Young's Literal Translation
Psalm 42
1.As a hart doth pant for streams of water, So my soul panteth toward Thee, O God.
2 My soul thirsted for God, for the living God, When do I enter and see the face of God?
3 My tear hath been to me bread day and night, In their saying unto me all the day, 'Where is thy God?'
4 These I remember, and pour out my soul in me, For I pass over into the booth, I go softly with them unto the house of God, With the voice of singing and confession, The multitude keeping feast!
5 What! bowest thou thyself, O my soul? Yea, art thou troubled within me? Wait for God, for still I confess Him: The salvation of my countenance -- My God!
6 In me doth my soul bow itself, Therefore I remember Thee from the land of Jordan, And of the Hermons, from the hill Mizar.
7 Deep unto deep is calling At the noise of Thy water-spouts, All Thy breakers and Thy billows passed over me.
8 By day Jehovah commandeth His kindness, And by night a song is with me, A prayer to the God of my life.
9 I say to God my rock, 'Why hast Thou forgotten me? Why go I mourning in the oppression of an enemy?
10 With a sword in my bones Have mine adversaries reproached me, In their saying unto me all the day, 'Where is thy God?'
11 What! bowest thou thyself, O my soul? And what! art thou troubled within me? Wait for God, for still I confess Him, The salvation of my countenance, and my God!
Rapture of The Deep...Filled by the Spirit, Prayer, and Bio-Chemical Response
by steven masone
The Psalmist is using an analogy of the sound of roaring waters to describe his 'deep' thirst for God. In verse 3 his 'tear' roars a torment to him like Job's friends, "where is your God?" Then he speaks back to his soul which is the source of his tears giving voice unto his fears...and uses the WORD of his Testimony to quell the noise of the waterspouts of despair, and reaches down into the deep of his soul, where his foundation in God's word is a "fountain and wellspring" that he can turn to for faith in his dark hour.
Definition "Rapture of the Deep": Narcosis while diving (also known as nitrogen narcosis, inert gas narcosis, raptures of the deep, Martini effect), is a reversible alteration in consciousness that occurs while scuba diving at depth. The Greek word ναρκωσις (narcosis) is derived from narke, "temporary decline or loss of senses and movement, numbness", a term used by Homer and Hippocrates.[2] Narcosis produces a state similar to alcohol intoxication or nitrous oxide inhalation, and can occur during shallow dives, but usually does not become noticeable until greater depths, beyond 30 meters (100 ft).
* Any change to our Body, Soul/Spirit, exterior & interior will cause our brain to produce 'chemical response.'Many biblical accounts describe conditions of euphoria, "drunk/slain in the Spirit," and transported in the Spirit to spiritual dimensions/places etc...
Composition of the human body
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The composition of the human body can be
looked at from several different points of view.
looked at from several different points of view.
By mass, human cells consist of 65–90% water
(H2O). Oxygen therefore contributes a majority of a human body's
(H2O). Oxygen therefore contributes a majority of a human body's
Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is
made up of the six elements oxygen, carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen,
made up of the six elements oxygen, carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen,
and phosphorus.
About 0.85% of the remainder is composed
of only five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium,
chlorine, and
of only five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium,
chlorine, and
All are necessary to life. The remaining elements
are trace elements, of which more than a dozen are
thought to be
are trace elements, of which more than a dozen are
thought to be
necessary for life,
or play an an active role in health (i.e., fluorine,
which hardens dental enamel but seems to have
no other function).
which hardens dental enamel but seems to have
no other function).
Note that not all elements which are found in
the human body in trace quantities play a role in life.
the human body in trace quantities play a role in life.
Some of these elements are thought to be
simple bystander contaminants without function
(examples: caesium,
simple bystander contaminants without function
(examples: caesium,
titanium), while many others are thought to be
active toxins, depending on amount (cadmium, mercury,
active toxins, depending on amount (cadmium, mercury,
The possible utility and toxicity of a few elements
at levels normally found in the body (aluminum) is debated.
at levels normally found in the body (aluminum) is debated.
Trace amounts of cadmium and lead have had
functions suggested, but are almost certainly toxic
in amounts
functions suggested, but are almost certainly toxic
in amounts
normally found in the body.
There is evidence that one element normally
thought a toxin (arsenic) is essential in ultratrace quantities,
thought a toxin (arsenic) is essential in ultratrace quantities,
even in mammals.
Some elements that are clearly used in lower
organisms and plants (arsenic, silicon, boron,
nickel, vanadium)
organisms and plants (arsenic, silicon, boron,
nickel, vanadium)
are probably
needed by mammals also, but in far smaller doses.
Two halogens used abundantly by lower organisms
Two halogens used abundantly by lower organisms
(fluorine and bromine) are presently known to be
used by mammals only opportunistically.
used by mammals only opportunistically.
However, a general rule is that elements found in
active biochemical use in lower organisms are
active biochemical use in lower organisms are
often eventually found to
be used in some way by higher organisms.[citation needed]

see more
Elemental composition
Main article: Dietary mineral
The average 70 kg adult human body contains approximately 6.7 x 1027 atoms and is "composed of" 60 chemical elements. In this sense, "composed of" means that a trace of the element has been identified in the body. However, at the finest resolution, most objects on Earth
(including the human body) contain measureable[1]
(including the human body) contain measureable[1]
The relative amounts of each element vary by individual.
The numbers in the table are averages of different
numbers reported by different references.
The numbers in the table are averages of different
numbers reported by different references.
The human body is ~70% water, which is ~11%
hydrogen by mass but ~66% hydrogen by atomic percent.
hydrogen by mass but ~66% hydrogen by atomic percent.

see more
Studies show that at point of death, weight/mass
leaves the human body. It is possible therefore,
leaves the human body. It is possible therefore,
that when humans experience a spiritual event where
their spirit decreases (within physical limits of flesh)
their spirit decreases (within physical limits of flesh)
or they are increased by another spirit whether good
or evil inhabiting and or influencing them, the bio-chemical
response can explain the "ecstatic euphoria in some and or the delusional
or evil inhabiting and or influencing them, the bio-chemical
response can explain the "ecstatic euphoria in some and or the delusional
hallucinatory conditions" of others, induced by
the Brain's release of chemicals in response to the
change similar to nitrogen narcosis.
change similar to nitrogen narcosis.
What is incredible here is that man is comprised of 6 main elements &
60 chemicals! Totaling 66 and we know 6 is man's number, and 7 is God's.
The research cited shows in every test case 21 grams was the
amount of weight/mass that decreased at point of death.
7+7+7=21! Not only that but there are 88 chemicals to all known
science. Man is comprised of 60. What he lacks is the other 28...
which is 4x7 =28. Also, by atomic percent the human body is comprised of 66% of hydrogen. Hydrogen (
/ˈhaɪdrɵdʒɨn/ hy-drə-jin)[4] is the chemical element with atomic number 1. It is represented by the symbol H. With an average atomic weight of 1.00794 u (1.007825 u forHydrogen-1), hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant chemical element, constituting roughly 75% of the Universe's chemical elemental mass. Coincidence?
When our soul leaves, 777=21 grams of "Ruach" leaves

When our soul leaves, 777=21 grams of "Ruach" leaves
ruach: breath, wind, spirit
Original Word: ר֫וּחַTransliteration: ruach Phonetic Spelling: (roo'-akh) Short Definition: spirit |
And the LORD God formed man of the dust ofthe ground and *breathed (ruach>verb) into his nostrils the *breath(ruach>noun) of life and man became a living soul.
"We must assume that a Power higher than man guided the writers in such a way, whether they knew it or not, they did it and the Great God inspired them to do it''.
The Bible itself states clearly that it is the literal God-breathed'' living word of the Creator. The words "Thus saith the Lord"' and "God said"' occur more than 2500 times throughout scripture.
In 2 Timothy 3:16 it states "All scripture is given by inspiration of God". Then in 2 Peter 9:20-21 it plainly states: "No prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost".
Let's take the number seven as an illustration of the way the patterns work. Seven is the most prolific of the mathematical series which binds scripture together. The very first verse of the Bible "In the begining God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen 1:1), contains over 30 different combinations of seven.
This verse has seven Hebrew words having a total of 28 letters 4 x 7. The numeric value of the three nouns "God", "heaven" and "earth" totals 777. Any number in triplicate expresses complete, ultimate or total meaning.
Also tightly sealed up with sevens are the genealogy of Jesus, the account of the virgin birth and the resurrection. Seven occurs as a number 187 times in the Bible (41 x 7), the phrase "seven-fold" occurs seven times and "seventy" occurs 56 times (7 x 8).
In the Book of Revelation seven positively shines out: there are seven golden candlesticks, seven letters to seven churches, a book sealed with seven seals, seven angels standing before the Lord with seven trumpets, seven thunders and seven last plagues. In fact there are over 50 occurrences of the number seven in Revelation alone.
Divisible by seven
There are 21 Old Testament writers whose names appear in the Bible (3 x 7-777). The numeric value of their names is divisible by seven. Of these 21, seven are named in the New Testament: Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea and Joel. The numeric values of these names is 1554 (222 x 7). David's name is found 1134 times (162 x 7).
God's seal also pervades creation as though it were woven into the very fabric of nature.
The Bible has declared man's years to be three score and ten (70). The development of the human embryo is in exact periods of sevens or 28 days (4 x 7). Medical science tells us the human body is renewed cell for cell every seven years.
We're told the pulse beats slower every seven days as if it were in accord with the seventh day of rest proclaimed in the Genesis creation week. And God formed man of the dust of the ground (Gen 2:7); science confirms the human body is made of the same 14 elements (2 x 7) found in your average handful of dust.
The light of the sun is made up of seven distinct colours as shown in the rainbow. In music there are seven distinct notes which climax in a chord or octave at the beginning of a new seven.
In almost all animals the incubation or pregnancy period is divisible by seven. Seven is often referred to as "God's seal" or the number of spiritual perfection.
Number of resurrection
Eight is the number of new life or "resurrection". It is the personal number of Jesus. When we add together the letter values of the name Messiah Jesus in the Greek we get 888. Jesus (444) was called The Christ, the numeric value of this title is 1480 (185 x 8). He was Saviour which has the value 1408 (2 x 8 x 88).
Jesus is also Lord which again is a multiple of eight being 800 (100 x 8). Messiah has the numeric value 656 (82 x8). Jesus also called himself the Son of man (2nd Adam). The term occurs 88 times (88 chemicals comprise soil on earth "adam" meaning: Hebrew: אָדָם, ʼĀḏām, "dust; man; mankind) and "Son of Man" is valued at 2960 (370 x 8). "Adam" is numerically valued at 36 7x6=36.
Jesus said "I am the truth": the numeric value of "the truth" is 64 (8 x 8). The last book in the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ which has exactly 888 Greek words. Eight persons were saved in the Ark at the great Noahic flood. God made a covenant with Abraham that every male Jewish child was to be circumsised on the eighth day of his life.
There are eight individual cases of resurrection spoken of in the Bible apart from Jesus. Three occur in the Old Testament, three in the gospels and two in Acts. It was on the eighth day or the first day of the new week that Jesus rose from the dead. The Holy Spirit also came down from heaven on the eighth day.
Nine is finality or completion. The first example of its use is that infinitely sealed first verse of the Bible: "In the beginning God'' which in Hebrew is: Brayshith Elohim which has the numeric value of 999. The very next statement "created the heaven" is also sealed with 999.
Nine is finality
The number nine is endowed with a peculiar quality, it is finality in itself. Not only is it the final single number, but if you multiply it by any other number, the addition of the resulting figures will always revert back to nine (2 x 9 = 18 / 1 + 8 = 9 etc).
There are nine basic gifts available to the Christian believer through the power of God's Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:8-10). There are nine basic fruits which should be evident in the life of the believer (Gal 5:22-23). The words "my wrath" have the numeric value 999. The word Amen or verily is valued at 99 and occurs 99 times. And as cited above, man is made up of 99% of 6 elements & 1% of 60 trace chemicals =66. Man (6) as flesh is 100% of 666.
Add the 21 grams of "ruach"=777 777+666=1443= born again men/women/Church 1+4+4+3=12 God's divine Government!
The work on the cross was completed at the ninth hour when Jesus said "It is finished". The shedding of his blood was final. It saw an end to the old system of animal sacrifice to atone for sin. The word "blood" in this sense occurs 99 times.
Great superstition has always surrounded the number 13 as being unlucky or dark. Perhaps there is good reason. One of the most convincing proofs of the origins of this number can be found by unraveling all the names by which Satan is known. Drakon or dragon has a value of 975 (13 x 75) and it occurs 13 times. Peirazon or tempter has a value of 1053 (13 x 81). Belial which is personification of evil has a value of 78 (13 x 6).
Anthropoktonos or "murderer" has a value of 1820 (13 x 40). Ophis or "serpent" is 780 (13 x 60). The phrase used by the Holy Spirit Ho kaloumenos diablos kai ho Satanas or "called the Devil and Satan" is valued 2197 (13 x 13 x 13).
* This study is a work in progress...see my other studies and or return here as you please to see daily updates.
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This study is also going to discuss Satan's power to manipulate man #6...through his 66 chemical properties with Satan's "sorcery" pharmakia...The Greek word “pharmakia” literally means “drugs”, and appears five times in the New Testament: in Gal 5:20, Rev 9:21, 18:23, 21:8, and 22:15.
“Pharmakia” is translated into our English Bible as either “witchcraft” or “sorceries”. We also get our English word “pharmacy” from the Greek word “pharmakia”. Satan uses lies, deception, supernatural "principalties and powers" to influence our brain via our mind to produce the prescribed chemical interactins for the result he uses to defeat us and implant his "strongholds in our imaginations, thoughts and every high thing that exalts it's self against the knowledge of GOD."

Romans7: 23But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.24O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.
The Hebrew word for Serpent is "Nacash" meaning enchanter whisperer of incantations...

When the Sepent tempted Eve, the bible say's "She saw" his deceptive delusion through his demonic spell binding power which was intoxicating to her.
We can be "intoxicated" by his subtle lies and false doctrines and "psycho-spiritual" oppression from his tinkering with our thoughts, emotions,senses, imaginations, dream life,etc...
2 Cor 10:4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
So we see we should not fight lusts of the flesh with our own will and strength & depression addiction, anxiety etc... with more drugs (carnal weapons) but through "The Spirit by repentance and prayer-fasting and destroy the entry point of the enemy which is our disobedience to God. Following the flesh, we give entrance to Satan to use his sorcery where he knows what 'fiery darts' cast into our mind will release the chemicals that will control our spirit soul and body.When we are "in the Spirit" we are out of Satan's jurisdiction of our guilt ridden past and our anxiety filled future where he has access to our mind/soul.In the flesh we are all chemical! In the Spirit we are"under the shadow of the Almighty!"
The idea of Satan being able to 'tweak our chemical make up affecting our mental and physical well being is all through scripture. The method and science of how he does this is hidden. Most assume with 'demonic supernatural powers' that are beyond finding out it's mechanics. But demonic supernatural powers is still subject to Divine law...which is available to those who have "the keys" to wield it.
Acts 1: 8
The idea of Satan being able to 'tweak our chemical make up affecting our mental and physical well being is all through scripture. The method and science of how he does this is hidden. Most assume with 'demonic supernatural powers' that are beyond finding out it's mechanics. But demonic supernatural powers is still subject to Divine law...which is available to those who have "the keys" to wield it.
Acts 1: 8
But ye shall receive power at the coming of the Holy Spirit upon you, and ye shall be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and unto the end of the earth.' | ||
But ye shall receive power ... - Literally, as it is translated in the margin, "Ye shall receive the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon you." Not your own diluted power, but ...The power...not some...the POWER!
Our dilemma is the lack of "knowledge" on how to release it. Hosea 4: 6 (KJV) My people perish from a lack of knowledge. ...2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needs not to be ashamed,rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Just as the Word divides asunder the soul and spirit, the Spirit will guide us to all truth and understanding by showing us how to separate "the letter of Law (Word) from the spirit of Law." While the letter has limited literal discovery and revelation, the spiritual has no end!
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!"
In every field of endeavor, there are the deep things that can be studied and learned. However, unlike the study of physical things, the deep things of God are not perceived strictly through the intellect. They are transcendent to human thought and understanding, we must like David say " still, God is still my help.
It is folly to look to ourselves and our intellect to deal with our spiritual warfare. In fact, God purposely allows the foolish to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). The wise will be fooled that their intellectual understanding constitutes spiritual discernment.
Spiritual things are not discerned by the natural person who considers things of the Spirit of God as foolishness (1 Corinthians 2:14). To many today, it is foolishness to spend hours every day in the word and prayer, their intellect tells them they will not accomplish "their aim."
We, as humans, are much like computers. Our brain is the hardware. The spirit is the software. The brain is 'flesh' and is programmed to insure flesh survival.
The mind that is set on the flesh,denies the mastery of the spirit. When the spirit is followed as God leads, the order is of the brain working with the spirit. Remove the hardware or the software and there is unconsciousness and the inability to function just as a computer without hardware or without software is unable to function. So where & how do we hear God?

We must go "Deep" to hear his 'call' for Deep calleth unto Deep. He speaks
to our spirit-man, the new creature, the New Man. Scripture announces that "the spirit returns to God." He is our source of life as sure as an electrical device must plug in to a power source and when the device breaks down, the power returns to it's source, likewise ours also.
There is a spirit in man (Job 32:8). This spirit in man is from God. It causes us to have the ability (power/energy) to eat, drink, take care of our body, and interact with others. As well as this spirit works, there is a need for an additional spirit to realize the spiritual dimension.
The fallen unregenerate man follows after the flesh and has no communion to God as his spirit is effectively dead except that the Spirit of God as the creator and supplier still draws and calls for it to respond.
The Holy Ghost co-exists with the spirit in a born again man, as it did in (Job 32:8), which is God overshadowing his own. The Holy Spirit can work with us or to be in us (John 14:17). The Holy Ghost works with us to lead us to faith and repentance unto regeneration. In us after we are born again.
The Holy Spirit is not a separate person. The Holy Ghost is the presence (Psalms 51:11, Psalms 139:7) and power (Romans 15:19, Micah 3:8) of God, which establishes a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). The Holy Spirit seals us for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). Although the Holy Spirit is a motivating (moving) force (2 Peter 1:21), it does not push. It leads (Romans 8:14). "And ye shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost has come upon you."Colossians 2 :9For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;When Christ is in us... the' Godhead bodily' is...and the power we receive and and use is his Spirit. And when we learn how to 'wield' that power (we don't 'wield' the person of Christ!) we can overcome all the enemy!
The spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, “…searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” The King James word “searches” is from the Greek word “ereunao”, meaning to search, examine, inquire. One benefit of the Holy Spirit is the ultimate ability (when one is yielded to the spirit) to examine all the deep things of God. The Holy Spirit is that link for that ability.
When the Spirit makes intercession with the saints (Christians), it is the power line providing beneficial linking between Christians and God. It provides intercession (linking) for us with groaning that cannot be uttered (processes that cannot be expressed in words) (Romans 8:26). This is done according to the will of the Eternal (verse 27), not according to our will. We can pray for anything we want, but the benefit that is given to us is provided only according to the will of God.
But how will the Holy Spirit “tell” you things to come? The Holy Spirit will “…teach…” (John 14:26). The Greek word is “didasko”, meaning to instill doctrine; in other words make things visible.
How does the Holy Spirit speak? Through people. This happened on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:4). The King James “…Ghost…” is the Greek word “pneuma” meaning “Spirit”. The Holy Spirit also speaks through a servant of God, when the servant is delivering a message (Acts 4:31, Acts 4:8).Our divine inspiration to rightly divide the Word is of the uttermost importance.The barrier to that ability to receive the divine light, is our flesh, sin and carnal condition. God is not the God of the dead. God being eternal has no yesterday nor tomorrow! Today is the day of Salvation. Unless we can free ourselves from agreement with the "Old Man" who is dead and buried with Christ, there is no divine light to see or Word to hear because we are not following after the Spirit if we are bound by guilt/ shame of yesterday and fear and doubt about tomorrow! Or like Lot's wife we look back at what we are not to love and forward to our own kingdom we envision we can build loving the things of the World.
In either case, we need deliverance from this body of death.
As our soul thirsts for God, as the hart panteth for the water brooks, it is because our spirit has dried up from it's source through the entanglements of this world, and our warring after the flesh, in our own strength.
But like the software we install in our computer to alert us that our batteries are low and we must re-install our 'permanent connection' to our power source, The Holy Ghost calls for us and our 'soul thirsts" and all the waves and billows of life we put on hold, going deep as Deep calleth unto deep, that we may drink from the river of life and and receive from God the ever increasing "Riches of His Glory" that we may grow in spirit,knowledge and Grace, being transformed and conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
Rapture of the Deep
"Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me."
When a "Deep Ocean Scuba Diver" plunges into the water, at first through the foam and waves it is difficult to get depth and to go deep. He must struggle with his own 'natural buoyancy (A type of fleshly carnality.)
As the diver swims deeper, he understands that the less of his own breath in his lungs will decrease his buoyancy, and make it easier to go deep. The Water above him and 'on him' now seems to be a 'help'.
It is still light from the world above, but the diver has been told by his teachers that soon it will get darker as the world's light fades. Deeper and deeper the diver swims. The silence begins to bring a peace and confidence to the diver and his breathing is now almost unnoticeable. Deeper and darker, until suddenly, the Deep seems to come alive in it's own wonderful florescent explosion of color and light! The beauty is beyond words. The diver becomes in awe of the Glorious beauty and light.

In a 'raptured state" the diver no longer cares or remembers the world above...and all sense of time is lost. In his euphoria he does not even know that his air tanks have run out of air and he dies before he knows it.
Rapture of the Deep! So it is with us..we need to say to our soul that thirsts for the living God...wait for God.
When we go into prayer, deep prayer, breaking through in repentance for living by our own strength, as we fight the roaring waves that keep us distracted by the deception that we have too much to do to abandon time and surrender to the Deep we can find God. And we come into his presence and like the dive, his light and glory engulfing us we find that "perfect peace" that casts out fear...and when fear is gone, we are in the moment with him. No past regrets, no anxiety for the morrow, and time ceases to be.
We can be filled with the Holy Ghost, his breath increases as ours decreases and we go deeper and deeper until we arrive, in "The Secret Place of The Most High." And the Great Physician has us under the Spirit's surgical power, The Sword of the Spirit! And heals us, and puts a right spirit and a clean heart into us because death to self allowed us to be still... so the Master Potter could remake the clay and remove all the impurities and smooth out the flaws and spots of sin, so we will know there is the place of refuge,and what the pattern of our testimony should be, and our vision of Glory is established. This is the Vision or we perish
without it. Deep calleth unto Deep.
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