselves to the Lord to be at His service, we cannot afford to be lenient, to spare ourselves. We must allow the Lord utterly to crack our outward man, so that He may find a way for His out working.
Each of us must find out for himself what is the mind of the Lord in his life. It is a most lamentable fact that many do not know what is the mind or intention of the Lord for their lives. How much they need for the Lord to open their eyes, to see that everything which comes into their lives can be meaningful. The Lord has not wasted even one thing. To understand the Lord's purpose, is to see very clearly that He is aiming at a single objective: the destroying or breaking of the outward man.
However, too many, even before the Lord raises a hand, are already upset. Oh, we must realize that all the experiences, troubles and trials which the Lord sends us are for our highest good. We cannot expect the Lord to give better things, for these are His best. Should one approach the Lord and pray, saying, "Oh, Lord, please let me choose the best?" I believe the Lord would tell him, "What I have given you is the best; your daily trials are for your greatest profit." So the motive behind all the orderings of God is to destroy our outward man. Once this occurs and the spirit can come forth, we begin to be able to exercise our spirit.
Gods timing in this process is never ours.The Lord employs two different ways to destroy our outward man; one is gradual, the other sudden. To some, the Lord gives a sudden destruction followed by a gradual one. With others, the Lord arranges that they have constant, daily trials, until one day He brings about large scale destruction. If it is not the sudden first and then the gradual, then it is the gradual followed by the sudden. It would seem the Lord usually spends several years upon us before He can accomplish this work of destruction.
The timing is in His hand. We cannot shorten the time, though we certainly can prolong it. In some lives the Lord is able to accomplish this work after a few years of dealing; in others it is evident that after ten or twenty years the work is still unfinished. This is most serious! Nothing is more grievous than wasting God's time. How often the Church is hindered ! We can preach by using our mind, we can stir others by using our emotions, yet if we do not know how to use our spirit, the Spirit of God cannot touch people through us. The loss is great, should we needlessly prolong the time.
end ch1
Part 2
The Training Years
Scientology? Yes, I have heard of it.. I told the voice on the phone...What has Scientology have to do with Army OP's? I asked. The voice continued briefly I listened, not really clear why I was being tapped to start my civilian Army reserve status with this kind of assignment.
I was only home from being discharged from the U.S. Army for less than six months and thought I would have more time before called up to do some more "black OP's" (clandestine operations) for the Alphabet outfit that recruited me while in Panama. (Alphabet...CIA, DIA,DEA etc...)
The deal was, I would be released early so that I could address my medical issues from the "Jungle Fever" that I got in Central America. I was involved with the secret training and support for the Chilean overthrow of the dictator Allende.
Though just used as 'muscle' for my 'sniper expertise'...I was enlisted for later service so they could keep an eye on me. When hospitalized for the fever after the "Chilean affair" and another secret op, I was talking out loud in my delirium, and drew their unwanted attention. After they looked closer at my file and liked what they saw concerning my training in counter-insurgency, I was later recruited.
Because of my martial arts and eastern philosophy experience, they thought I was the "right guy" for the Scientology assignment. They gave me the name and business address of the person who would get me in the door, and he did, And HELL Followed...
Within two months just like my handler predicted, I had been recruited by Scientology's "Guardian Office"...their secret and most powerful office in Scientology, headed By L.Ron Hubbards wife, Mary Sue Hubbard.
I was hired to be an Assistant Guardian of Public Relations, sort of like an Assistant U.S. Attorney is to the U.S. Attorney, AG's were placed at Church of Scientology Orgs (Main area official church verses a 'Mission' that is franchised.) My official staus was conditional and permanent after required Scientology "Auditing."And I also was the Northern California Director for the National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice (NCLE) a Scientology branch 501-c3 for the purpose of exposing Interpol and other police abusive activities. And of course to show Scientology's concern for Civil Liberties, helping their image with other groups I also worked with behind the scenes.
Obama's executive order giving INTERPOL unlimited access to U.S. law enforcement files and immunity from prosecution ought to scare the devil out of anyone who knows INTERPOL's history, and the fact that they are the "EU's" (European Union) 21st century "Gestapo".
Not subject to "Freedom of Information Act" nor court order and lawsuits.
When Nazi Germany took over "The International Police of Chiefs Organization" and formed Interpol, it's secret files with damaging evidence both true and false against leaders in the countries they soon took over by blackmailing and 'turning' their victims into double agents... and this is how the IRS/INTERPOL tandem infiltrated THE Church of Scientology (CoS).
For Immediate Release Contact: 851-7922
Rev. Heber C. Jentzsch
Heber Jentzsch, Regional Director
Karen Leventhal, Executive Assistant
John Mettle, Activities Director
Nick McNaughton, Los Angeles Representative
Polly Hertz, Special Projects
by the National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is the last fortress of protection for several hundred Nazis still living in the United States. Many of these war criminals escaped to the United States and found asylum in the very country where millions gave their lives to prevent such an atrocity. Some of those protected Nazis live here in Southern California. In an exclusive interview with the head of immigration for the Region Joseph Surack, a rather bizarre picture of Nazi protection develops.
Against the background of this interview one must examine what has been happening in Southern California for some years. The mounted battle against "Illegal aliens" if they are Mexican has been one of heated concern by some of the more conservative press. INS his attacked the area of illegal aliens and rounded
National Chairman Jeff Friedman Director of Research -- Vaughn Young
1551 N. La Brea, # 108, Hollywood, CA 90028 (213) 851-7923
New York, Washington, DC, San Francisco Detroit, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego, Boston, Portland, St. Louis Minneapolis, Las Vegas
The News American
Baltimore Maryland
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1975 VOL. 202-NO. 206
The Nazi Connection Part I
Interpol, with Ties to Reich, Gets Data on Americans
* First of three parts.
American law enforcement organizations - including Baltimore police - regularly provide top-secret information to a private international police agency whose top leaders, since World War II, have been former ranking officers in the German Gestapo and the Nazi SS. That information is contained in recently declassified U.S. and German documents about Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization.)
Interpol's president during the early war years was Rein hard Heydrich, who on Jan. 20, 1942, convened the meeting at which 15 top-ranking Nazis worked out the "final solution to the Jewish problem": mass execution.
The meeting was held at Interpol headquarters.
Its president from 1968 to 1971 (and German representative until 1973) was Paul Dickopf who, until he fled Germany when he apparently sensed the tide of victory turning, was SS officer 337259.
Interpol today, and historically, refuses to help search for wanted Nazi war criminals. Between Heydrich and Dickopf, records show Interpol'. top leadership included high ranking members and former members of the Third Reich.
Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies haw freely and regularly, exchanged confidential information with Interpol since 1947 by means of electronic communication links and exchange of personnel.
All of that information goes into Interpol's extensive in formation center and is also passed on to any of about 120 foreign countries.
Though it is a private agency officially attached to no particular government, Interpol receives direct funding from the U.S. Treasury Dept. and has its U.S. offices in the Treasury Building. Treasury Secretary William Simon said last week that no information can reach foreign hands through Interpol that would endanger either U.S. security or individual privacy. He said Interpol does not have direct access to highly confidential FBI records, but does have indirect access. Either directly or through the Treasury Dept., Interpol works with the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, Secret Service, Customs and other federal agencies.
It has access to the FBI's vast National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
And, as one government spokesman taking a hard look at Interpol said last week, "If everything the FBI has is in its NCIC computer and Interpol links with that, then the whole world has this information."
Interpol works directly with local police throughout the United States.
"We've done a considerable amount of work with the Baltimore Police Department," Louis Sims, Interpol's chief of American operations, remarked. "We do a lot of work with local police all over the country."
Col. Joseph Carroll, chief of detectives for Baltimore police, said he has given "sporadic" information to Interpol. No member of the police Inspectional Services Division (ISD), the police intelligence unit, would comment on any connection with Interpol.
Thomas Farrow, agent in charge of the FBI's Baltimore office, said he has exchanged information with Interpol, and
Turn to Page 6A, Col. 1
Sunday, March 16, 1975 THE NEWS AMERICAN
Continued from Page lA
Paul Kramer, deputy U.S attorney here, said his office gave Interpol information on at least one occasion - to try to track down convicted gambler Julius (Lord) Salsbury. No law enforcement person contacted in Baltimore conceded any knowledge of the lnterpol-Nazi connection.
And, while lnterpol chief Sims was quick to point out his agency's ties with U.S. organizations, he was unwilling to admit any links with the Third Reich.
Asked about Heydrich, the wartime Interpol chief, Sims said, "I've never heard the name before." Asked about Dickopf, who died in 1973 after heading lnterpol for four years, Sims said, "He was a German citizen who didn't desire to serve in the SS and fled to Switzerland."
But Dickopf, Sims admitted, joined the SS in 1938. His "desire not to serve" was not manifested until he fled four years later, when a number of Nazi leaders began to desert. Sims added, "Anyway, lnterpol didn't really exist luring the war."
That remark is consistent with repeated lnterpol testimony before Congress, when agency officials have claimed Interpol went out of business during World War 11, only to resurface thereafter.
But documents provided to Sen. Joseph Montoya's Treasury subcommittee by the Church of Scientology's National Commission on , Law Enforcement and Social Justice indicate exactly the opposite.
Because of those documents, Montoya a New Mexico Democrat, will hear testimony later this spring on the lnterpol-Nazi connection, and Rep. Edward Beard, D-R.I., last week called for a U.S. General Accounting Office investigation of Interpol.
A June 1962 Interpol document marked "strictly confidential" states that the agency "since 1940 had been run by the German chief of security police, (Reinhard) Heydrich."
Heydrich took office several months after Interpol's 1939 convention in Berlin, an affair sponsored - according to another Interpol document - by "the SS and chief of the German police Heinrich Himmler." Heydrich was assassinated in 1942, but until then, as Interpol president, he:
* Convened the meeting of 15 top Nazi leaders at Interpol headquarters in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee where, during a four-hour meeting, the "final solution to the Jewish problem" was mapped out: deportation to the east, forced labor and mass execution.. (Among those present at the meeting was Adolph Eichmann, to whom much of the "final solution" work fell:)
Ordered the "Kristallnacht" in November 1938 - the burning and destruction of Jewish synagogues in Germany and Austria.
As SS officer, Heydrich headed the "elite of the elite" intelligence service. When he was assassinated in 1942, more than 2 million Poles were killed in retribution. Heydrich was immediately succeeded as Interpol president by Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, whose photograph - in Gestapo chief uniform - graced the June 10, 1943 issue of Interpol's publication, "Internationale Kriminalpolizei.
Kaltenbrunner, an intimate of Eichmann and one of the earliest members of the Gestapo, was hanged at Nurenberg in 1946 for major war crimes.
(lnterpol chief Sims said last week he had "never heard" of Kaltenbrunner., Nor would he comment on publication of Interpol's magazine throughout the war years - when the agency supposedly did not exist.)
Other Third Reich leaders also were involved with Interpol. ' The "strictly confidential" 1962 lnterpol document says that' Arthur Nebe, "head of the Kriminalpolizei of the Reich," headed Interpol's International Bureau during the war. Nebe, believed still at large, directed one of the "mobile killing units" and assisted in Nazi "medical experiments" during the war. F.E. Louwage, who served on the Nazi Interpol staff under Kaltenbrunner, was Interpol president from 1946 to 1956.
During that time, he ran the Interpol offices from funds left over from wartime Interpol efforts.
But Interpol finances improved dramatically in 1968, when former SS officer Dickopf was elected president.
Interpol acknowledged, in its international publication, that "exceptional contributions" were made by unnamed persons in Switzerland, Venezuela and Brazil - reputed hideouts of former Nazis. Interpol chief Sims described his agency last week as "a middleman between overseas and U.S. agencies who want to exchange information - .-We deal with any American state, local or federal agency with a law enforcement function."
As part of that function, personnel from such U.S. agencies as the Secret Service, Customs, Drug Enforcement Agency and Alcohol, Tax and Firearms help staff Interpol's American offices.
The News American
MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1975 VOL. 202-NO. 207
The Nazi Connection -- Part 2
Hoover Secretly Attended Meeting
* This is the second of three articles on Interpol, the international police agency whose staff includes prominent ex-Nazis.
The late FBI Director J Edgar Hoover established American law enforcement': Nazi Connection almost 30 years ago - by going behind the back of his own government. Hoover's actions are spelled out in recently declassified American and German documents about Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization.)
Documents show that former Secretary of State Dean Acheson warned of Interpol's "Nazi domination" and that a spokesman for former U, S. Atty. Gen. Tom Clark offered a "studied recommendation" that America not unite with Interpol after World War II.
But Hoover secretly attended Interpol's 1946 convention, was elected vice president of the agency, and the United States was inextricably entwined with the organization whose top officials since the war - and at least until 1973 - have been men who were leaders of the German Gestapo and the Nazi SS.
As reported in The Sunday News American, Interpol is a private police agency that receives top-secret information from federal, state and local law enforcement agencies - including Baltimore police.
Yet its history is marked by these names and events:
* Its president from 1968 to 1971 (and German representative until 1973) was Paul Dickopf, who until he fled Germany after four years in the German Security Guards was SS officer 337259.
Its president during the early war years was Reinhard Heydrich, head of the intelligence service of the SS, who on Jan. 20, 1942 - summoned 15 top Nazis to Interpol headquarters, where the "final solution to the Jewish problem" - mass execution - was worked out.
* When Heydrich was assassinated several months after the conference, he was succeeded as Interpol president by Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, a Gestapo chief who was later hanged at Nurenberg for war crimes.
* Arthur Nebe, director of a German "mobile killing unit" and assistant in Nazi "medical experiments," headed Interpol's International Bureau during the war.
* F. E. Louwage, who served on the Nazi Interpol staff under Kaltenbrunner, was Interpol president from 1946 to 1956 and had J. Edgar Hoover as his vice president from 1946 to 1950, when an apparently furious Hoover pulled the FBI out of its direct link with Interpol. Under Louwage, an invitation was extended to the United States in May 1946 to join Interpol at its annual convention - with an obvious eye toward America's resuming the membership it had dropped during the war years.
But Acting Secretary of State Acheson, who received the invitation, immediately sent a memo to the Justice Dept. asking for advice, and adding:
"We assume this is same organization founded Vienna 1923, taken under Nazi domination 1938 and headquarters removed Berlin, at which time U.S. ceased relationship." A Dept. of State confidential memo signed "Kirk" followed quickly, confirming Interpol's background.
Immediately thereafter, a spokesman for U. S. Atty. Gen. Tom Clark followed with a memo flatly stating: "It is my studied recommendation that no represenative of the government of the United States be designated. to attend this meeting.
One year later, Acheson and Clark found that behind their backs Hoover had attended the meeting and had been elected vice president.
That information was transmitted to Acheson from the French Embassy in Washington, which extended invitations to that year's convention on behalf of Interpol. The memo notes:
"The Dept. of State will recall that the American delegate to the (Interpol) conference in 1946 was Mr. J. E. Hoover, chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington."
Followup memos from Acheson and Clark indicate a
Continued from Page IA
sudden change of heart over Interpol with Acheson noting the agency "has been reconstituted." Clark added in a memo that Hoover had been elected vice president and, as such, "steps were taken (by Hoover) to make the FBI an official member of (Interpol)."
Thus was the United States entwined with the Nazi-dominated Interpol.
And the matter of Interpol's Nazi domination was never again brought to attention - until documents were presented to Sen. Joseph Montoya's Treasury subcommittee (which helps fund Interpol) by the Church of Scientology's National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice.
The Treasury Dept. became the Interpol hookup, in 1950, when Hoover suddenly pulled the FBI out.
At the close of the war, some Communist countries - which, to this day, as member nations, receive American information through Interpol - joined the Interpol network. One of them, Czechoslovakia, used Interpol in 1950 to track down a group of refugees who had fled to West Germany.
When Hoover learned of it, he immediately pulled the FBI out and, when Louwage flew to Washington to plead with him to rejoin, Hoover refused.
Official explanation fox the FBI's pullout was given only as "special reasons," and it was left to the Treasury Dept. to continue America's Interpol relationship.
As part of that relationship,. U. S. law enforcement agencies regularly provide Interpol - and up to about 120 foreign police organizations - secret information.
Interpol has access to the FBI's vast National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
Because of its history - and today's questionable ties Sen. Montoya, D-N. Mex., will hold hearings this spring on Interpol, and Rep. Edward Beard, D-R. I., has called for a U. S. General Accounting Office investigation of Interpol. . ... TUESDAY: lnterpol 1975.
The News American
VOL. 202-N0. 208
The Nazi Connection Part III
Interpol Follows Jews, Ignores Their Killers
This is the last of three articles on Interpol, the private international police agency, and its affiliation with former Nazis, Gestapo members and SS agents. Baltimore is among the cities contributing to Interpol's information center.
By MICHAEL OLESKER Staff Reporter - Interpol, the private international police agency, won't lift a finger to track down Nazi war criminals.
But its files are filled with information on Jews it suspects of crimes.
The agency blames "the rules" for not tracking down Nazis - but, Interpol itself drew up those rules.
Interpol acts as a middleman for 120 countries that cooperate in tracking down persons wanted by police. But it has historically refused to cooperate in any effort to track down Nazi war criminals, saying its own charter does not allow it to do so. Its charter has not stopped it from making overt religious remarks in International Criminal Police Review, the agency's publication.
"Jewish offenders have a preference for offenses which require the use of craftiness," Interpol official Paul Marabuto wrote in the publication in April 1950.
"That explains why Interpol . . . has so many Jewish names in its files," he added. Those remarks, and the agency's unflinching refusal to pursue Nazi war criminals, are not terribly surprising, though, considering the agency's background.
Its president from 1968 to 1971 was Paul Dickopf, who until he fled Germany after four years in the Security Guards was SS officer 337259.
Its president during the early war years was Reinhard Heydrich, head of the elite intelligence service of the SS, who on Jan. 20, 1942 summoned 15 top Nazis to Interpol headquarters, where the "final solution to the Jewish problem" - mass execution - was plotted. Between Heydrich and Dickopf, recently declassified American and German documents show, Interpol's top officials included former ranking members of the German Gestapo and the Nazi SS.
Documents have recently been presented to Sen. Joseph Montoya's Treasury subcommittee - which funds Interpol - and to Rep. Edward Beard, D.R.I., who has called for a General Accounting Office investigation.
The documents were presented by the Church of Scientology's National Commission on Law Enforce. ment and Social Justice.
Montoya, a New Mexico Democrat, and Beard are apparently concerned that Interpo1 receives top-secret information from federal, state and local (including Baltimore) police and that Interpol has access to the FBI's vast National Criminal Information Center.
"We're wondering if there's been any invasion of privacy," a Treasury subcommittee spokesman said last week. "Who is getting all of this information? What does the U.S. get in return? And how much information does Interpol get?
"And then there's the problem of its Nazi connections. Is Interpol a haven for Nazis? We're going to ask some very pointed questions."
Beard spokesman Morton Blender, who coincidentally covered the trial of Adolph Eichmann 14 years ago, said he was told:
"The whole idea of the Germans with Interpol was to make a Europe-wide police force, the core of which was the Nazis. It would be the Gestapo of the whole world, a secret police."
Treasury officials rejected the criticism, however, defending Interpol as a valuable mechanism for tracking down international criminal suspects.
In a statement to Sen. [missing letters]inued from Page 1A [missing letters] toya, Treasury Secretary William E. Simon said last week that Interpol's operations were discontinued during the war and that member countries rejoined only in 1956.
That coincides with the official Interpol line, but does not hold up with newly declassified war documents.
Simon denied that Interpol has direct access to the FBI information center, saying that any requests for information must first be run through the U.S. National Central Bureau. That, Simon indicated, assures that no information can reach foreign hands that would endanger individual privacy or American security.
Simon listed about a dozen cases in which U.S. police' took advantage of Interpol, and about a half-dozen cases in which foreign police did likewise.
The cases, which took place within the past few years, involve such matters as murder, drug trafficking, deportation and illegal passports.
None concerned pursuit of Nazi war criminals.
The Interpol charter says the agency does not pursue "political" criminals, prompting a Washington critic to say last week, "What they're saying is that genocide is political." Interpol's stance on nonpursuit of Nazis prompted the American Jewish Congress to charge the agency with lending "an unexpected sense of safety" to such criminals in .hiding. Yet Interpol is recognized by the United Nations as a legitimate (though private) intergovernmental organization.
As Simon said last week, "This special arrangement gives both organizations broad opportunities to take part in discussions on matters of common interest."
The UN link - established in 1971 - gave Interpol something else - added credibility. For an organizations whose roots were planted - and flourished - in Nazi Germany, that was a major step forward.
End of series.
Scientology by Scientology allies....note: I never bought into the reincarnation-space race cosmology...Steven Masone
L. Ron Hubbard started Scientology in the 1950s and almost immediately there was a campaign put in place to discredit it. The reason for this opposition was, according to Hubbard, due to Scientology's opposition to psychiatric practices i.e., the use of psycho-surgery (lobotomy and electric-shock), psychotropic drugs, psychopolitics - and exposure of different mind control methods.
"Psychiatry and Mental Health were chosen as a vehicle to undermine and destroy the west! and we [Scientology] stood in their way.... They have infiltrated boards of education, the armed services, even the churches." -- L. Ron Hubbard
Secret societies and their power in the 20th Century
by Jan van Helsing
(excerpt from book, pages164-6)
L.Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology
"Another personality with an interesting background is now deceased L.Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Scientology church. Since this book here is dealing with background knowledge, perhaps we should look at the background of L.Ron Hubbard whose organisation is really victimised in public.
In the early days of MK ULTRA, the consciousness control program in the US, the former naval officer Hubbard had researched the mechanism of human thinking, knowing about what secretly went on in the Navy. After refusing to comply with government research and to joint he control psychiatrists, he published the book DIANETICS -- the Modern Science of Mental Health. The book proclaimed mental freedom and integrity as the birth right of humanity. The book made the bestseller lists and Hubbard's "auditing techniques" were described as very successful. Some of the processes that Hubbard offered to reach mental freedom were secretly used by the government to try and enslave the people. Other techniques described by Hubbard were indeed antidotes to the MK ULTRA methods of consciousness control.
And from then on this was taught in the Scientology Church, from the grade OT3 in the hierarchy upwards. You think this is nonsense? Then read the following sentences carefully! If this was nonsensical, nothing more would have happened besides some ridiculing and sneering. But you will always recognise by the severity something is treated whether it is in somebody's way.
Church of Scientology's Psycho Politics
"The monologue "Psycho Politics" from the Church of Scientology is probably the best monograph available to bring you up to date with the way mass mind control agents, like Aspartame and the psychology/ psychiatric power structures are being used to control political dissident in our country, and also documents its roots in modern times. "
-- Dr James Bowen MD, Author of the monologue, Aspartame - mind control drug
Scientology - exposing mind control drugs
Hubbard (Scientology) Human Detoxification from the effects of living in our polluted environment -- By Karl Loren
"It is your AWARENESS that is attacked by these chemical pollutants -- not your heart or liver. When your awareness goes down, you are much more likely to become a criminal, and more prone to accept false information. You are in some form of a hypnotic state -- ready for anyone to command your actions."
Scientology exposed MK Ultra
The Guardian's Office played a part in the exposure of "MK Ultra," a long-running and terrifying series of experiments in mind-control funded by Canadian, British and U.S. Intelligence Agencies.
What do Scientologists believe?
The Creed of the Church of Scientology
The Creed of the Church of Scientology was written by L. Ron Hubbard shortly after the Church was formed in Los Angeles on February 18, 1954. After he issued this creed from his office in Phoenix, Arizona, the Church of Scientology adopted it as official because it succinctly states what Scientologists believe.
We of the Church believe:
That all men of whatever race, color or creed were created with equal rights;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own lives;
That all men have inalienable rights to their sanity;
That all men have inalienable rights to their own defense;
That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations, churches and governments;
That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others;
That all men have inalienable rights to the creation of their own kind;
That the souls of men have the rights of men;
That the study of the mind and the healing of mentally caused ills should not be alienated from religion or condoned in non-religious fields;
And that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.
And we of the Church believe:
That man is basically good;
That he is seeking to survive;
That his survival depends upon himself and upon his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.
And we of the Church believe that the laws of God forbid man:
To destroy his own kind;
To destroy the sanity of another;
To destroy or enslave another's soul;
To destroy or reduce the survival of one's companions or one's group.
And we of the Church believe that the spirit can be saved and that the spirit alone may save or heal the body.
Available at:
Do they imagine themselves "gods on earth?" Do they teach that extraterrestrial beings from outer
space seeded mankind on this planet...and are soon coming back to rule
over us?
Yes they do have an interesting cosmology, just like other religions, particularly those that believe the universe was created in less than a fortnight.
Why did the IRS approve Scientology as a 501(c)3 tax exempt Church?
Why not?
Do the CIA and FBI secretly run the Church of Scientology?
Probably, there is evidence to suggest this:
Could a person be risking his very life by joining this cult?
A person risks his life by joining any cult or sect directly influenced by the CIA. A prime example is the Peoples Temple.
Personally, I find a belief in the State to be the, "world's most dangerous religion."
Conspiracy against Scientology
Why infiltrate and discredit an organisation unless there's something to be kept hidden?
The last corporate entity to practice the subject of Scientology was the Church of Scientology of California. In the early 1980’s a group of conspirators took over the Church. The conspirators dismantled the Church of Scientology of California and replaced it with three new corporations
Church of Spiritual Technology - CST
Religious Technology Center - RTC
Church of Scientology International - CSI
The above three corporate entities market the "Scientology Religion".
The way this is accomplished is that CSI alters, deletes, and fabricates LRH issues such as LRH HCOBs, books, and tapes. RTC then approves these alterations, deletions, and fabrications made to LRH issues by CSI. CST then accepts the "based on the works of LRH" issues and archives them in underground storage vaults "for future generations."
The above three corporate entities are co-conspirators in a fraud being perpetrated on the paying Scientology public. The executives of these corporations and Church promo make the false statement to the paying Scientology public that what they are purchasing and receiving is "pure, unadulterated LRH technology". They make this fraudulent statement while knowing full well that they have made thousands of alterations, deletions, and fabrications to LRH issues.
This Scientology evaluation involves -
Ending an era of false Scientology
False Scientology began in the 1980s and involved perverting and corrupting the true teachings of L. Ron Hubbard by -
Intentional misapplication of ethics or tech or policy that send a being down tone.
False Scientology is also called Reverse Scientology or Black Scientology.
The evaluation aims to re-establish true Scientology as taught by LRH.
Preliminary Statement
During the first World War, Crowley transferred his activities to America. The press proclaimed him "the wickedest man in the world." He also spent time in Italy, but was expelled because Italian authorities accused his disciples of sacrificing human infants in occult rituals. According to one source, Crowley resided in the Abbey of Thelema near Cefalu Sicily, and revived ancient Dionysian ceremonies. During a 1921 ritual, he induced a he-goat to copulate with his mistress, then slit the animal's throat at the moment of orgasm. -SOURCE33° Mason, Aleister Crowley would definitely get some votes in the "most wicked man who ever lived contest" and is the clear cut favorite for the title of "The Father of Modern Satanism". Crowley's wicked life and his intimate association with Freemasonry are both well known.
Crowley himself was terribly decadent. A happily heroin-addicted, bisexual Satan worshiper, he asked people to call him "The Beast 666." Crowley believed that he was literally the antimessiah of the apocalypse.
“Born in 1875, Aleister Crowley had, like the Rolling Stones, rebelled against a regulated small-town background. He’d been raised in Leamington, Warwickshire, by parents who were members of the Strict Brethren, a fundamentalist Christian sect. From an early age young Aleister identified with the enemies of God in the Bible stories that were read to him. In particular he identified with the antichrist predicted in the book of Revelation. In 1898 he joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a magical society.
“Most of Crowley’s adult life was dedicated to indulging in everything he believed God would hate: performing sex magic, taking heroin, opium, hashish, peyote and cocaine, invoking spirits, and even once offering himself to the Russian authorities to help destroy Christianity. He wrote volumes of books that he believed were dictated to him by a spirit from ancient Egypt called Aiwass. “To worship me take wine and strange drugs,” the spirit conveniently told him. “Lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture. Fear not that any God shall deny thee for this.” …
“Crowley finished his life as a sick, wasted heroin addict given to black rages and doubts about the value of his life’s work. His last words as he passed into a coma on December 1, 1947, were, “I am perplexed…” (Steve Turner, Hungry for Heaven, pp. 92,97,98).
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”
“Lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture. Fear not that any God shall deny thee for this.”
“I do not wish to argue that the doctrines of Jesus, they and they alone, have degraded the world to its present condition. I take it that Christianity is not only the cause but the symptom of slavery” (Crowley, The World’s Tragedy, p. xxxix).
“That religion they call Christianity; the devil they honor they call God. I accept these definitions, as a poet must do, if he is to be at all intelligible to his age, and it is their God and their religion that I hate and will destroy” (Crowley, The World’s Tragedy, p. xxx).
"Justice Latey said that the tactics used by Hubbard and his helpers are "grimly reminiscent of the ranting and bullying of Hitler and his henchmen".
"The magical cults of the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th centuries in the Middle East were fascinating. The only modern work that has anything to do with them is a trifle wild in spots, but is a fascinating work in itself, and that's the work of Aleister Crowley - the late Aleister Crowley - my very good friend."
Hubbard, Philadelphia Doctorate Course, Lecture 18, "Conditions of Space-Time-Energy."
"All Orgs are now Churches; Stationary is to reflect fact that orgs are churches; All public literature must state that Scn is religious." It also states, "This may or may not be publically acceptable. This is NOT the point. It is a requisite defense." Hubbard Organization Executive Course,
(1969 version) Volume 6, Page 119
"He, (emphasis-Parsons) considered that Ron had great magical potential and took the risk of breaking his solemn oath of secrecy to acquaint Ron with some of the O.T.O. rituals.... Nevertheless, Parsons clearly remained convinced that Ron possessed exceptional powers....Parsons wrote to his 'Most Beloved Father' (emphasis - his term for Aleister Crowley) to acquaint him with events: 'About three months ago I met Captain L. Ron Hubbard.... Although he has no formal training in Magick, he has an extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field. From some of his experiences I deduced that he is in direct touch with some higher intelligence, possibly his Guardian Angel. He describes his Angel as a beautiful winged woman with red hair whom he calls the Empress and who has guided him through his life and saved him many times. He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles."
From the book: Bare-Faced Messiah:
the True Story of L. Ron Hubbard, 1987, Chapter 7, "Black Magic and Betty" pp. 117-118
Author: Russell Miller
Oct 12, 1875 - Aleister Crowley Born in England
c1890s - Wilfred T Smith born
Oct 2, 1914 - Jack Parsons born
1915 - Crowley comes to America
1915 - Crowley comes to America
1919 - Crowley leaves America
1924 - Sara "Betty" Northrup born
1929 - Crowley publishes "Moonchild"
1930 - Smith moves Agape lodge to LA
1939 - Parsons meets Smith
1941 - Malina, Parsons, Forman move to Arroyo Seco, Parsons officially joins the OTO and the A .'. A .'.
1942 - Lodge moves to Parsons house. Police investigate Parsons for the first time Parsons assumes role of acting head of Lodge. Parsons takes Betty Northrup as his new mistress added note: (Betty refers to Sara Betty Northrup, she was 17 at the time)
May 1945 - L Ron Hubbard moves in with Jack Parsons
December, 1945 - Hubbard returns to Pasadena after stint in Navy Hospital
January 4, 1946 - Parsons opens Temple with Hubbard present
Jan 18, 1946 - Hubbard and Parsons go to Mojave Desert, meet "Venusian"
Feb 27 or 18, 1946 - L Ron Hubbard leaves on personal business
March 2, 1946 - L Ron Hubbard returns, tells of "Empress." Three day working with Cameron and Hubbard begins, "Book of Babylon" produced as result.
April, 1946 - L Ron Hubbard and Betty Northrup leave for Florida
April 19, 1946 - Crowley derides Parsons working, in letter
July 5, 1945 - Parsons invokes "Bartzabel" in Miami, storm catches Hubbard and Betty and forces them back to shore
August 10, 1946 - Hubbard commits bigamy with an unsuspecting Betty Northrup.
1948 - Parsons takes his "Oath of the anti-Christ." Hubbard visits first wife and children for last time. First article on Dianetics appears
"From page 24 of Gods and Beasts - the Nazi's and the Occult by Dusty Sklar Pretzsche had introduced Hitler to consciousness-expanding drugs, as well as to astrological and alchemical symbolism. Hitler told Stein that Pretzsche had been present when List tried to materialize "the Incubus" in a ritual designed to create a "Moon Child." "...About 1912, disciples of Lanz and List started the Germanen Orden under the leadership of a member of List's Armanen, a journalist named Philipp Stauff, and several others. [ Ed.Comment: The German Orden later evolved into the Nationalist Socialist Party or Nazi Party recruiting Hitler as their 'Fuhrer']
...Parsons put in hand the ritual preparations as indicated in the text. Again in his own words:
On March 1 and 2, 1946, I prepared the altar and equipment in accordance with the instructions in Liber 49. The Scribe, R** H***, (emphasis - Ron Hubbard*) had been away about a week, and knew nothing of my invocation of BABALON, which I had kept entirely secret. On the night of March 2 he returned, and described a vision he had had that evening, of a savage and beautiful woman riding naked on a great cat-like beast. He was impressed with the urgent necessity of giving me some message or communication. We prepared magically for this communication, constructing a temple at the altar with the analysis of the key word. He was robed in white, carrying a lamp; and I in black, hooded, with the cup and dagger. At his suggestion we played Rachmaninov's Isle of the Dead as background music, and set an automatic recorder to transcribe audible occurrences. At approximately 8 am he began to dictate, I transcribing directly as I received. H***'s vision sounds a bit too glib to me. It sounds rather like he'd seen a copy of The Book of Thoth Atu XI, Lust, showing the Whore astride the Beast. There would have been at least one copy of The Book of Thoth around Parsons' place, I would have thought. Interestingly, in spite of H*** being referred to as "the Scribe", it was H*** who was giving utterance to "astral communications", and Parsons writing them down. As far as the Babalon Working is concerned, H*** is the joker in the pack, the factor infinite and unknown. His whole career, both before and after his involvement with Parsons, shows him to have been a confidence man par excellence. Events after the Babalon Working, when he effortlessly swindled Parsons out of thousands of dollars, demonstrate that Parsons was as readily taken in as anyone. It is surely legitimate for us to wonder, therefore, to what extent H***'s undoubted talents for deceit - both of himself and of others - coloured the whole Working.
From The Babalon Working,
By Michael Staley
--- Similarly, the "Fool Card" in the 1969 Aleister Crowley "Thoth Tarot Card Deck" has a triangle and double triangle Scientology's symbol with double triangles has one a lower "ARC triangle," (affinity, reality and communication,) and an upper triangle, the KRC triangle (knowledge, responsibility and control.)
Note bottom right triangle, and double triangles in the Hand of the Fool - (upper left)
and...Thanks to ex-scientologist Warrior for finding this image.
"In his 1952 lectures, Hubbard also referred to the Tarot cards, saying that they were not simply a system of divination but a "philosophical machine". He gave particular mention to the Fool card, saying "The Fool of course is the wisest of all. The Fool who goes down the road with the alligators barking at his heels, and the dogs yapping at him, blindfolded on his way, he knows all there is to know and does nothing about it ... nothing could touch him" (030)."
Hubbard seems to have seen himself as Parsons did as "The Joker" card, and his minions as "The Fools"
According to L Ron Hubbard Jr. his father considered himself to be the one "who came after"; that he was Crowley's successor; that he had taken on the mantle of the "Great Beast. " He told him that Scientology actually began on December the 1st, 1947. This was the day Aleister Crowley died."
Of course, the Tarot pack also contains the Empress card and knowing this it is finally possible to understand what Hubbard believed his Guardian Angel to be.
Crowley examined the Tarot in The Book of Thoth (032). Of the Empress card he said "She combines the highest spiritual with the lowest material qualities" (033). Crowley identifies the Empress as the "Great Mother", and indeed on her robe are bees (034), the traditional symbol of Cybele. Crowley is not alone in the belief that different cultures give different names to the same deities. The worship of Cybele goes back to at least 3,000 B.C. She entered Greek culture as Artemis and to the Romans was Diana, the huntress. Crowley also identified the Empress with the Hindu goddess Shakti (035), and the Egyptian goddesses Isis and Hathor. Crowley directly identified Isis with Diana (036). More usually, Crowley called the Empress by the name Babalon (037).
Author Jon Atack,
from Hubbard and the Occult Hubbard and Aleister Crowley
"L Ron Hubbard Jr ( Ron DeWolf ): I believed in Satanism. There was no other religion in the house! Scientology and black magic. What a lot of people don't realize is that Scientology is black magic that is just spread out over a long time period. To perform black magic generally takes a few hours or, at most, a few weeks. But in Scientology it's stretched out over a lifetime, and so you don't see it. Black magic is the inner core of Scientology --and it is probably the only part of Scientology that really works. Also, you've got to realize that my father did not worship Satan. He thought he was Satan. He was one with Satan." *editors note: Ron De Wolf (The Wolf?) proclaimed conversion to Christianity however his motives are suspect as was his conduct. His changing his name to "De Wolf" smacks of his own involvement in Occult practices. "a wolf in sheep's clothing."
So any attempt to control,whether by 'Pharmekeia' or a Jezebel/Ahab Nicolatean sytem ...this is witchcraft. Watchman Nee gives us great insight into this subject in his book
"The Latent Power Of the Soul"
Adam is a soul. His spirit and body are joined in his soul. That astonishing power which we have just mentioned is present in Adam's soul. In other words, the living soul, which is the result of the coming together of the spirit and the body, possesses unthinkable supernatural power. At the fall, though, the power which distinguishes Adam from us is lost. Yet this does not mean there is no longer such power; it only denotes that though this ability is still in man, it is nonetheless "frozen" or immobilized. According to Genesis 6, after the fall man becomes flesh. The flesh envelops the whole being and subjugates him. Man was originally a living soul; now, having fallen, he becomes flesh. His soul had been meant to submit to the spirit's control; now it is subject to the dominion of the flesh. Hence the Lord said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh" (Gen. 6.3). When God here mentioned man, He called him flesh, for in His eyes that was now what he was. Consequently it is recorded in the Bible that "all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth" (Gen. 6.12); and again, "upon the flesh of man shall it (the holy anointing oil, representing in type the Holy Spirit) not be poured." (Ex. 30.32); and further, "by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified in His sight" (Rom. 3.20).
Why do I dwell at some length on this? In Revelation 18 things are mentioned which shall come to pass in the last days. I indicated at the very beginning how man's soul will become a commodity in Babylon-that which can be sold and bought. But why is man's soul treated as a commodity? Because Satan and his puppet the Antichrist wish to use the human soul as an instrument for their activities at the end of this age. When Adam fell in the garden of Eden his power was immobilized. He had not lost this power altogether, only it was now buried within him. Ile had become flesh, and his flesh now enclosed tightly this marvelous power within it. Generation has succeeded generation with the result that this primordial ability of Adam has become a "latent" force in his descendants. It has turned to become a kind of "hidden" power. It is not lost to man, it is simply bound up by the flesh.
Today in each and every person who lives on earth lies this Adamic power, though it is confined in him and is not able to freely express itself. Yet such power is in every man's soul just as it was in Adam's soul at the beginning. Since today's soul is under siege by the flesh, this power is likewise confined by the flesh. The work of the devil nowadays is to stir up man's soul and to release this latent power within it as a deception for spiritual power. The reason for my mentioning these things is to warn ourselves of the special relationship between man's soul and Satan in the last days.
We have already seen how Adam possessed special supernatural ability, though in actuality what he had was not at all special or supernatural, however much it may appear that way to us today. Before his fall Adam could quite naturally exercise this ability with ease, since it was embodied in his soul. But after his fall, this power of his was interned by his body. Formerly the body was a help to Adam's powerful soul; now the soul had fallen, and his power was circumscribed by the shell of the flesh. Satan, however, attempts to break open this fleshly shell and to release the power dormant in man's soul in order to gain control over man. Many do not understand this strategy, being deceived into accepting it as of God.
Viewing Religiously
Yet this does not happen in Christianity alone. The Babylonians, the Arabs, the Buddhists, the Taoists, and the Hindus all try in their respective way to release the power which Adam has left to our soul. In any religion, using whatever means or ways of' instruction, there stands a common principle behind all their apparent differences. This common principle is to aim at overcoming the outward flesh so as to deliver the soul power from all kinds of' bondage for freer expression. Some lessons of instruction given in these religions are directed at destroying the obstruction of the body, some at uniting the body and the soul, while some are aimed at strengthening the soul through training and thus enabling it to overcome the body. Whatever the ways may be, the principle behind them all is the same. It is important to know this or else we will be deceived.
I do not know how people are informed of the marvelous energy dormant in man's soul, the release of which, presently bound by the flesh, will result in the display of miraculous power even to the attaining of the status of a "fairy" or "buddha". Probably they are all informed by the devil, the evil spirit. Their elucidations may vary, nevertheless the underlying principle is the same, which is, the use of special means to release the power of the soul. They may not employ, as used by us, this terminology of soul power; yet the fact is unmistakable. For example, in Buddhism and Taoism, and even in some sects of' Christianity, special supernatural power is available to all of them to perform miracles in the healing of diseases and in predicting the future.
Take as an instance the ascetic practices and breathings of Taoism or even the simplest form of abstract meditation: these are all done according to the one principle of subjugating the body under the soul with the purpose of releasing the latter's power. No wonder many miraculous things do happen which we cannot simply dismiss as superstition. Buddhism was originally atheistic. Gautama Siddharta was an atheist. This is the consensus of many scholars and critics on the teaching of Buddhism. He believed in the soul's transmigration as well as in nirvana*. (* That state, according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, "of absolute blessedness, characterized by release from the cycle of reincarnations and attained through the extinction of self." ) Now I have no intention here of lecturing on Buddhism; I only wish to explain why and how many a wonder has been performed in this religion.
In Buddhism there is the teaching on escaping the world. Those who take the Buddhist vow must abstain from marriage and meat. They must not kill any living thing. Through ascetic practices they may eventually attain to the elimination of all food. Some monks of high degree can even pierce the unknown past and predict the future. They perform many wonders by Buddhist magic. When what they call their "heart blood" flushes, they are able to foretell the things to come. The engaging in all these different kinds of abstinence and ascetic practices flows from one single governing principle: the Buddhist is attempting to break all physical and material bonds so as to get his soul power released.
I know some people, my seniors in age, who joined the Unity Club. They and their fellow-Club members practice abstract meditation and so forth. They tell me that each degree they enter into has its own magnitude of light. The light they perceive follows the truth they penetrate. I believe in what they say, for they are able to be liberated from the suppression of the body and so release the power which Adam possessed before his fall. There is really nothing extraordinary about it.
The modern-day Church of Christ, Scientist was founded by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy. She denied the existence of sickness, pain, sin, and death (though Mrs. Eddy has already died. Since according to her teaching there is no such thing as sickness, whenever one is sick he only needs to exercise his mind against any recognition of pain and he will be healed. This means, then, that if one believes in no sickness he will not be sick. So too, if he does not believe in sin he will not sin. By training man's will, mind, and emotion to the point of absolutely denying the existence of these things-viewing them as false and deceptive he will find them nonexistent indeed.
When this teaching was first promulgated, it was opposed by many people. Physicians especially opposed it, for if this were true, then there would be no need for physicians. Yet following their examination of those people healed by the Christian Scientist, these doctors were unable to repudiate it as false. Consequently, more and more people believe; even many famous scientists and physicians embrace this teaching. This is not at all surprising, though, since there is a reservoir of tremendous power in the soul just waiting to be released from the confines of the flesh.
Viewing Scientifically
Let us now view this matter scientifically. The field of psychology has undertaken unprecedented research in the modern age. What is psychology? The word itself is the combination of two Greek words: "psyche" which means soul and "logia" which means discourse. Hence psychology is "the science of the soul". The research engaged in by modern scientists is but a probing into the soul part of our being. It is limited to that part, the spirit not being touched.
Modern parapsychology began with Franz Anton Mesmer. His first discovery, made in 1778, is now known as mesmerism (hypnotism as practised by Mesmer himself). His disciples excelled him through their own discoveries, just as the green which is derived from the blue excels the blue. Some of their experiments are almost unbelievable in results. Their method not unexpectedly is to discharge that hidden power within man's soul. For example, in clairvoyance (the power to perceive things which are out of the natural range of human senses) or telepathy (communication by scientifically unknown or inexplicable means, as by the exercise of mystic power), people arc able to see or hear or smell things thousands of miles away.
It has been said that mesmerism "is the rock from which all mental sciences . . . were hewn."* (*Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Soul and Spirit. Poole, Dorset, England Overcomer Literature Trust, 1968?, p.67. Also available in the United States from Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pa.) Before the time of Mesmer psychic research was not an independent branch of science; it occupied only an insignificant place in natural science. But due to these astonishing discoveries, it has become a system of its own.
I wish to draw your attention not to the study of psychology but to the fact that all these miraculous phenomena are obtained through the release of the latent power of man's soul, that ability which was hidden in man after the fall. Why is this called "latent" power? Because in Adam's fall God had not withdrawn from him that "supernatural" power which he once possessed. Instead, this power fell with him and became imprisoned in his body. The power was there; only it could not be expressed. Hence the term latent power.
The phenomena of our human life such as speaking and thinking are abilities which are quite remarkable; but the latent power that is hidden in man is also striking. And were this power to be activated, many more remarkable phenomena would be displayed in our life. The many miraculous occurrences which modern parapsychologists discover in no way attest to their supernatural character. They merely prove that the latent power of the soul may be released by the appropriate means.
A list of some of the `discoveries' which followed the obtaining by Mesmer of the basic knowledge of the mysterious forces latent in the human frame, shows how amazingly the movement advanced, once man had obtained the key. In 1784, a pupil of Mesmer's discovered `clairvoyance' as the result of Mesmeric sleep, and incidentally stumbled upon `Thought Reading'.* (*Penn-Lewis, op. cit., p.67.)
Telepathy-being communication between mind and mind otherwise than through the known channels of the senses-enables a person to use his own psychic force to ascertain another's thought without the need of being told. "Hypnotism, Neurology, and Psychometry . . . and numberless other `discoveries' followed as the years went by."* Now hypnosis is an artificially induced sleep-like condition in which an individual is extremely responsive to suggestions made by the hypnotist. Not only man, even lower animals can also be hypnotised. And psychometry is the discovery that the mind can act outside the human body and that the `psychometric sensitive' can read the past like an open book. Then came a discovery, called statuvolism, signifying a peculiar condition produced by the will, in which the subject can `throw his mind' to any distant place, and see, hear, feel, smell and taste, what is going on there. Then . . . came a discovery . . . called `Pathetism' . . . By this the mind could withdraw itself from the consciousness of pain, and cure diseases.
At first, scientific men only followed up these `discoveries' as branches of Natural Science . . . .*
But due to multiplication of these miraculous phenomena, parapsychology soon became a science itself. To the practitioners of this science these many miraculous phenomena are quite natural. To us believers they are even more natural. For we know they are merely the consequences of the releasing of the latent power of the soul. *Penn-Lewis, op. cit., p.67-68.
Psychologists declare that within man is a tremendous array of power: the power of self-control, creative power, reconstructive power, the power of faith,the power of quickening, the power of revivification. These can all be released by men. One psychology book even goes so far as to proclaim that all humansare gods, only that the god is imprisoned within us. By releasing the god within us we all become gods. How alike are these words to those of Satan!
The Common Rule
Whether it is in China or in Western nations, all these practices of breathing, ascetic exercise, hypnosis, prediction, responses, and communications are but the release and manifestation of the power within. I suppose we have all heard something of the miraculous acts of hypnosis. In China are fortune-tellers whose feats of prediction are well-known. Each day they interview only a few customers. They have devoted much time and energy in perfecting their art. And their predictions are amazingly accurate. Buddhists and Taoists have their miraculous performances too. Though evidence of deception is not lacking, apparently supernatural manifestations are undeniable.
The explanation for these phenomena is simple they either by chance or at the direction of the evil spirit hit upon some way or ways of ascetic practice that enable them to perform extraordinary feats.Common people do not know they have this power in themselves. Others with some scientific knowledge know this power is hidden in them, though they cannot tell how it is so. We who have been taught of God know that this ability is the latent power of man's soul which is now bound in the flesh through Adam's fall. This power had fallen with man, so that according to God's will it should not be used any further. But it is Satan's desire to develop this latent ability so as to make man feel he is as rich as God in accordance with what Satan had promised. Thus will man worship himself, though indirectly it is a worship of Satan.
Hence Satan is behind all these parapsychic researches. He is trying his best to use the latent energy of the soul to accomplish his goal. For this reason, all who develop their soul power cannot avoid being contacted and used by the evil spirit.
G. H. Pember, in his book Earth's Earliest Ages, has stated this matter from still another angle:
It appears that there are two methods by which men can acquire unlawful power and knowledge, and gain admittance to a prohibited intercourse. He who would follow the first . . . must so bring his body under the control of his own soul that he can project his soul . . . . The development of these faculties is, doubtless, possible but to few, and even in their case can only be compassed by a long and severe course of training, the object of which is, to break down the body to a complete subjection, and to produce a perfect apathy in regard to all the pleasures, pains, and emotions, of this life, so that no disturbing elements may ruffle the calm of the aspirant's mind and hinder his progress . . . The second method is by a passive submission to the control of foreign intelligences ....* (*G. H. Pember, Earth's Earliest Ages. New York, Fleming H. Revell Co., n.d., p.251254.)
What we would especially pay attention to here is the first method, that is, activating the latent power of one's own soul. His view coincides with ours completely. The ascetic practices of the Buddhists, the breathing and abstract meditation of the Taoists, the meditation and thought concentration of the hypnotists, the silent sitting by those in the Unity Club, and all the varieties of meditations, contemplations, concentrated thought to no thought at all, and hundreds of similar actions which people practice, follow the same rule-however varied their knowledge and faith may be. What all do is nothing more than bring man's external confused thought, wavy emotion, and weak will to a place of tranquillity, with his flesh completely subdued, hence making possible the release of the soul's latent power. The reason this is not manifested in every person is because not all can break through the barriers of the flesh and bring all common psychic expressions to perfect calmness.
Some Facts
Several years ago I made the acquaintance of an Indian. He told me of a friend of his in Hinduism who could reveal secrets of people accurately. Once he wished to test the ability of his Hindu friend. So he invited him to his home, and sure enough the Hindu was able to reveal everything that had been put into each drawer of the home. Later my Indian acquaintance asked his friend to go outside and wait while he wrapped a most valuable object in cloth and paper before placing it in a box and depositing it in a locked drawer. His Hindu friend returned inside and was able to reveal what the valuable object was without error. This was unquestionably due to the exercise of soul power that was able to penetrate all physical barriers. Mrs. Jessie PennLewis, whom we have quoted earlier, once wrote the following:
I once met a man in North India, who had access to the highest circles of society in Simla, the summer seat of the Government of India, who told me one evening of his connection with the Mahatmas in India and in other countries of Asia. He said that he knew of great political events weeks and months before they came to pass. `I do not depend for news on telegrams and newspapers. They only record past events, we know events before they take place,' he said. How can a man in London know the events happening in India, and viceversa? It was explained to me that it was through `soul-force' being projected by men who knew the secret of the Mahatmas.* (*Overcomer magazine for 1921-23, quoted in Mrs. Jessie Penn-Lewis, Soul and Spirit. Poole, Dorset, England, Overcomer Literature Trust, 1968?, p.55-56. Also available in the United States from Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pa.)
In quoting from Wild's Spiritual Dynamics, Pember has recorded that an adept can consciously see the minds of others. He can act by his soul-force on external spirits. He can accelerate the growth of plants and quench fire; and, like Daniel, subdue ferocious wild beasts. He can send his soul to a distance, and there not only read the thoughts of others, but speak to and touch those distant objects; and not only so, but he can exhibit to his distant friends his spiritual body in the exact likeness of that of the flesh. Moreover . . . the adept . . . can . . . create out of the surrounding multiplex atmosphere the likeness of any physical object, or he can command physical objects to come into his presence.** **Pember, op. cit., p.252.
The Christian's Attitude
These miraculous phenomena in religion and science are but the manifestation of man's latent power which in turn is used by the evil spirit. They all follow one common rule: to break through the bonds of the flesh and release the power of the soul. The difference between us (the Christians) and them lies in. the fact that all our miracles are performed by God through the Holy Spirit. Satan makes use of man's soul force to manifest his strength. Man's soul power is Satan's working instrument, through which he works out his evil end.
God, though, never works with man's soul power, for it is unusable to Him. When we are born again, we are born of the Holy Spirit. God works by the Holy Spirit and our renewed spirit. He has no desire to use soul power. Since the fall God has forbidden man to again use his original power of' the soul. It is for this reason that the Lord Jesus often declares how we need to lose our soul life, that is, our soul power. God wishes us today not to use this soul power at all.
We cannot say that all the wonders performed in the world are false; we have to acknowledge that many of them are real. But all these phenomena are produced by the latent power of the soul after Adam's fall. As Christians we must be very careful in this last age not to stir up soul's latent energy- either purposely or unwittingly.
Let us return again to the Scriptures read at the beginning. We notice that at the end of the age the particular work Satan and the evil spirits under him will do is to trade in man's soul power. The aim is simply to fill this world with the latent power of the soul. One correspondent to the Overcomer magazine made the following comparison: "the forces of Psyche (soul) arrayed against the forces of pneuma (spirit)."* (*As quoted in Penn-Lewis, op. cit., p.55.) All who have spiritual insight and sensitivity know the reality of this statement. Soul power is rushing towards us like a torrent. Making use of science (psychology and parapsychology), religion,and even an ignorant church (in her seeking excessively supernatural manifestations and in her not controlling supernatural gifts according to the guidance of the Bible), Satan is causing this world to be filled with the power of darkness. Yet this is but Satan's last and final preparation for the manifestation of the Antichrist. Those who are truly spiritual (that is, those who reject soul power) sense all around them the acceleration of opposition from the evil spirits.The whole atmosphere is so darkened that they find it hard to advance. Nevertheless this is also God's preparation for the rapture of the overcomers.
We need to understand what soul power is and what this force of the soul can do. Let me say that before the Lord's return similar things to these will be greatly increased, perhaps even more than a hundred-fold. Satan will perform many astonishing feats by utilizing this soul power so as to deceive God's elect.
We are now drawing nearer to the time of great apostasy. "'The momentum is increasing rapidly," observed Mrs. Penn-Lewis. "The hand of the Arch-enemy of God and man is on the helm, and the world is rushing to the dark hour, when, for a brief period, will actually be the `god of this age', ruling through a superman whose `parousia' (appearance) cannot long be delayed."* (*Penn-Lewis, op. cit., p.69.) What is soul power? By going to the Scriptures and under the illumination of the Holy Spirit believers ought to realize that this power is so hellish as to spread over all nations on earth and to turn the whole world into chaos.
Satan is now engaging this soul power to serve as a substitute for God's gospel and its power. He tries to blind people's hearts, through the marvel of soul force, into accepting a bloodless religion. He also uses the discoveries of psychic sciences to cast doubt upon the value of supernatural occurrences in Christianity-causing people to consider the latter as likewise being nothing but the latent power of the soul. He aims at substituting Christ's salvation with psychic force. The modern attempt to change evil habits and bad temperaments by hypnosis is a forerunner to this objective.
The children of God can be protected only by knowing the difference between spirit and soul. If the deeper work of the cross is not applied to our Adamic life and by the Holy Spirit a real life union is effected with the Resurrected Lord, we may unwittingly develop our soul power.
It may be helpful here to quote again from Mrs. Penn-Lewis.
`Soul-force' versus `Spirit-force' is the battle ground today. The Body of Christ is by the energy of the Holy Spirit within her, advancing heavenward. The atmosphere of the world is thickening with psychic currents behind which are massed the aerial foes. The only safety for the child of God is an experimental knowledge of the life in union with Christ wherein he dwells with Christ in God, above the poisonous air in which the prince of the power of the air carries on his work. The Blood of Christ for cleansing. The Cross of Christ for identification in death. The Power of the Risen Ascended Lord by the Holy Ghost, continually declared, laid hold of and wielded,will alone bring the members of the Body through in victory to join the Ascended Head.* (*Penn-Lewis, op. cit., p.70.)
My hope for today is that you may be helped to know the source and the operations of the latent power of the soul. May God impress us with the fact that where soul force is, there also is the evil spirit. We must not use the power which comes from us, rather must we use the power which proceeds from the Holy Spirit. May we especially deny the latent power of the soul, lest we fall into Satan's hand. For the soul's power has, through Adam's sin, already fallen under the dominion of Satan and has become the latter's working instrument. We therefore need to exercise great caution against Satan's deception.
And all of this latent soulical power is available for the enemy to use in THE CHURCH...when men and women give satan PLACE!
The refusal to deal with the good and evil spirits has weakened the church and its witness. Just when the enemy is making a great counterattack, we start forgetting we are on the battlefield at all. It is amazing how quickly the Church has fallen away from the faith, become accursed, bewitched and under a spell. This is very predictable as part of the cosmic battle for their souls. Christians are in bondage to beings that are no gods...weak and beggarly elemental spirits. Angels are guardians and guides of God's people in both Old and New Testaments. Satan, the God Of This Age, disguises himself as an angel of light. The world is filled with devils threatening to undo us.
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The refusal to deal with the good and evil spirits has weakened the church and its witness. Just when the enemy is making a great counterattack, we start forgetting we are on the battlefield at all. It is amazing how quickly the Church has fallen away from the faith, become accursed, bewitched and under a spell. This is very predictable as part of the cosmic battle for their souls. Christians are in bondage to beings that are no gods...weak and beggarly elemental spirits. Angels are guardians and guides of God's people in both Old and New Testaments. Satan, the God Of This Age, disguises himself as an angel of light.
Principalities - forces and dominions dealing with nations and governments; high-level satanic princes set over nations and regions of the earth; commanding generals over Satan's fallen army.
Powers - having authority and power of action in spheres open to them; supernatural and natural government; high ranking powers of evil.
Rulers Of Darkness Of This World - governing the darkness and blindness of the world at large; operate within countries and cultures to influence certain aspects of life; governing spirits of darkness.
Spiritual Wickedness In High Places - forces being directed in and upon the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST in wiles, fiery darts, onslaught and every conceivable deception about doctrine which they are capable of planning; the many types of evil spirits that commonly afflict people; the collective body of demon soldiers comprising Satan's hordes.
There are three levels of strongmen: rulers over principalities or wide geographic areas on earth; rulers over people, churches, families, communities and other specific groups or individuals; and rulers who dwell within people. Principalities are ruled by princes, also called strongmen. These are the gods and goddesses of the underworld.
Forces and Dominions
Rulers Of Darkness Of This World
Spiritual Wickedness In High Places
The refusal to deal with the good and evil spirits has weakened the church and its witness. Just when the enemy is making a great counterattack, we start forgetting we are on the battlefield at all. It is amazing how quickly the Church has fallen away from the faith, become accursed, bewitched and under a spell. This is very predictable as part of the cosmic battle for their souls. Christians are in bondage to beings that are no gods...weak and beggarly elemental spirits. Angels are guardians and guides of God's people in both Old and New Testaments. Satan, the God Of This Age, disguises himself as an angel of light.
In the Secular World Government we have so much spiritual wickedness in high places we forget that these same people and spirits are in our churches.
Powers - having authority and power of action in spheres open to them; supernatural and natural government; high ranking powers of evil.
Rulers Of Darkness Of This World - governing the darkness and blindness of the world at large; operate within countries and cultures to influence certain aspects of life; governing spirits of darkness.
Spiritual Wickedness In High Places - forces being directed in and upon the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST in wiles, fiery darts, onslaught and every conceivable deception about doctrine which they are capable of planning; the many types of evil spirits that commonly afflict people; the collective body of demon soldiers comprising Satan's hordes.
There are three levels of strongmen: rulers over principalities or wide geographic areas on earth; rulers over people, churches, families, communities and other specific groups or individuals; and rulers who dwell within people. Principalities are ruled by princes, also called strongmen. These are the gods and goddesses of the underworld.
Forces and Dominions
Rulers Of Darkness Of This World
Spiritual Wickedness In High Places
The refusal to deal with the good and evil spirits has weakened the church and its witness. Just when the enemy is making a great counterattack, we start forgetting we are on the battlefield at all. It is amazing how quickly the Church has fallen away from the faith, become accursed, bewitched and under a spell. This is very predictable as part of the cosmic battle for their souls. Christians are in bondage to beings that are no gods...weak and beggarly elemental spirits. Angels are guardians and guides of God's people in both Old and New Testaments. Satan, the God Of This Age, disguises himself as an angel of light.
In the Secular World Government we have so much spiritual wickedness in high places we forget that these same people and spirits are in our churches.
According to the Bible, the latent power of the soul seems to include two types. This parallels the classification seen from the psychological standpoint. We confess that we are unable to divide these two types neatly; all we can say is that there seems to be two different types in the soul's latent power: one seems to be the ordinary kind while the other seems to be the miraculous kind; one seems to be natural, the other seems to be supernatural; one seems to be humanly comprehensible, the other seems to be beyond human comprehension.
The term "mind" in psychology is broader in its meaning than that used in the Bible. What the psychologists mean by the "mind" or the "heart" includes two parts: consciousness and subconsciousness. The subconscious side is what we call the miraculous part of the power of the soul. Though psychologists make the distinction between consciousness and subconsciousness, they can hardly separate them. They only classify the more common psychical manifestations as belonging to the first type-that of consciousness, whereas they group the extraordinary or miraculous manifestations under the second category-that of subconsciousness. We usually include only those common manifestations within the scope of the soul, not knowing that the strange and miraculous manifestation is also of the soul, though manifestations of this type are more in the realm of the subconscious. Owing to various degrees of latent power in individual souls, some men exhibit phenomena more within the first type; while others, more within the second type.
All who serve the Lord ought to pay special attention to this point, otherwise they will get carried away by miraculous powers while trying to help people. Let me reiterate the difference between soul and spirit: Adam's fallen soul belongs to the old creation; but the regenerated spirit is the new creation. God works with man's spirit, for this is his regenerated life, his new creation. Satan, on the other hand, builds with man's soul-that is, the fallen soul in Adam. He can only use the old creation because the regenerated life in the new creation does not sin.
What Satan Is Doing in the Church Today
How does Satan operate through man's soul and work with its latent psychical power? We have already given many examples in Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, parapsychology, and so forth. Let us now illustrate with some instances showing how Satan will use man's soul in spiritual things. This will help the Christian to discern what is of God and what is of the enemy, and also to know how God uses man's spirit whereas Satan uses man's soul.
The prayers in the Bible are intelligent and not silly. When the Lord Jesus teaches us to pray, His first words are: "Our Father who art in heaven". He teaches us to pray to our Father in heaven, but we Christians often pray to the God in our room. Our prayer should be offered to the heavenly Father for Him to hear. God wants us to send our prayers to heaven by faith, regardless if our feeling be good or bad, or even if there be no feeling. If you pray to, and expect to be heard by, the God in your room, I am afraid you will receive many strange feelings and miraculous experiences and visions from the God in your room. These are given to you by Satan, and whatever you receive from Satan belongs either to consciousness or subconsciousness.
Someone may not pray to the God in his room. He may direct his prayers instead towards the person for whom he prays., This too is most dangerous. Suppose you have a friend who is over two thousand miles away from you. You pray for him, asking God, as the case might be, to either revive him in the Word or to save him. Instead of directing your prayer towards God, you concentrate on your thought, your expectation, and your wish and send them out to your friend as a force. Your prayer is like a bow which shoots your thought, desire and wish as arrows towards your friend. He will be so oppressed by this force that he will do exactly what you have asked for. You may think your prayer is answered. But let metell you, it is not God who answers your prayer, for you have not prayed to Him. It is merely an answer to a prayer which you directed towards your friend.
Someone claims his prayer is answered because, says he, "I have piled prayers on my friend." Indeed, for you prayed towards him, not towards God. Your prayer is answered, but not by God. Even though you do not know hypnosis, what you have secretly done has fulfilled the law of hypnotism. You have released your psychic force to perform this act.
Why is this so? Because you have not prayed to the God in heaven; instead your prayers are projected towards, piled upon, and laid seige to, the person for whom you pray. In appearance you are praying, but in actuality you are oppressing that person with your psychic power. If you use your soul force in praying for a certain one-say you pray that he should be at least disciplined if not punished-the prayer of your soul force will dart out at him and he will accordingly be sick. This is a fixed principle of the soul. It is as sure as the fact that a person will be scorched if he thrusts his finger into fire.
For this reason, we should not pray a prayer that asks that a person be punished if he does not do what is expected of him. Such prayer will cause him to suffer, and thus make the one who prayed such a prayer the instigator of his woe. If we pray, we should pray to God and not towards man. I personally have experienced the ill-effect of such prayer. Several years ago I was sick for over a year. This was due to the prayers of five or six persons being piled upon me. The more they prayed, the weaker I became. Finally I discovered the cause. I began to resist such prayers, asking God to disengage me from what
they had prayed for. And so I got well. In this connection, let me quote from a letter written by a believer:
I have just come through a terrible onslaught of the enemy. Hemorrhage, heart affection, panting and exhaustion. My whole body is in a state of collapse. It suddenly burst upon me while at prayer to pray against all psychic power exercised upon me by (psychic) `prayer'. By faith in the power of the Blood of Christ, I cut myself off from it, and the result was remarkable. Instantly my breathing became normal, the hemorrhage stopped, exhaustion vanished, all pain fled, and life came back into my body. I have been refreshed and invigorated ever since. God let me know in confirmation of this deliverance, that my condition was the effect of a group of deceived souls, who are in opposition to me, `praying' about me! God had used me to the deliverance of two of them, but the rest are in an awful pit . . . .*
Power for Service
If one who is experienced in the Lord is present at a revival meeting, he can tell whether the speaker is using soulical or spiritual power. Once a friend of mine told me how powerful a certain preacher was. As I had never before met this preacher, I said I dare not judge. But I did write a few words on a notebook and gave it to my friend. I wrote: "Full of power but what power?" This friend was not as advanced in the Lord as was his wife. He did not understand what I had written. So he turned to ask his wife. After reading the note, she laughingly admitted, "This is indeed a real problem. What power is that preacher filled with?" Once a brother among us observed that whether someone had power or not could not be judged by how hard he was able to pound the pulpit. We need to discern in a meeting if a person's power is psychical or spiritual.
We may judge this power from two directions: from the preacher himself and from the audience. If a preacher relies on his past experience-wherein people repented through a message he gave-by deciding to deliver a message a second time with the expectation of getting the same result as at the first, he is undoubtedly working with his psychic power. Or if he tries to stir up people by relating many stories of repentance, he again will be using his psychic power.
On the other hand, if the attitude of a preacher is like that of Evan Roberts, God's vessel in the Welsh Revival of 1904-5, then his soul power will be denied.For that servant of the Lord asked God to bend him, to bind his soul power, to bridle his self, and to block all which came out of him. He who ministers ought to know the difference between these two forces. He should be able to discern what is done by his soul power and what is done by the power of God.
The work of the Holy Spirit is threefold: (1) to regenerate us, (2) to indwell us that we may produce the fruit of the Spirit, and (3) to come upon us that we may have the power to witness. Now whenever the Bible touches on the power of the Holy Spirit, it invariably points to work or witnessing. This refers to the Holy Spirit coming upon us, not to His working within us. It is clear that the power of the Holy Spirit is for work; the indwelling is for fruit. The power of the Holy Spirit is always spoken of in the original text of the Bible as descending or coming upon, while the fruit-bearing aspect of the Holy Spirit is spoken of as abiding in.
Why is the enabling power of the Holy Spirit spoken
Once I felt powerless. Although other people told me I was satisfactory, I felt rather feeble. So I went to see an elderly experienced sister, Margaret E. Barber. I said to her, "Your power is great, why do I not have power?" We knew each other well, and she frequently helped me in spiritual matters. She looked at me seriously and asked, "What power do you want what you may feel or what you cannot feel?" As soon as I heard, I understood. I therefore answered, "I want what I cannot feel." So she said, "You must remember that there is no need for people to feel the power which comes from the Holy Spirit. Man's duty is to obey God. For the power of the Holy Spirit is not given for man to feel." (Note that sensing in the spirit is another matter.) My duty is to ask God to bind my soul force, that is, my own power. I am to obey God absolutely, the rest I leave to Him to do.
If we work with soul force, we can feel it just as do the hypnotists, who know what results they will get by doing certain things. They know from the first step to the last step. The peril of the pulpit lies in the fact that many preachers do not know they are using their own psychic force. They think they have power; but they are only employing psychological power to win people.
Some have suggested that preachers have become experts on the use of psychology in manipulating people. But I strongly repudiate such manipulation; for even though we know how to attract people with psychic means, we should purposely avoid using any psychic force. Once I was working in Shantung. A professor there said to his colleague "that these preachers work with emotions." It so happened that when I preached to the believers that afternoon I told them how undependable and useless was emotion. The colleague professor who was told by the first professor that preachers use emotion was also present at the meeting. After he heard my word he said it was a pity that the professor who spoke to him was absent.
Let us remember that all works done through emotion are questionable and transient. In the work done through the power of the Holy Spirit man does not need to exert his own strength nor do anything by himself. If a work is done by soul strength one has to exert lots of energy and employ numerous methods such as weeping, shouting, jumping, incessant singing of choruses, or the telling of a number of moving stories (I do not say that hymns and stories should not be used, only everything must be done within appropriate bounds). For the employment of these methods serves no other purpose than that of trying to stir up the audience.
We all know that some individuals have a magnetic attraction about them. Though they may not be fairer or more eloquent than others, they nonetheless can draw people to themselves. Often have people told me, "You have great influence over So-and-so, why do you not pull him over?" To which I answer, "That is useless." For this will merely be natural; it is not spiritual at all. Many mistake Christianity to be a kind of psychic phenomenon as though it belongs to the domain of psychology. We really cannot blame them, because we believers make the mistake first. Unless the power of God draws your parents or your children, your natural attraction-however great it may be-is of no avail. Even if you could draw them with your dynamic force, what, if anything, is really gained?
Peace and Joy
What is the highest attainment in Christianity? That of complete union with God and total loss of self. In modern psychology there is also the so-called union of man with the invisible "mind" so as to cause him to lose his identity. This appears to be akin to Christianity, though in reality these two are far apart. The popular Dr. Frank Buchman (Oxford Group movement) advocated this kind of psychology. One of his teachings concerned meditation. He reckoned that meditation was all that was necessary for communication between man and God. He did not ask people to read the Bible at early morn; he only asked them to meditate and then to pray. The first thought which comesafter prayer, he proclaimed, is that thought which is given you by God. And so you must live through the day according to that thought. Who would ever think that this is but another type of silent sitting or abstract meditation? What is the effect of such meditation? You will be told that it will make you most peaceful and joyous. If you quietly direct your thought on whatever thing it may be for an hour, you too will get what is called peace and joy. Even if you meditate abstractly for one hour on no thought at all, you will still not fail to obtain this so-called peace and joy.
The meditations of many people are simply a kind of psychic operation. Not so with the Christian faith. We need not meditate on God, for we already have God's life. We can know Him in our intuition, regardless what our feeling may be. We have within us an intuitive guidance to the knowledge of God. In addition we have the word of God. Whatever His word says, we believe. If we have faith, we can disregard feeling. Herein lie the differences between Christian faith and psychology.
Let us look at wonders. I personally am not antagonistic to them. I have seen with my own eyes cases of instantaneous divine healing. Some people profess they can heal diseases. We do not oppose healing, we only contend with erroneous ways of healing. Some ask me if I oppose speaking in tongues. Certainly not, though I do question tongues which are obtained through faulty means. As to visions and dreams, I too have seen great light. We acknowledge that there are such things in the Bible. But I do resist visions and dreams which are obtained through unlawful means.
The Bible speaks of the laying on of hands and the anointing with oil. Some,however, in laying hands on another's head, rub forcibly the back of the person's brain or his neck and keep on asking how that person feels. Naturally when he is massaged, his neck will feel heated up. This is such a low trick that even the hypnotists reject using it. We know that at the back of our brain is a big nerve which extends into the vertebrae. The one who massages may not realize that this is a kind of hypnosis. The one who is being massaged may sense a current of warmth passing through his vertebrae and may even be healed. Yet it is but the manifestation of the latent psychical power of man. In spite of his getting well, I cannot recognize it as divine healing.
Let us talk about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. When I was in Shantung this time, I too told people to seek for it. Nevertheless, I do not approve of the shutting in of many people into a small room for several days' fasting, praying, and chorus singing. Should people do such a thing, it will not take too long for them to have their brain dazed, the will to be turned passive, and their lips to be made to utter strange and incoherent sounds or tongues. And in this way shall their latent power be released.
In a meeting for seeking Spirit-baptism, people will keep shouting hallelujah for thousands of times.Eventually, their brain will grow dull, their mind becomes paralyzed, and they begin to see visions. How can you consider this as Spirit-baptism? It is but soul-baptism. What they receive is not the power of the Holy Spirit; it is instead soul force, the manifestation of the latent power of the soul. It comes from human exercise, not from the enduement of God. This is not the proper way for seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Yet people are still coaching others in this way, a way they learn not at God's instruction but by their own past experiences.
Some may ask, after reading this, "According to what you say, is it true that there are no real miracles?" Of course there are. We give thanks to God for all the miracles which come from Him. Nonetheless, we need to discern that if a miracle does not come from God, it is performed by the latent psychical power of man. When I was in Shantung I heard of a woman, palsied for many years, being completely healed. If her healing was truly of God, I would thank Him for her.
Knowing Psychic Force
Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Church of Christ, Scientist, denied that there were death, sickness and pain; yet she died. However, the Church of Christ, Scientist outlives her and continues on prosperously. They still give assent to the notion that if a sick person believes he is not sick, he will feel no pain; if a dying person believes he will not die, he will not die. As a consequence, many people are healed. Their propagators merely try to strengthen man's psychic force for the relief of physical ailment. Through the release of man's latent power of the soul, bodily weakness is overcome.
Because of the development of the soul's latent force, wonders are increasing nowadays. Of these wonders, many are highly supernatural and miraculous. Yet all these are only the manifestations of the latent power of the soul. Though I am no prophet, I have read books on prophecy. I learn that hereafter soul's latent power will have greater manifestations. For in the last days the enemy will seize upon man's psychic force to fulfill his work. If he succeeds in seizing this power, he will be able to do great wonders.
There are two classes of people who hold to two extremes respectively. One class insists there is no wonder. When they hear about wonders such as divine healing, they refuse to listen. Another class lays stress on wonders so much that they do not care from what source come these wonders-from God or from the enemy. Today we should be careful not to bend to either extreme. Each time we see or hear of a wonder performed we must ask, Is this God's doing or the enemy's? Is it done by the Holy Spirit of God or by the law of human psychology?
Today we should use our abilities-such as that of the mind, the will and the emotion-to do things, but we ought not express the latent power that is in our soul. The mind, emotion and will are man's psychic organs which he cannot help but use. For if man does not use them the evil spirit will take over their usage. However, if man desires to use the latent power behind these abilities, the evil spirit will begin to give him all kinds of counterfeit miracles. All works done by the soul and its psychic law are counterfeits. Only what is done by the power of the Holy Spirit is real. The Holy Spirit has His own law of operation. For it is stated in Romans 8.2, "the law of the Spirit of life". Thank God, the Holy Spirit is real, and the law of the Holy Spirit is factual. Wonders performed according to the law of the Holy Spirit come from God.
It is extremely difficult for Moslems to believe in the Lord Jesus. There are therefore comparatively few who become Christians. Now how do the Moslems pray? Three times every day they do so in their mosques. They say that if anything needs to be done, pray in one accord with tens of thousands of people. "Consider the mass of Mahomedans at prayer in the great Jumna Mosque of Delhi," writes Mrs. PennLewis, "where an hundred thousand followers of Mahomet assemble inside the Mosque, with a still larger crowd engaged in prayer outside." For what were they praying? In unison they shouted that they wanted Turkey revived and freed from the domination of the white race. Their psychic force gained the victory. "It is sufficient," continues Mrs. Penn-Lewis, "to point to the revision of the Treaty of Sevres, under which all that was lost to Turkey had to be restored. A greater triumph of one Eastern nation over all Western nations put together, cannot be imagined. The explanation given, and believed in by millions in India, is expressed in the word `soul-force'."* (*Mrs. Jessie Penn-I.ewis, Spirit and Soul. Poole, Dorset, England Overcomer Literature Trust, 1968?, p.56. Also available in the United States from Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pa.)Unfortunately the prayers of many Christians are not answered by God but are attained by the projection of the latent power of their soul. They accomplish their goals in much the same way as the Moslems.
Look now at the powers displayed in Hinduism. Some Hindus can walk on fire without being scorched. And this is not a fake. They walk on fire, and not just a few steps, but across a long course with their feet treading on red-hot iron; yet they are not hurt. Some of them can lie on beds with nails pointed up. (Naturally, those whom they consider beginners cannot bear such things and will feel pain and hurt.
This too is a matter of the development of psychic power. How disastrous for believers to perform wonders with the same power which the Hindus use.
Very often in meetings Christians can sense a sort of power pressing in on them, or even at times of prayer and Bible reading they may feel oppressed without any reason. All these come from Satan who uses psychic forces to depress us or to assault us. Experienced Christians all over the world are aware of the especially severe attacks of the enemy at the end of this age. Since the whole atmosphere of the world seems to be heavily charged with psychic force, we need to hide ourselves under the Lord's precious blood and be protected by it.
While listening to a sermon in a huge cathedral, you can sense almost instantly if soul power is in operation-whether there is something present which seems to be inciting you. Although the preacher may announce that some people have repented and have been saved, you need to consider the consequences for those proclaimed to be saved. For there has been the mixing in of improper power into the work. If the power has come from God-which is that of God's Spirit-you would have felt light and clear. But psychic force as used by the enemy is aroused by the presence of a big crowd. May we be able to discern the difference lest we too be deceived.
The time is now come. Satan is exciting all his energies and using all kinds of means to stir up the latent power of the soul in religionists, mental scientists, and even Christians. Such is the fact before us. We should ask the Lord to give us light that we may discern.
Now so that we don"t "throw the baby out with the bath water"...we need to understand how we can identify true Holy Spirit from an enemy infested human "soulish" carnal imitation.
This takes much prayer and fasting to die daily to 'self' and walk and live in "The Spirit." When I was in "the enemy's camp" involved in the "martial arts" where breathing and meditative practices similar to the ones in Taoism and Scientology, and all the rest of those experiences of "para-normal and supernatural phenomena could be experienced, when the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD delivered me from all of that, the contrast was irrefutable!
It was literlly night and day! It was like I was filled with toxic poisen that was washed away by Living water!
While many have never had the experience of these as I have to compare "Spiritual to spiritual" is none the less truth...that we must have " order to know light! Those who really do not find themselves so contrasted after their alleged conversion, probably did not truly repent seeing themselves as "filthy rags" as we should, standing before The Holy GOD!
There are so many "intellectual conversions" that it is hard to find saints that can say, "Oh wretched man that I am, who shall save me from this body of death"
As I discussed earlier on Sun Tzu and his teaching on use of spies, I had realized that God was using me to be a "surviving spy for his glory.
Romans 8:28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 29For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
God is in control of every braeth we take, every nano second of our lives. He will use os and everything in our past presen and future for his divine plan.We will be used as a witness of his mercy or an example of his rightous and terrible justice and wrath. It's our choice.
That is the folly of the enemy, and of our carnal minds...neither grasps the OMNIPOTENCE of GOD. All powerfull!!! The enemy's power, yours, mine, the universes energies above and below are held by him!
Our challenge is will we apply Romans 8:28"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." We have to answer our God ordained purpose!! If we are to have faith that all things will work together for our good.If we are not finding our "calling and purpose...we don't love him! "they that love me obey my commandments!"
There is no biblical evidence that there are "general purpose "saints" who only outwardly abstain from sinning but also ommit soul winning, fervent effectual prayer, and caring for the matthew 25 naked,hungry,thirsty,imprisoned, and sick & poor.
How can one be effectual in prayer and warfare if they do not know the "weapons of their calling? 2 Corinthians 10
1Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold toward you:
2But I beseech you, that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence, wherewith I think to be bold against some, which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh.
3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
Prayer is our first and formost weapon! First to get vicktory over the carnal mind! Until that is accomplished...were carnal!
Biblical regeneration is a birth by which the innermost part of man's being, the deeply hidden spirit, is renewed and indwelt by the Spirit of God. It requires time for the power of this new life to reach the outside: that is, to be extended from the center to the circumference. Hence we cannot expect to find the strength of "the young men" nor the experience of "the fathers" manifested in the life of a child in Christ. Although a newly born believer may proceed faithfully, loving the Lord best and distinguishing himself in zeal, he still needs time for opportunities to know more of the wickedness of sin and self and occasions to know more of the will of God and the way of the spirit. However much he may love the Lord or love the truth, this new believer still walks in the realm of feelings and thoughts, not yet having been tested and refined by fire. A newly born Christian cannot help being fleshly. Though filled with the Holy Spirit, he nevertheless does not know the flesh. How can one be liberated from the works of the flesh if he does not recognize that such works spring from the flesh? In assessing their actual condition, therefore, newly born babes are generally of the flesh.
What then are the reasons for not growing? Perhaps there are two. On the one hand, it may be due to the negligence of -those that, watching over the souls of the younger believers, may only speak to them of the grace of God and of their position in Christ but neglect to encourage them to seek spiritual experience. (No, those who watch over others may themselves be ignorant of life in the Spirit. How then could such ones ever lead others into more abundant life?) On the other hand, it may be because the believers themselves are not keen on spiritual affairs.* Either they assume that it is sufficient enough merely to be saved or they have no spiritual appetite or they simply are unwilling to pay the price for advancement. As a deplorable consequence the church is overstuffed with big babes.*Nee
What are the characteristics of the fleshly? Foremost among them is remaining long as babes. The duration of babyhood should not exceed a few years. When one is born anew by believing that the Son of God atoned for his sins on the cross,Obeys the Apostles born again, he simultaneously ought to believe that he has been crucified with Christ in order that the Holy Spirit may release him from the power of the flesh. Ignorance of this naturally will keep him in the flesh for many years.
The second characteristic of the fleshly is that they are unfit to absorb spiritual teaching. "I fed you with milk, not solid food; for you were not ready." The Corinthians grossly prided themselves on their knowledge and wisdom. Of all the churches in that period, that at Corinth was probably the most informed one. Paul early in his letter thanked God for their rich knowledge (1.5). Should Paul deliver spiritual sermons to them they could understand every word; however, all their understandings were in the mind. Although they knew everything, these Corinthians did not have the power to express in life that which they knew. Most likely there are many fleshly believers today who grasp so much so well that they can even preach to others but who are themselves yet unspiritual. Genuine spiritual knowledge lies not in wonderful and mysterious thoughts but in actual spiritual experience through union of the believer's life with truth, and performing their high calling. Cleverness is useless here, while eagerness for truth is insufficient too; the sine qua non is a path of perfect obedience to the Holy Spirit Who alone truly teaches us. All else is merely the transmission of knowledge from one mind to another. Such data will not render a fleshly person spiritual; on the contrary, his carnal walk actually will turn all his "spiritual" knowledge into that which is fleshly. What he needs is not increased spiritual eaching but an obedient heart which is willing to yield his life to the Holy Spirit and go the way of the cross according to the Spirit's command. Increased spiritual teaching will only strengthen his carnality and serve to deceive him into conceiving himself as spiritual.
It is essential for a regenerated person to understand what he has obtained through new birth and what still lingers of his natural endowment. Such knowledge will help him as he continues his spiritual journey. It may prove helpful at this point to explain how much is included in man's flesh and likewise how the Lord Jesus in His redemption deals with the constituents of that flesh. In other words, what does a believer inherit in regeneration?
A reading of several verses in Romans 7 can make clear that the components of the flesh are mainly "sin" and "me": "sin that dwells in me . . , that is, in my flesh" (vv. 14,17-18 Darby). The "sin" here is the power of sin, and the "me" here is what we commonly acknowledge as "self." If a believer would understand spiritual life he must not be confused about these two elements of the flesh.
We know the Lord Jesus has dealt with the sin of our flesh on His cross. And the Word informs us that "our old self was crucified with him" (Rom. 6.6). Nowhere in the Bible are we told to be crucified since this has been done and done perfectly by Christ already. With regard to the question of sin, man is not required to do anything. He need only consider this an accomplished fact (Rom. 6.11) and he will reap the effectiveness of the death of Jesus in being wholly delivered from the power of sin (Rom. 6.14).
We are never asked in the Bible to be crucified for sin that is true. It does exhort us, however, to take up the cross for denying self. The Lord Jesus instructs us many times, to deny ourselves and take up the cross and follow Him. The explanation for this is that the Lord Jesus deals with our sins and with us very differently. To wholly conquer sin the believer needs but a moment; to deny the self he needs an entire lifetime. Only on the cross did Jesus bear our sins; yet throughout His life the Lord denied Himself. The same must be true of us.
The Galatian letter of Paul delineates the relationship between the flesh and the believer. He tells us on the one hand that "those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires" (5.24). On the very day one becomes identified with the Lord Jesus then his flesh also is crucified. Now one might think, without the Holy Spirit's instruction, that his flesh is no longer present, for has it not been crucified? But no, on the other hand the letter says to us to "Walk by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh" (5.16-17). Here we are told openly that one who belongs to Christ Jesus and has already the indwelling Holy Spirit still has the flesh in him. Not only does the flesh exist; it is described as being singularly powerful as well.
What can we say? Are these two Biblical references contradictory? No, verse 24 stresses the sin of the flesh, while verse 17 the self of the flesh. The cross of Christ deals with sin and the Holy Spirit through the cross treats of self. Christ delivers the believer completely from the power of sin through the cross that sin may not reign again; but by the Holy Spirit Who dwells in the believer, Christ enables him to overcome self daily and obey Him perfectly. Liberation from sin is an accomplished fact; denial of self is to be a daily experience.
The purpose of God is never to reform the flesh but to destroy it. It is by God's life given the believer at regeneration that the self in the flesh is to be destroyed. The life God imparts to man is indeed most powerful, but the regenerated person is still a babe-newly born and very weak. The flesh long has held the reins and its power is tremendous. Furthermore, the regenerated one has not yet learned to apprehend by faith God's complete salvation. Though he be saved, he is still of the flesh during this period. Being fleshly denotes being governed by the flesh. What is most pitiful is for a believer, hitherto enlightened by heavenly light to know the wickedness of the flesh and to desire with full heart victory over it, to find himself too weak to overcome. This is the moment when he sheds many tears of sorrow. How can he not be angry with himself, for though he harbors a new desire to destroy sin and to please God his will is not steadfast enough to subdue the body of sin. Few are the victories many, the defeats.
Breaking News....
July 15 2011
For Immediate release:
Dateline:Betheda MD
cc:CNN-Msnbc-ABC///WISE "L. Ron Hubbard Reincarnated!"
Walter Reed Army Medical Center Chief of Staff Dr. Rahm Wisenthal, released this incredible statement at a press conference this morning, at 11:59...Quote "As improbable as it seems, under secret Presidential order #198666 The United States Department of Scientific Research and Development, 'USRD'..confirms that American born citizen, Dr. Raymond Hahn,
Senior Fellow at the Livermore Laboratories, in Livermore California, is not only the DNA prodigy of Scientology Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, but sixteen
years in secret scientific trials and experiments, is determined to be L. Ron
Hubbard himself."
The White House released this statement, " President Obama is on his way to meet with Vatican officials who it is said, through back channels has called this announcement; "Heretical and of the enemy of all Christian believers and must be denounced!"
CNN Cairo reports, "riots breaking out all over the Muslim World since Aljezeera broadcasted the press conference live...Other reports unconfirmed say's, "Israel has it's Military on high Alert."
The attached USRD documents to the press release from Walter Reed state further; " Dr. Hahn was born 3 1/2 years after L. Ron Hubbard died in 1986...We have confirmed evidence and video documentation that Mr. Hubbard had far advanced and perfected DNA cloning for the specific pupose of proving when he reincarnated with full conciousness of his identity, it could be substantiated with science."
The report further said, " Dr. Hahn had been in our program since childhood when the Trustees of L. Ron Hubbard's 'Living Will & Trust' followed pre-arranged proceedures that began in 1984." According to Admiral Henry Orwell, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, who also participated in the program, sources say was dubbed, " The Guardian Project."
" The child was beyond the scope of any scientific data as to his intellect, total recall of everything L. Ron Hubbard ever wrote and postulated." Said, Dr. Wisenthal, who was present at the first debriefing and examination of the child at six years old.
The childs mother was selected from among Scientology's highest ranks of spiritual and technical achievement.
" The chain of evidence absolutly proves that it is impossible regarding all the imperical evidence our project ammassed in sixteen years, that Dr. Hahn is not L Ron Hubbard." Concluded Dr. Wisenthal.
Church of Scientology officials will not comment until an emergency meeting of top Church officials, which is reportedly being held off the Florida coast on a U.S. Navel vessal, where Dr. Hahn is said to be " re-auditing them." A Scientology term for spiritual guidence.
Pandomonium broke out when DR. Wisenthal refused to take Questions, and was escorted away and the entire Walter Reed Medical Center has been cordoned off by military police.
This annoucement comes on the heels of Last weeks astonishing announcement made by the United Nations Security Council, that an International Treaty has been reached to facilitate the complete shutdown of the world's pharmaceutical industry and re-evauate the use of over 90% of drugs in the treatment of psychiatric diagnosed illnesses, and re-evaluation of Psychiatry as related to Medical Science.
These revelations are sure to send shock waves around the entire globe and the repercussions as to the possibility that this is scientific fact ,and the United States of America has officially authenticated it as so, is going to be world changing.( end )
The above is not just a fantastic impossibility...the end-time powers prophesied in the bible tells us of "lying signs and wonders...were this to happen,,and Scientologists are looking for LRH's second coming, will release these powers and "the very elect might be deceived."
From "Kreskin " bending spoons and other mind over matter powers, to those I have witnessed...when the board begins bending before the hand hits it because of the "chi force" which one tapps into. Truth will seem to be "Thrown into the Street!"
Isaiah 59
14And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.
1Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
2But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
3For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness.
4None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.
5They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.
6Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.
7Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.
8The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace.
9Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.
10We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noon day as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men.
11We roar all like bears, and mourn sore like doves: we look for judgment, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far off from us.
12For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify against us: for our transgressions are with us; and as for our iniquities, we know them;
13In transgressing and lying against the LORD, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.
14And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.
15Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.
16And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.
17For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloak.
18According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence.
19So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.
20And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD.
21As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.
But for those who love not the truth..."every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Not just a warm fuzzy feeling about it but "launched into "love action" toward the battle, being a doer and not just a hearer.
Thessalonians 2
1Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,(Aposatsy) and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (falling away from the faith-truth..and doing it))
4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
16Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,
17Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.
And all of the evil we battle is from Babylon.Nimrod, Semiramis, Tammuz and their end-time re-manifestaion as Antichrist, False Prophet and Mystery Babylon
One world government, one world religion and one world language had its earliest roots at the Tower of Babel (Babylon.)
Genesis 10:8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. 10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.
Genesis 11 1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another' speech. 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
God destroyed Babel and scattered the people because their dictator Nimrod saw himself above God and his wife founded a false fertility cult religion.
Satan diverted the attention of mankind from the coming Savior through the rise of a false religion, Mystery Babylon. As we have already noted, the base of this satanic counterfeit salvation was the myth that after Nimrod's death his wife gave birth to a son whom she named Tammuz. The worship of Nimrod's wife, Semiramis, as the queen of heaven and her god-son spread throughout the world. It exists today in many forms, even within Christendom in the form of Roman Catholicism (mother and child imagery and the worship of Mary.)
A tradition related to the religion of Babylon is that when Nimrod died, his body was cut into pieces, cremated, and the ashes were spread over the earth. In the case of Nimrod, according to the tradition as related by some ancient sources, all of the body was cut up and scattered with the exception of his reproductive organs. It was from this ancient and obscure Babylonian tradition that the worship of the "phallus" began. The next great king of Babylon to arise after Nimrod was Hammurabi, his name signifying that he was a descendant of Nimrod through Ham. The laws of Hammurabi were graven on a large black stone in the shape of a phallus.
In Egypt, Semiramis took the name of Isis, and Tammuz became Horus. The Encyclopedia Of Religions (Vol. 3, p. 264) states that Queen Semiramis in Babylon erected an obelisk one hundred thirty feet high to the memory of Nimrod. Such temples were common in Babylon and later in Egypt. These obelisks are replete in the temples of Luxor and Karnak. Many of the monuments have been removed to other nations. One stands in Central Park in New York City, one in London, and others in Italy.
According to The Two Babylons by Hislop and Babylon Mystery Religion by Woodrow, these obelisks, or standing images as they were called in the Hebrew, are mentioned in both 1 Kings and 2 Kings as a part of Baal worship. Baal is one of the names for Nimrod. It was into this kind of evil and licentious religion that Jezebel enticed Israel. It is to the abolition of the last vestiges of the Babylonian idolatry that Isaiah 27:1 and 9 is addressed, "In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea . . . By this therefore shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged; and this is all the fruit to take away his sin; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, the groves and images shall not stand up."
A common practice in Egypt, Greece, and other nations of the Middle East and the Mediterranean area, where the religion of Babylon had spread was to erect an obelisk in front of the temple. This symbolism for the phallus associated the religion with the fertility cult of Nimrod. The temples of Diana, the Ephesian counterpart of Nimrod's wife, the queen of heaven, was supported by the temple prostitutes. According to Ezekiel 8:1-6, this abominable symbol was erected in front of the temple at the north gate. Ezekiel referred to it as the "image of jealousy." We can be certain that it was the Babylonian symbol of Nimrod because we read in verse fourteen that the prophet saw a woman at the temple weeping for Tammuz, the son of Nimrod.
Emperor Caligula was one of the most cruel and degenerate of the Caesars of Rome. According to the book Babylon Mystery Religion, Caligula transported an obelisk from Heliopolis in Egypt to the section of Rome which was called his circus. This hill is the place where the Vatican was later built. The obelisk remained in the Vatican until 1586 when Pope Sixtus V had it moved it front of the church at St. Peter where it is today. The pope had decreed the death penalty if it should be broken or damaged. The mover was a man named Domenico Fontana. Forty-five winches, one hundred sixty horses, and a crew of eight hundred men were required to move the obelisk to its new location. When the task was completed, the pope blessed it and the workmen who had moved it under such an extreme penalty for failure. An inscription in the pagan temple of Heliopolis, from where the obelisk came, reads: "I, Dionysus, dedicated these phalli to Hera, my stepmother. " The account of the moving of the obelisk can be found in the Hasting's Encyclopedia Of Religion and Ethics in a section on "phallicism."
It is also interesting to take note that the obelisk in front of St. Peter's Cathedral came from Heliopolis. We read in Jeremiah 43:13, "He shall break also the images of Beth-shemesh, that is in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire. "The footnote in the Pilgrim Bible on Beth-shemesh reads, "This means 'House of the Sun,' or temples dedicated to sun-worship. . . . This was probably the city which was called Heliopolis by the Greeks."
Wherever in the world, the obelisk is related to the mystery religion of Babylon. In Egypt at the temples of Luxor and Karnak. In China the entire land is punctuated with Buddhist shrines called pagodas. These pagodas rise high in the sky in tiers, much like the Tower of Babel, and the phallus symbol of Nimrod. In China Semiramis, the mother goddess, was called Shingmoo. Throughout the Moslem world from Morocco, to Egypt, to Syria, Jordan, and Iraq we see mosques surrounded by minarets, slender spires with an enlarged section at the top. The symbolism is apparent. Mecca, in the heart of Islam, fractures the skyline with a host of minarets with their slight enlargements at the apex.
In the fourth and fifth centuries, the Roman Empire divided into two parts, with Constantinople becoming the capital city of the eastern leg. The church at St. Sophia was the pride of the holy Byzantine Empire. In front of St. Sophia in the town square was erected a tall obelisk. This obelisk is still standing today. In Istanbul, our guide informed us that it was at this obelisk where doctrinal disagreements were settled through athletic contests. After the Turks captured Constantinople in 1292 and changed the name to Istanbul, St. Sophia was converted to a mosque and minarets were erected around it.
In temples, shrines, mosques, and churches of all religions of the world, obelisk-like spires and towers are included in construction. Many of these elongated units simply follow tradition without any realization of their meaning or relationship to the mystery religion of Babylon.
The obelisk in front of St. Peter's in Rome, including the foundation, is one hundred thirty-two feet high. Inasmuch as it came from Heliopolis in Egypt, it is probably no coincidence that it is approximately the same height as the one that Queen Semiramis erected in honor of her husband, Nimrod. But the largest obelisk in the world is in front of our nation's capitol building in Washington, D.C., the Washington Monument. Again, it was probably no coincidence that the phallus-shaped obelisk was chosen to memorialize George Washington as the father of the United States. We will comment on its relationship to Mystery Babylon later in this study.
As we consider the major religions of mankind, there are literally hundreds of connections that could be made to the mystery religion of Babylon. The most prominent, besides the obelisk, is the worship of idols, or the use of idols in worship.
As evil as the thoughts and deeds of mankind became in the millennium before the flood, there is no evidence that idol worship was among its sins. Idol worship originated at Babel, and after Babel, as the people were scattered over the face of the earth, they carried with them this religious abomination. Throughout Egypt, the Hebrews were confronted with idols to the Egyptian gods, which in reality were only Babylonian gods that had been given Egyptian names. When they passed through the lands of the Canaanite tribes, they saw similar idols which had been given Canaanite names. Therefore, the Lord gave this commandment to Moses for the Israelites: " Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God" {Lev. 26:1).
The Babylonian concept of idol worship was the chief weapon of Satan that the prophets of God had to contend with. There are thousands of references in the Old Testament alone to idol worship. Like a large segment of both Catholic and non-Catholic Christendom today, the Hebrews tried to make a pretense of worshipping God while catering to their idolatry. We read in Jeremiah 7:8-10, 18, 30-31: "Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit. Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? . . . The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods . . . For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the Lord: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it. And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not. ..."
It was the worship of idols, mainly Baal (Nimrod) and the queen of heaven (Nimrod's wife) that brought the judgment of God upon the nation. In the early church it was idol worshippers and makers at Ephesus and other cities who were the fiercest enemies of the disciples. In Athens, the city was overrun with idols, so much so that they even had an idol to the unknown god!
In Rome, at the Pantheon, there were idols to every god in the known world.
Like the Israelites, there were some in the early church who professed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, yet clung to their heathen idols. We read of this abomination in 2 Corinthians 6:15-17, "And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? . . . Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."
In India the Hindu temples are filled with idols of the Babylonian fertility cult; in Bangkok the temples are likewise filled with idols; in China the Buddhist temples have the largest idols in the world. After the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D. sanctioned the worship of the godmother religion, the churches of Asia became filled with idols. When Mohammed ravaged the churches of this territory early in the seventh century, he brought fifteen hundred idols back to Mecca. Regardless how identifiable statues are with Christianity, it is an abomination to worship and kiss them. We read in 1 Kings 19:18,". . . I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him." Kissing an idol is associated with the worship of Baal, or Nimrod.
All idol worship is related to the mystery religion of Babylon, and all religions are invested with it to some degree. The time is coming when the world religion of the tribulation. Mystery Babylon, will call upon all idol worshippers on earth to worship one idol, the image of Antichrist. "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed" (Rev. 13:15).
The religion of Babel was centered in the person of Nimrod. This religion was to weld a one-world worship in rebellion against God. After Babel this fractured religion was carried into all the world where it has been propagated and perpetuated in various forms. However, its stronghold was retained in Babylon. It would appear that at the fall of Babylon God placed barriers upon this satanic deception and his fallen angels to prevent it from corrupting the entire world. But according to the prophetic Word of God, at the end of the age fractured Babylonianism would unite once more to produce another world leader who would defy God and declare to the whole world that he is god. This we see taking place today. We read in Revelation 9:13-15: "And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet. Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men."
This prophetic warning is repeated in Revelation 16:12-14: "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."
The confusion within Christendom today, the rise of Eastern religions in our own nation, and the rapid growth of the New Age movement indicate that mankind is rapidly approaching the Great Tribulation and Jesus Christ will come as a thief for those who are not watching.
The major religions of mankind today are looking for a messiah to come. The New Age religion adherents are predicting that Maitreya will come; messianic fervor is now sweeping Israel; a large segment of the Islamic nations see in Osama Bin Laden their Mahdi.( post posthumously) This too is a sign that Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, may appear at any time (Matt. 24:23-27).
Connecting the "dots"
A born again believer should be very similar to a brand new infant in the natural, in the sense that they are "a new creature in Christ", as newborn babes, the appetite fort "the sincere milk of the Word" should be like "fire, shut up in my bones"...but sadly, many do not get past the first three grounds Jesus teaches in the "sower and the seed."Luke 8:4-15 (King James Version)
4And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable:
5A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.
6And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.
7And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.
8And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
9And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be?
10And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.
11Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
12Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.
13They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away.
14And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection.
15But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.
Notice vs 10, the Lord speaks of "the mysteries of the kingdom of God"...the first 3 grounds is where those who never "Get It!" find themselves "returned to the wallow-vomit" or a pew warming "tare" deceived that they are "not a tare." vs 14 "and bring no fruit to perfection" both fruit of the Spirit and souls won as the "fruit of LOVE" compels them into the Masters service.
Four "grounds"...the good ground is "The secret Place" Psalm 91
1He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
8Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
12They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
13Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
14Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
15He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
16With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.
"The secret place of the most high" is simply a child of God who; 2Tim 2:15"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Most Christians who do not "continue in the Word" have not found that "secret place" mixed with FAITH! Because they may have had a less than diligent study ethic in their secular education, they fall short of having faith that "The Holy Ghost will lead them to all truth and understanding" ...and they do not "desire" it enough to pray and fast, and believe God to shine his "marvelous light " upon them to the saving them from bad ground ..."into the good!"
So they cling to "legalism"..."Pharisaical hypocrisy" and "false "easy believing heresy." In Pentecost, it is unfortunate that many believe they are OK when they "pray through to tongues" repenting for their inaction, without doing it all over again, and again, mistaking speaking in tongues as God's anointing that they are forgiven, even when they continue in their "Ommision of commission!( soul winning, bearing fruit) Rom 11: 26 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. He will bring you to the place of victory, if you will advance and not go back to the "sin of ommission."
2 Tim 3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 3:9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. 3:10But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 3:11Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 3:12Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 3:13But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.3:14But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 3:15And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 3:16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 3:17That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
All good works....."Faith without works are dead."
Part 3
I was evangelizing in the northwest at a church where the Pastor was taking his first church although he had ministerial experience in other areas. I had prepared myself as God has spoken to me that a mighty revival could be won beginning at this particular church.
The irony of it all was when I was 14, myself and 3 friends ran away and stole a pickup truck 800 miles away, but was caught and arrested in this town.Fasting and praying I sensed a fierce spiritual battle would ensue and conveyed this to my friend.
The church had "Ahab and Jezebel" on their board, and when revival began to break out...and the Pastor would gain much respect and backing from the congregation that he needed, to be the scriptural leader, These "tares" tried to cut off the finances where the Pastor could no longer support the revival.
The Pastor intended well, his spiritual state was less than prepared to discern the "wiles" of the enemy to destroy revival. One of the most powerful moves of God I have been in the middle of, began at this church, but lack of his fasting and "studied rightly divide the word of truth" cut it short.
We both witnessed a powerful manifestation of the two "strongmen" that shared this principality. One was an American native "arch devil" the other was the "Masonic/Jezebel" arch devil."( the devils received their power from the respective groups who ran the local body-politic)
I always record my messages because of "satanic power of the air" I preached one night after there were saints that did not understand why the "Ahab and Jezebel left...(God gave me wisdom to help the pastor take them off the board, and they chose to leave) and the enemy was trying to turn people against the 'preacher." The pastor was sitting with his family three rows back, as I was preaching and from the row behind him the enemy changed the words I preached, for all those behind the pastor and several spoke out against me immediately. Of course I told them was they thought they heard was not what was said, and the pastor backed me up, but until we played back the tape, they were convinced of what the enemy had done in this deceptive manner.
Even though the pastor became aware of the demonic attack we were under, he became offended when I took him to task on his lack of prayer and fasting, and allowed bitterness to find ought against me when the devil got into another man who had not yet repented and filled with the Holy Ghost, manifested a spirit of "hatred and variance towards me as the enemy possessed him.
Originally there for a 3 day trial,we were in our 8th week 4&5 nights a week, with miracles and healing under the most powerful anointing I had ever experienced. But God moved me out. I truly believe we were on the precipice of winning that entire city.
The entire district was gripped by these powers, but God was using my ministry to see "deaf ears unstopped" Gout healed overnight, with signs and wonders following confirming the word of God.
It was not long before "the accuser of the brethren " began using "jealous spirits and fearful Jezebel leadership to try and stop my barnstorming this district as God had me doing. The enemy even brought in another "evangelist" who was a "Wolf in sheep's clothing" to deflect some of my invitations. I saw his "quackery" firsthand in one of his meetings where he was 'coaching' and manipulating a false "baptism of the Holy Ghost, even to the extent of manually grabbing their chins while shaking them and using "auto-suggestive "witchcraft!"
But because these churches could "claim 15-20 got the Holy Ghost" it helped these carnal preachers agenda that they "had a move of God!"
But we also have actual "counterfeit supernatural manifest ions as of Jannes and Jambres to contend with. 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-4 describes a class of dissolute brothers and sisters that would arise from within the ecclesia “in the last days”. These reprobate brothers and sisters are summed up in verse 5 as being people “having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof”.
Verse 6 outlines a key tactic of these corrupted brethren: “For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts”. Such people prefer to work privately to promote their views. Note Paul’s use of the sinister word ‘creep’. Sadly, this is consistent with how errors have been propagated in the ecclesia throughout history; we may expect it be so “in the last days”.
The victims of these false teachers are captives, “led away with divers lusts”. The false teachers tempt them, stimulating their desires. And to what desires or lusts does the teacher of error appeal? It is evident from verses 6 and 7 that novelty is the great lust to which they appeal. There is a certain mindset that is happy to discuss everything and settle nothing. Like the Athenians in Acts 17, there are many who love to “hear some new thing” (v. 21); Paul warns there will be some who are willing to play on this by promoting new theories and presenting what they claim are new facts. Those who have for any reason become disenchanted with ecclesiastical life and may have withdrawn somewhat from active ecclesiastical participation are particularly at risk of being captured by this means.
Verse 8 compares these false teachers to Jannes and Jambres: “Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith”. The word with which verse 8 commences has the idea of ‘just like’. In other words, the case of Jannes and Jambres is an example of the problem Paul has just been describing.
Who were Jannes and Jambres? They are not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible, but they are mentioned in Jewish traditions as two magicians in Egypt who confronted Moses at Pharaoh’s court. The Targum of Jonathan inserts their names into the text of Exodus 7:11. Some Jewish traditions suggest they were sons of Balaam, while other traditions suggest that they instigated the making of the golden calf in Exodus 32. Hasting’s Bible Dictionary says Jannes means ‘he who misleads’, while Jambres means ‘he who opposes’.1 If this is correct it may suggest that the Jewish traditions adopted symbolic names to describe the effect of these men.
Most commentators regard these men as Egyptians, but this idea, if we give any credence to some of the traditions, seems at odds with the suggestion that they were with the Israelites in the wilderness. *Whittaker, picking up on this, claims their names are Jewish, not Egyptian, and that Jannes and Jambres were renegade Jews who sided with the magicians against Moses.2 This fits Paul’s comparison of them with false teachers who arise from within the ecclesia, who are “reprobate concerning the faith”.
*Whittaker aligns these men to the Judaisers in the first century who opposed Paul’s teaching. If we extend this line of reasoning to our own “last days” we may conclude that the concept applies to any individual or movement that arises from within the Christadelphian body which preaches a corrupt gospel and which seeks to capture and mislead the unwary. So following by type, Jannes & Jannes will be 'Wolves in sheeps clothing.
We need not despair, however, that such reprobate influences arise, because verse 9 says these people will come to a sudden end. In the “last days” of the first century the Judaisers certainly met a sudden end when Jerusalem was sacked. In our day it will be the return of Christ which cuts short their work.
1. Hasting’s Bible Dictionary, Vol. 2, pp. 548-9.
As Moses' staff turned into a serpent, Jannes and Jambres duplicated this miracle. However God's power consumed the false! While in "Christendom" we are aware of all the many false revivals and the "lying signs and wonders that accompany this "strange fire"...the claims that God turns ceramic tooth fillings into gold against God's own word. If man does it it is "Alchemy."
In Occult tradition, Alchemy has been practised in a complex network of schools and philosophical systems spanning at least 2,500 years, in Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Persia, India, Japan, Korea, China, Classical Greece and Rome, in the Muslim civilizations, and then in Europe up to the 20th Century. In general terms, alchemy refers to any process that might add value or usefulness to unrefined materials, although it is often thought of as a medieval philosophy and an early form of chemistry, and it usually conjures up images of a medieval “scholar” in his laboratory, surrounded by piles of rare books and manuscripts, test-tubes, retorts, alembics and other paraphernalia generally associated with chemical experiments. Over time, it has come to be used in popular language to refer to any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.
The best-known (although by no means the only) goals of the alchemists were the transmutation of common metals into gold or silver, the creation of a panacea or elixir of life which would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely, and the discovery of a universal solvent with the power to dissolve every other substance.
Satan-like ambitions attempting to be God. Medieval Arabic and European alchemists invested much effort on the search for the "philosopher's stone", a legendary substance believed to mystically amplify the user's knowledge of alchemy so much that anything was potentially attainable.
Deuteronomy 18 forbids any form of sorcery and witchcraft. Alchemy is sorcery. Sorcerers would attempt to magically turn ordinary metal into gold. While using smelting and other science based ways at it's root, 'magik' was involved by trying conjure "the god of forces" aid.
I was preaching at church in the deep south where it's break-away daughter work invited me to try out for Pastor. The preacher of the mother church came and heard me and invited me to his church which had left the principles it was originally founded upon.
We agreed that I would take his church soon and the smaller one also and believe God for revival. Again..this preacher got a jealous spirit when I operated in the "gifts of the spirit" and actually told me "I feel like you are showing me up as less Spiritual" Of course thatoved to me his lack of study and r4evelation that the "Gifts" have no relation to ones spiritual state and or ability. We are to leave our ability out of it!
Again...Zechariah 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.
Not only these two churches were controlled by a Jezebel spirit, the entire community has been under it's power for decades.With at least five pentecostal churches "of like faith" 20-30 minuets apart, none had fellowshipped for over 40 years.1 Corinthians 3 >>
Young's Literal Translation
1 Cor 3:1 And I, brethren, was not able to speak to you as to spiritual, but as to fleshly -- as to babes in Christ; 2 with milk I fed you, and not with meat, for ye were not yet able, but not even yet are ye now able, 3 for yet ye are fleshly, for where there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not fleshly, and in the manner of men do walk? 4 for when one may say, 'I, indeed, am of Paul;' and another, 'I -- of Apollos;' are ye not fleshly?
<< 1 Corinthians 11 >>
American King James Version
1 Be you followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
2 Now I praise you, brothers, that you remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. 3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head. 5 But every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. 7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, for as much as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. 9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. 10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. 11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. 12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God. 13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray to God uncovered? 14 Does not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame to him? 15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. 16 But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.
17 Now in this that I declare to you I praise you not, that you come together not for the better, but for the worse. 18 For first of all, when you come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. 19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. 20 When you come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper. 21 For in eating every one takes before other his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken. 22 What? have you not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise you the church of God, and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not.} notice vs 19 says there must be heresies! Because of the divisions..vs 17 he tells the corinthians that their coming together is for the worse...all because vs 1-16 is all about headship! Vs 4 he is saying, that any man having his "head covered" dihonores his head (Christ) covered by what/whom? Woman! And if the woman is not under submission
she usurps her husband authority, and a Jezebel spirit is working, and it's aim is to "emasculate" the ministry! The "eunuchs" that Jehu called out to "Who is on my side? (Jehu means 'strength of Jehovah') and Jezebels Eunuchs (emasculated ministry) threw her down. A type of the Kings in revelation that will turn on "Mystery Babylon the great whore" and kill her.The "power of god will cause them to using the beast, like he used Pharoah.
So "we wrestle not against flesh and blood." Look behind the carnal excuses, there will be "spiritual wickedness in high places."
This is why Paul has this connected to holy communion. Our celebrating it while divisions and strife are among us, we do it in vain!
23 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered to you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: 24 And when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, Take, eat
So when fellowship is broken, the enemy takes place. The preacher and those that were used of the enemy did not want anything to do with true revival. I preached "prayer...fasting...dying to self, and they wanted none of it. The preacher then told me he wanted to back out of my becoming pastor.
The next night...on the eve of "mothers day" the church's original sanctuary and Sunday school classrooms burnt up in a fire that had consumed it from the "covering only. It was a metal roof and the fire burned only in the space between the roof and the top of the walls but melted all beneath.
I had a vision I shared with another Pastor about a roof coming down in destruction where I was preaching and that I saw sitting next to me "Jezebel" and he interpreting this as the "covering of leadership had fallen. I
The Sixties & Seventies " Sorcerers and Sorceresses"
The LSD culture of the sixties was not an accident. The Army and CIA had been experimenting with LSD and a myriad of other psychological warfare tactics and weaponry for their black agenda's including mass drugging the population.
Hitler and his henchmen victimized an entire continent and exterminated millions in his quest for a co-called "Master Race."
But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing.
Eugenics was the racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed "unfit," preserving only those who conformed to a Nordic stereotype. Elements of the philosophy were enshrined as national policy by forced sterilization and segregation laws, as well as marriage restrictions, enacted in twenty-seven states. In 1909, California became the third state to adopt such laws. Ultimately, eugenics practitioners coercively sterilized some 60,000 Americans, barred the marriage of thousands, forcibly segregated thousands in "colonies," and persecuted untold numbers in ways we are just learning. Before World War II, nearly half of coercive sterilizations were done in California, and even after the war, the state accounted for a third of all such surgeries.
California was considered an epicenter of the American eugenics movement. During the Twentieth Century's first decades, California's eugenicists included potent but little known race scientists, such as Army venereal disease specialist Dr. Paul Popenoe, citrus magnate and Polytechnic benefactor Paul Gosney, Sacramento banker Charles M. Goethe, as well as members of the California State Board of Charities and Corrections and the University of California Board of Regents.
Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. They were all in league with some of America's most respected scientists hailing from such prestigious universities as Stamford, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. These academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics' racist aims. These Universities house the ruling class of secret societies in America who each want to overtake and control the planet.
Stanford president David Starr Jordan originated the notion of "race and blood" in his 1902 racial epistle "Blood of a Nation," in which the university scholar declared that human qualities and conditions such as talent and poverty were passed through the blood.
In 1904, the Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation's social service agencies and associations.
The Harriman railroad fortune paid local charities, such as the New York Bureau of Industries and Immigration, to seek out Jewish, Italian and other immigrants in New York and other crowded cities and subject them to deportation, trumped up confinement or forced sterilization.
The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz.
Much of the spiritual guidance and political agitation for the American eugenics movement came from California's quasi-autonomous eugenic societies, such as the Pasadena-based Human Betterment Foundation and the California branch of the American Eugenics Society, which coordinated much of their activity with the Eugenics Research Society in Long Island. These organizations--which functioned as part of a closely-knit network--published racist eugenic newsletters and pseudoscientific journals, such asEugenical News and Eugenics, and propagandized for the Nazis.

In an America demographically reeling from immigration upheaval and torn by post-Reconstruction chaos, race conflict was everywhere in the early twentieth century. Elitists, utopians and so-called "progressives" fused their smoldering race fears and class bias with their desire to make a better world. They reinvented Galton's eugenics into a repressive and racist ideology. The intent: populate the earth with vastly more of their own socio-economic and biological kind--and less or none of everyone else.
The superior species the eugenics movement sought was populated not merely by tall, strong, talented people. Eugenicists craved blond, blue-eyed Nordic types. This group alone, they believed, was fit to inherit the earth. In the process, the movement intended to subtract emancipated Negroes, immigrant Asian laborers, Indians, Hispanics, East Europeans, Jews, dark-haired hill folk, poor people, the infirm and really anyone classified outside the gentrified genetic lines drawn up by American raceologists.
How? By identifying so-called "defective" family trees and subjecting them to lifelong segregation and sterilization programs to kill their bloodlines. The grand plan was to literally wipe away the reproductive capability of those deemed weak and inferior--the so-called "unfit." The eugenicists hoped to neutralize the viability of 10 percent of the population at a sweep, until none were left except themselves.
Eighteen solutions were explored in a Carnegie-supported 1911 "Preliminary Report of the Committee of the Eugenic Section of the American Breeder's Association to Study and to Report on the Best Practical Means for Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the Human Population." Point eight was euthanasia.
The most commonly suggested method of eugenicide in America was a "lethal chamber" or public locally operated gas chambers. In 1918, Popenoe, the Army venereal disease specialist during World War I, co-wrote the widely used textbook, Applied Eugenics, which argued, "From an historical point of view, the first method which presents itself is execution… Its value in keeping up the standard of the race should not be underestimated." Applied Eugenics also devoted a chapter to "Lethal Selection," which operated "through the destruction of the individual by some adverse feature of the environment, such as excessive cold, or bacteria, or by bodily deficiency."
Eugenic breeders believed American society was not ready to implement an organized lethal solution. But many mental institutions and doctors practiced improvised medical lethality and passive euthanasia on their own. One institution in Lincoln, Illinois fed its incoming patients milk from tubercular cows believing a eugenically strong individual would be immune. Thirty to forty percent annual death rates resulted at Lincoln. Some doctors practiced passive eugenicide one newborn infant at a time. Others doctors at mental institutions engaged in lethal neglect.
Nonetheless, with eugenicide marginalized, the main solution for eugenicists was the rapid expansion of forced segregation and sterilization, as well as more marriage restrictions. California led the nation, performing nearly all sterilization procedures with little or no due process. In its first twenty-five years of eugenic legislation, California sterilized 9,782 individuals, mostly women. Many were classified as "bad girls," diagnosed as "passionate," "oversexed" or "sexually wayward." At Sonoma, some women were sterilized because of what was deemed an abnormally large clitoris or labia.
In 1933 alone, at least 1,278 coercive sterilizations were performed, 700 of which were on women. The state's two leading sterilization mills in 1933 were Sonoma State Home with 388 operations and Patton State Hospital with 363 operations. Other sterilization centers included Agnews, Mendocino, Napa, Norwalk, Stockton and Pacific Colony state hospitals.
Even the United States Supreme Court endorsed aspects of eugenics. In its infamous 1927 decision, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…. Three generations of imbeciles are enough." This decision opened the floodgates for thousands to be coercively sterilized or otherwise persecuted as subhuman. Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes's words in their own defense.
Only after eugenics became entrenched in the United States was the campaign transplanted into Germany, in no small measure through the efforts of California eugenicists, who published booklets idealizing sterilization and circulated them to German official and scientists.
Hitler studied American eugenics laws. He tried to legitimize his anti-Semitism by medicalizing it, and wrapping it in the more palatable pseudoscientific facade of eugenics. Hitler was able to recruit more followers among reasonable Germans by claiming that science was on his side. While Hitler's race hatred sprung from his own mind, the intellectual outlines of the eugenics Hitler adopted in 1924 were made in America.
During the '20s, Carnegie Institution eugenic scientists cultivated deep personal and professional relationships with Germany's fascist eugenicists. In Mein Kampf, published in 1924, Hitler quoted American eugenic ideology and openly displayed a thorough knowledge of American eugenics. "There is today one state," wrote Hitler, "in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception [of immigration] are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but the United States."
Hitler proudly told his comrades just how closely he followed the progress of the American eugenics movement. "I have studied with great interest," he told a fellow Nazi, "the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."
Hitler even wrote a fan letter to American eugenic leader Madison Grant calling his race-based eugenics book, The Passing of the Great Race his "bible."
Hitler's struggle for a superior race would be a mad crusade for a Master Race. Now, the American term "Nordic" was freely exchanged with "Germanic" or "Aryan." Race science, racial purity and racial dominance became the driving force behind Hitler's Nazism. Nazi eugenics would ultimately dictate who would be persecuted in a Reich-dominated Europe, how people would live, and how they would die. Nazi doctors would become the unseen generals in Hitler's war against the Jews and other Europeans deemed inferior. Doctors would create the science, devise the eugenic formulas, and even hand-select the victims for sterilization, euthanasia and mass extermination.
During the Reich's early years, eugenicists across America welcomed Hitler's plans as the logical fulfillment of their own decades of research and effort. California eugenicists republished Nazi propaganda for American consumption. They also arranged for Nazi scientific exhibits, such as an August 1934 display at the L.A. County Museum, for the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association.
In 1934, as Germany's sterilizations were accelerating beyond 5,000 per month, the California eugenics leader C. M. Goethe upon returning from Germany ebulliently bragged to a key colleague, "You will be interested to know, that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program. Everywhere I sensed that their opinions have been tremendously stimulated by American thought.…I want you, my dear friend, to carry this thought with you for the rest of your life, that you have really jolted into action a great government of 60 million people."
That same year, ten years, after Virginia passed its sterilization act, Joseph DeJarnette, superintendent of Virginia's Western State Hospital, observed in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, "The Germans are beating us at our own game."
More than just providing the scientific roadmap, America funded Germany's eugenic institutions. By 1926, Rockefeller had donated some $410,000 -- almost $4 million in 21st-Century money -- to hundreds of German researchers. In May 1926, Rockefeller awarded $250,000 to the German Psychiatric Institute of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, later to become the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry. Among the leading psychiatrists at the German Psychiatric Institute was Ernst Rüdin, who became director and eventually an architect of Hitler's systematic medical repression.
Another in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute's eugenic complex of institutions was the Institute for Brain Research. Since 1915, it had operated out of a single room. Everything changed when Rockefeller money arrived in 1929. A grant of $317,000 allowed the Institute to construct a major building and take center stage in German race biology. The Institute received additional grants from the Rockefeller Foundation during the next several years. Leading the Institute, once again, was Hitler's medical henchman Ernst Rüdin. Rüdin's organization became a prime director and recipient of the murderous experimentation and research conducted on Jews, Gypsies and others.
Beginning in 1940, thousands of Germans taken from old age homes, mental institutions and other custodial facilities were systematically gassed. Between 50,000 and 100,000 were eventually killed.
Leon Whitney, executive secretary of the American Eugenics Society declared of Nazism, "While we were pussy-footing around…the Germans were calling a spade a spade."
A special recipient of Rockefeller funding was the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in Berlin. For decades, American eugenicists had craved twins to advance their research into heredity. The Institute was now prepared to undertake such research on an unprecedented level. On May 13, 1932, the Rockefeller Foundation in New York dispatched a radiogram to its Paris office: JUNE MEETING EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS OVER THREE YEAR PERIOD TO KWG INSTITUTE ANTHROPOLOGY FOR RESEARCH ON TWINS AND EFFECTS ON LATER GENERATIONS OF SUBSTANCES TOXIC FOR GERM PLASM.
At the time of Rockefeller's endowment, Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, a hero in American eugenics circles, functioned as a head of the Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. Rockefeller funding of that Institute continued both directly and through other research conduits during Verschuer's early tenure. In 1935, Verschuer left the Institute to form a rival eugenics facility in Frankfurt that was much heralded in the American eugenic press. Research on twins in the Third Reich exploded, backed up by government decrees. Verschuer wrote in Der Erbarzt, a eugenic doctor's journal he edited, that Germany's war would yield a "total solution to the Jewish problem."
Verschuer had a long-time assistant. His name was Josef Mengele. On May 30, 1943, Mengele arrived at Auschwitz. Verschuer notified the German Research Society, "My assistant, Dr. Josef Mengele (M.D., Ph.D.) joined me in this branch of research. He is presently employed as Hauptsturmführer [captain] and camp physician in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Anthropological testing of the most diverse racial groups in this concentration camp is being carried out with permission of the SS Reichsführer [Himmler]."

Rockefeller executives never knew of Mengele. With few exceptions, the foundation had ceased all eugenic studies in Nazi-occupied Europe before the war erupted in 1939. But by that time the die had been cast. The talented men Rockefeller and Carnegie financed, the institutions they helped found, and the science it helped create took on a scientific momentum of their own.
After the war, eugenics was declared a crime against humanity--an act of genocide. Germans were tried and they cited the California statutes in their defense. To no avail. They were found guilty.
However, Mengele's boss Verschuer escaped prosecution. Verschuer re-established his connections with California eugenicists who had gone underground and renamed their crusade "human genetics." Typical was an exchange July 25, 1946 when Popenoe wrote Verschuer, "It was indeed a pleasure to hear from you again. I have been very anxious about my colleagues in Germany…. I suppose sterilization has been discontinued in Germany?" Popenoe offered tidbits about various American eugenic luminaries and then sent various eugenic publications. In a separate package, Popenoe sent some cocoa, coffee and other goodies.
Verschuer wrote back, "Your very friendly letter of 7/25 gave me a great deal of pleasure and you have my heartfelt thanks for it. The letter builds another bridge between your and my scientific work; I hope that this bridge will never again collapse but rather make possible valuable mutual enrichment and stimulation."
Soon, Verschuer once again became a respected scientist in Germany and around the world. In 1949, he became a corresponding member of the newly formed American Society of Human Genetics, organized by American eugenicists and geneticists.
In the fall of 1950, the University of Münster offered Verschuer a position at its new Institute of Human Genetics, where he later became a dean. In the early and mid-1950s, Verschuer became an honorary member of numerous prestigious societies, including the Italian Society of Genetics, the Anthropological Society of Vienna, and the Japanese Society for Human Genetics.
Human genetics' genocidal roots in eugenics were ignored by a victorious generation that refused to link itself to the crimes of Nazism and by succeeding generations that never knew the truth of the years leading up to war. Now governors of five states, including California have issued public apologies to their citizens, past and present, for sterilization and other abuses spawned by the eugenics movement.
Human genetics became an enlightened endeavor in the late twentieth century. Hard-working, devoted scientists finally cracked the human code through the Human Genome Project. Now, every individual can be biologically identified and classified by trait and ancestry. Yet even now, some leading voices in the genetic world are calling for a cleansing of the unwanted among us, and even a master human species.
There is understandable wariness about more ordinary forms of abuse, for example, in denying insurance or employment based on genetic tests. On October 14, America's first genetic anti-discrimination legislation passed the Senate by unanimous vote. Yet because genetics research is global, no single nation's law can stop the threats.

The woman caught in adultery is one example, as she violated the law in adultery, Jesus wrote in the sand obviously what her accusers were guilty of. While the Lord forgave her he still commanded her to sin no more.
So rather than nurture and disciple new converts, we force a sort of "sterilization" upon them by getting them to "fake it till they make it." The problem is that the "standard of making it" is set by "Whited sepulchers" and they become one also.
While in the Army I experienced the phenomena of a private being promoted too soon to a non-commissioned officer rank. Normally that promotion comes after training , study and testing for the rank.
When this is bypassed the private becomes prideful and arrogant at his elevated position and oppresses others, and in order to justify his authority, he now attempts further promotion in rank by the same means instead of earning rank he has learned how to "enter as a thief and robber."
Anytime you or I manipulate to control others, we are "dabbling in witchcraft." All of us sin in this area too often. When we are convicted and repent of it and understand how we must engage this spiritual enemy through fasting and prayer, we gain victory and discernment of this leaven that is a cancer in the Body of Christ.
It is difficult to know a tare from know "Wolves in Sheepskins" is easier if you know the Word and are lead by the Holy Ghost in discernment of spirits etc... unfortunately as Amos prophesied we are in a famine... Amos 8:11
Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord God, when I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but [a famine] for hearing the words of the Lord. Is this famine sent by God...Apostasy?
2 Thess 2:
10And by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing (going to perdition) because they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved. ( they heaped false teachers to themselves)
11Therefore God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false, (Apostasy-Famine of hearing the word)
12In order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe in [who refused to adhere to, trust in, and rely on] the Truth, but [instead] took pleasure in unrighteousness.
13But we, brethren beloved by the Lord, ought and are obligated [as those who are in debt] to give thanks always to God for you, because God chose you from the beginning [d]as His firstfruits (first converts) for salvation through the sanctifying work of the [Holy] Spirit and [your] belief in (adherence to, trust in, and reliance on) the Truth.
14[It was] to this end that He called you through our Gospel, so that you may obtain and share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).
15So then, brethren, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions and instructions which you were taught by us, whether by our word of mouth or by letter.

The drug epidemic was part of the plan to eliminate people who are predisposed to addiction and alcoholism by declaring addiction a disease and have them sterilized while hospitalized.
Not until 1993 did the Social Security system stop paying addicts for their disease. They still keep heroin addicts addicted to methadone.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is Liberty! Where the spirit of controlling and Ecclesiastical Dictatorships are, there is Witchcraft!
Where there is no anointed leadership, but rule by the Laity, There is Witchcraft!
Just because the Royal Court of Ahab & Jezebel seem blessed, look closer to see if the Naboths' are allowed to plant their own Vineyards?
Part 4
The paranormal (Demonic) counterfeiting of The Holy Ghost.

Jannes and Jambres
2 Timothy 3
1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
9But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.
10But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,
11Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
12Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
13But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
14But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Many miss the meaning here when Paul alludes to Jannes and Jambres who "withstood Moses. These two were the sorcerers who by their evil magic counterfeited the power of God when Moses & Aaron threw down the staff in the court of Pharaoh.
"as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses" How? With sorcery power from Satan.
"Then Moses and Aaron duly went, and they did as Yahweh commanded. Aaron threw down his staff in front of Pharaoh and his court, and it turned into a serpent. Then Pharaoh in his turn called on the sages and sorcerers, and with their witchcraft the magicians of Egypt did the same. Each threw his staff down and these turned into serpents. But Aaron's staff swallowed up the staffs of the magicians." (Exodus 7:10)
So we can see that the enemy can counterfeit what God's true miraculous power does through his agents....the enemy also does through his agents who are the tares he has sown!
1 Samuel 15:23
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as idolatry and teraphim (household good luck images). Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.
When one gives themselves over to rebellion, this opens the door for a spirit of 'witchcraft' to enter and control their mind and heart, even unto complete possession.

* This study is a work in progress...see my other studies and or return here as you please to see updates.
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This study is also going to discuss Satan's power to manipulate man #6...through his 66 chemical properties with Satan's "sorcery" pharmakia...The Greek word “pharmakia” literally means “drugs”, and appears five times in the New Testament: in Gal 5:20, Rev 9:21, 18:23, 21:8, and 22:15. see also
“Pharmakia” is translated into our English Bible as either “witchcraft” or “sorceries”. We also get our English word “pharmacy” from the Greek word “pharmakia”. Satan uses lies, deception, supernatural "principalties and powers" to influence our brain via our mind to produce the prescribed chemical interactins for the result he uses to defeat us and implant his "strongholds in our imaginations, thoughts and every high thing that exalts it's self against the knowledge of GOD."

Romans 7: 23But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.24O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.
The Hebrew word for Serpent is "Nacash" meaning enchanter whisperer of incantations...

When the Sepent tempted Eve, the bible say's "She saw" his deceptive delusion through his demonic spell binding power which was intoxicating to her.
We can be "intoxicated" by his subtle lies and false doctrines and "psycho-spiritual" oppression from his tinkering with our thoughts, emotions,senses, imaginations, dream life,etc...
2 Cor 10:4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
So we see we should not fight lusts of the flesh with our own will and strength & depression addiction, anxiety etc... with more drugs (carnal weapons) but through "The Spirit by repentance and prayer-fasting and destroy the entry point of the enemy which is our disobedience to God. Following the flesh, we give entrance to Satan to use his sorcery where he knows what 'fiery darts' cast into our mind will release the chemicals that will control our spirit soul and body.When we are "in the Spirit" we are out of Satan's jurisdiction of our guilt ridden past and our anxiety filled future where he has access to our mind/soul.In the flesh we are all chemical! In the Spirit we are"under the shadow of the Almighty!"
The idea of Satan being able to 'tweak our chemical make up affecting our mental and physical well being is all through scripture. The method and science of how he does this is hidden. Most assume with 'demonic supernatural powers' that are beyond finding out it's mechanics. But demonic supernatural powers is still subject to Divine law...which is available to those who have "the keys" to wield it.
Acts 1: 8
The idea of Satan being able to 'tweak our chemical make up affecting our mental and physical well being is all through scripture. The method and science of how he does this is hidden. Most assume with 'demonic supernatural powers' that are beyond finding out it's mechanics. But demonic supernatural powers is still subject to Divine law...which is available to those who have "the keys" to wield it.
Acts 1: 8
But ye shall receive power at the coming of the Holy Spirit upon you, and ye shall be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and unto the end of the earth.' | ||
But ye shall receive power ... - Literally, as it is translated in the margin, "Ye shall receive the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon you." Not your own diluted power, but ...The power...not some...the POWER!
Our dilemma is the lack of "knowledge" on how to release it. Hosea 4: 6 (KJV) My people perish from a lack of knowledge. ...2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needs not to be ashamed,rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Just as the Word divides asunder the soul and spirit, the Spirit will guide us to all truth and understanding by showing us how to separate "the letter of Law (Word) from the spirit of Law." While the letter has limited literal discovery and revelation, the spiritual has no end!
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!"
In every field of endeavor, there are the deep things that can be studied and learned. However, unlike the study of physical things, the deep things of God are not perceived strictly through the intellect. They are transcendent to human thought and understanding, we must like David say " still, God is still my help.
It is folly to look to ourselves and our intellect to deal with our spiritual warfare. In fact, God purposely allows the foolish to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). The wise will be fooled that their intellectual understanding constitutes spiritual discernment.
Spiritual things are not discerned by the natural person who considers things of the Spirit of God as foolishness (1 Corinthians 2:14). To many today, it is foolishness to spend hours every day in the word and prayer, their intellect tells them they will not accomplish "their aim."
We, as humans, are much like computers. Our brain is the hardware. The spirit is the software. The brain is 'flesh' and is programmed to insure flesh survival.
The mind that is set on the flesh,denies the mastery of the spirit. When the spirit is followed as God leads, the order is of the brain working with the spirit. Remove the hardware or the software and there is unconsciousness and the inability to function just as a computer without hardware or without software is unable to function. So where & how do we hear God?

We must go "Deep" to hear his 'call' for Deep calleth unto Deep. He speaks
to our spirit-man, the new creature, the New Man. Scripture announces that "the spirit returns to God." He is our source of life as sure as an electrical device must plug in to a power source and when the device breaks down, the power returns to it's source, likewise ours also.
There is a spirit in man (Job 32:8). This spirit in man is from God. It causes us to have the ability (power/energy) to eat, drink, take care of our body, and interact with others. As well as this spirit works, there is a need for an additional spirit to realize the spiritual dimension.
The fallen unregenerate man follows after the flesh and has no communion to God as his spirit is effectively dead except that the Spirit of God as the creator and supplier still draws and calls for it to respond.
The Holy Ghost co-exists with the spirit in a born again man, as it did in (Job 32:8), which is God overshadowing his own. The Holy Spirit can work with us or to be in us (John 14:17). The Holy Ghost works with us to lead us to faith and repentance unto regeneration. In us after we are born again.
The Holy Spirit is not a separate person. The Holy Ghost is the presence (Psalms 51:11, Psalms 139:7) and power (Romans 15:19, Micah 3:8) of God, which establishes a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). The Holy Spirit seals us for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). Although the Holy Spirit is a motivating (moving) force (2 Peter 1:21), it does not push. It leads (Romans 8:14). "And ye shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost has come upon you."Colossians 2 :9For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;When Christ is in us... the' Godhead bodily' is...and the power we receive and and use is his Spirit. And when we learn how to 'wield' that power (we don't 'wield' the person of Christ!) we can overcome all the enemy!
The spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, “…searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” The King James word “searches” is from the Greek word “ereunao”, meaning to search, examine, inquire. One benefit of the Holy Spirit is the ultimate ability (when one is yielded to the spirit) to examine all the deep things of God. The Holy Spirit is that link for that ability.
When the Spirit makes intercession with the saints (Christians), it is the power line providing beneficial linking between Christians and God. It provides intercession (linking) for us with groaning that cannot be uttered (processes that cannot be expressed in words) (Romans 8:26). This is done according to the will of the Eternal (verse 27), not according to our will. We can pray for anything we want, but the benefit that is given to us is provided only according to the will of God.
But how will the Holy Spirit “tell” you things to come? The Holy Spirit will “…teach…” (John 14:26). The Greek word is “didasko”, meaning to instill doctrine; in other words make things visible.
How does the Holy Spirit speak? Through people. This happened on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:4). The King James “…Ghost…” is the Greek word “pneuma” meaning “Spirit”. The Holy Spirit also speaks through a servant of God, when the servant is delivering a message (Acts 4:31, Acts 4:8).Our divine inspiration to rightly divide the Word is of the uttermost importance.The barrier to that ability to receive the divine light, is our flesh, sin and carnal condition. God is not the God of the dead. God being eternal has no yesterday nor tomorrow! Today is the day of Salvation. Unless we can free ourselves from agreement with the "Old Man" who is dead and buried with Christ, there is no divine light to see or Word to hear because we are not following after the Spirit if we are bound by guilt/ shame of yesterday and fear and doubt about tomorrow! Or like Lot's wife we look back at what we are not to love and forward to our own kingdom we envision we can build loving the things of the World.
In either case, we need deliverance from this body of death.
As our soul thirsts for God, as the hart panteth for the water brooks, it is because our spirit has dried up from it's source through the entanglements of this world, and our warring after the flesh, in our own strength.
But like the software we install in our computer to alert us that our batteries are low and we must re-install our 'permanent connection' to our power source, The Holy Ghost calls for us and our 'soul thirsts" and all the waves and billows of life we put on hold, going deep as Deep calleth unto deep, that we may drink from the river of life and and receive from God the ever increasing "Riches of His Glory" that we may grow in spirit,knowledge and Grace, being transformed and conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
Rapture of the Deep
"Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me."
When a "Deep Ocean Scuba Diver" plunges into the water, at first through the foam and waves it is difficult to get depth and to go deep. He must struggle with his own 'natural buoyancy (A type of fleshly carnality.)
As the diver swims deeper, he understands that the less of his own breath in his lungs will decrease his buoyancy, and make it easier to go deep. The Water above him and 'on him' now seems to be a 'help'.
It is still light from the world above, but the diver has been told by his teachers that soon it will get darker as the world's light fades. Deeper and deeper the diver swims. The silence begins to bring a peace and confidence to the diver and his breathing is now almost unnoticeable. Deeper and darker, until suddenly, the Deep seems to come alive in it's own wonderful florescent explosion of color and light! The beauty is beyond words. The diver becomes in awe of the Glorious beauty and light.

In a 'raptured state" the diver no longer cares or remembers the world above...and all sense of time is lost. In his euphoria he does not even know that his air tanks have run out of air and he dies before he knows it.
Rapture of the Deep! So it is with us..we need to say to our soul that thirsts for the living God...wait for God.
When we go into prayer, deep prayer, breaking through in repentance for living by our own strength, as we fight the roaring waves that keep us distracted by the deception that we have too much to do to abandon time and surrender to the Deep we can find God. And we come into his presence and like the dive, his light and glory engulfing us we find that "perfect peace" that casts out fear...and when fear is gone, we are in the moment with him. No past regrets, no anxiety for the morrow, and time ceases to be.
We can be filled with the Holy Ghost, his breath increases as ours decreases and we go deeper and deeper until we arrive, in "The Secret Place of The Most High." And the Great Physician has us under the Spirit's surgical power, The Sword of the Spirit! And heals us, and puts a right spirit and a clean heart into us because death to self allowed us to be still... so the Master Potter could remake the clay and remove all the impurities and smooth out the flaws and spots of sin, so we will know there is the place of refuge,and what the pattern of our testimony should be, and our vision of Glory is established. This is the Vision or we perish
without it. Deep calleth unto Deep.

See 2012 Year of Dragon? (more Theomatic info)
Remember, Satan attacks the believers Faith! So until he knows he has captured the entire man, he will not manifest his evil power because he does not want people to believe he exists, because then they may turn to God in faith!
When Satan finds a believer who operates in the power of the Holy Ghost, Satan knows that the believer has too many "Landmarks" that he has witnessed to shake his faith. So, he tries to kill and destroy that saint through those he controls in the saints congregations.
Believers are under the deception that Satan cannot mimic healing and other manifestations of The Holy Ghost, but scripture time after time proves otherwise.
As scripture is absolutely clear that false lying signs and wonders will proliferate during these end times, it is silly to assume that they will not be done in The Name of Jesus, when he told us that they would.
Matthew 7:21 'Not every one who is saying to me Lord, lord, shall come into the reign of the heavens; but he who is doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, lord, have we not in thy name prophesied? and in thy name cast out demons? and in thy name done many mighty things? 23 and then I will acknowledge to them, that -- I never knew you, depart from me ye who are working lawlessness.
So many believers have been infected with the "political correctness spirit" they are afraid to "Judge" these
manifestations, yet scripture commands us to do so. 1 John 4:1
BELOVED, DO not put faith in every spirit, but prove (test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God; for many false prophets have gone forth into the world.
So we know that Jesus announces that many will use the enemy's counterfeit power, so it is imperative to understand that consecration to prayer and the Word will keep us from the wicked one.
The spirit of Jannes and Jambres have done much damage to the Pentecostal movement from false tongue talking and teaching of the same, to pointless manifestations regarding non-biblical based forms of auto-suggestion and hypnosis.
Alchemy for example is a form of sorcery, Alchemy is an ancient tradition, the primary objective of which was the creation of the mythical "philosopher's stone," which was said to be capable of turning base metals into gold or silver, and also act as an elixir of life that would confer youth and immortality upon its user. Alchemy can be viewed as a protoscience, a precursor to modern chemistry, having provided procedures, equipment, and terminology that are still in use. However, alchemy also included various non-scientific mythological, religious, and spiritual concepts, theories and practices.
These reports that God turned silver fillings into gold is alchemy! God will not do what he commands us not to do as in sorcery.
"When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God. The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so "(Deuteronomy 18:9-14).
"And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven (Deuteronomy 4:19).
... and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars of the sky (Deuteronomy 17:3).
All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone; here is no fire to sit by. That is all they can do for you—these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one that can save you (Isaiah 47:13-15).
Hear what the LORD says to you, O house of Israel.This is what the LORD says: "Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them" (Jeremiah 10:1-2).
In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom (Daniel 1:20).
God would heal the entire tooth rather than use a method he commands to avoid, this is just one example of the deception many are receiving because they love not the truth.
2 Thessalonians 2: 9 him, whose presence is according to the working of the Adversary, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, 10 and in all deceitfulness of the unrighteousness in those perishing, because the love of the truth they did not receive for their being saved, 11 and because of this shall God send to them a working of delusion, for their believing the lie, 12 that they may be judged -- all who did not believe the truth, but were well
pleased in the unrighteousness.
Many times I have seen people claim healing while the excitement of "crowd spirit" was mistaken for Holy Spirit and after the euphoria wore off, the pain and symptoms returned. However I have seen creative miracles that are irrefutably of God.
When The Holy Ghost heals, the healing is permanent unless there is a prophetic Word that the healing is conditional on someone obeying God.
In these end-days, we will see the power of God overcome Jannes and Jambres lying signs and wonders as we saw with Moses. Already we see the battle lines are drawn between the different sects of Christianity.
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