by Steven Masone
Scientology? Yes, I have heard of it, I told the voice on the phone..."What has Scientology have to do with Army OP's? I asked. The voice continued briefly I listened, not really clear why I was being tapped to start my civilian Army reserve status with this kind of assignment.
I was only home from being discharged from the U.S. Army for less than six months, and thought I would have more time before called up to do some more black OPs (clandestine operations) for the Alphabet outfit that recruited me while stationed in Panama.
The deal was, I would be released early so that I could address my medical issues from the Jungle Fever that I got in Central America. I was involved with the secret training and support for the Chilean overthrow of the dictator Allende.
Though just used as a sniper, I was enlisted for later service so they could keep me as a reserve asset. When hospitalized for the fever after the Chilean affair and another secret op, I was talking out loud in my delirium, and drew their unsolicited attention, they looked closer at my file, and liked what they saw. I was recruited into a specialized Intel Unit.
Because of my martial arts and eastern philosophy experience, ( Scientologists believe Hubbard is Sidartha Gautama Buddha reincarnated) they thought I was the "right guy" for the Scientology assignment. They gave me the name and business address of the person who would get me in the door, and he did, And HELL Followed...
Within two months just like my handler predicted, I had been recruited by Scientology's "Guardian Office"...their secret and most powerful office in Scientology, headed By L.Ron Hubbards wife, Mary Sue Hubbard.
I was hired to be an Assistant Guardian of Public Relations, sort of like an Assistant U.S. Attorney is to the U.S. Attorney General. AG's were placed at Church of Scientology Orgs (Main official church verses a 'Mission' that is franchised.) And I was named the Northern California Director for the National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice (NCLE) a Scientology branch of their Citizens Commission on Human Rights, for the purpose of exposing Interpol and other police abusive activities. And of course to show Scientology's concern for Civil Liberties, helping their image with other allied groups I worked with behind the scenes.
Obama's executive order giving INTERPOL unlimited access to U.S. law enforcement files and immunity from prosecution ought to scare the devil out of anyone who knows INTERPOL's history, and the fact that they are the "EU's (European Union) 21st century Gestapo.
Not subject to "Freedom of Information Act" nor court order and lawsuits.
When Nazi Germany took over "The International Police of Chiefs Organization" and formed Interpol, it's secret files with damaging evidence both true and false against leaders in the countries they soon took over by blackmailing and 'turning' their victims into double agents, is how the IRS/INTERPOL tandem infiltrated THE Church of Scientology (CoS).
For Immediate Release Contact: 851-7922
Rev. Heber C. Jentzsch
Heber Jentzsch, Regional Director
Karen Leventhal, Executive Assistant
John Mettle, Activities Director
Nick McNaughton, Los Angeles Representative
Polly Hertz, Special Projects
Rev. Steven Masone, Sacramento Director, Legislative Liason
by the National Commission on and Social Justice
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is the last fortress of protection for several hundred Nazis still living in the United States. Many of these war criminals escaped to the United States and found asylum in the very country where millions gave their lives to prevent such an atrocity. Some of those protected Nazis live here in Southern California. In an exclusive interview with the head of immigration for the Region Joseph Surack, a rather bizarre picture of Nazi protection develops.
Against the background of this interview one must examine what has been happening in Southern California for some years. The mounted battle against "Illegal aliens" if they are Mexican has been one of heated concern by some of the more conservative press. INS his attacked the area of illegal aliens and rounded
National Chairman Jeff Friedman Director of Research -- Vaughn Young
1551 N. La Brea, # 108, Hollywood, CA 90028 (213) 851-7923
New York, Washington, DC, San Francisco Detroit, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego, Boston, Portland, St. Louis Minneapolis, Las Vegas
The News American
Baltimore Maryland
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1975 VOL. 202-NO. 206
The Nazi Connection Part I
Interpol, with Ties to Reich, Gets Data on Americans
* First of three parts.
American law enforcement organizations - including Baltimore police - regularly provide top-secret information to a private international police agency whose top leaders, since World War II, have been former ranking officers in the German Gestapo and the Nazi SS. That information is contained in recently declassified U.S. and German documents about Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization.)
Interpol's president during the early war years was Rein hard Heydrich, who on Jan. 20, 1942, convened the meeting at which 15 top-ranking Nazis worked out the "final solution to the Jewish problem": mass execution.
The meeting was held at Interpol headquarters.
Its president from 1968 to 1971 (and German representative until 1973) was Paul Dickopf who, until he fled Germany when he apparently sensed the tide of victory turning, was SS officer 337259.
Interpol today, and historically, refuses to help search for wanted Nazi war criminals. Between Heydrich and Dickopf, records show Interpol'. top leadership included high ranking members and former members of the Third Reich.
“Reinhard Heydrich,(L) the Nazi who was head of Interpol Is this the same European Court of Justice they are talking about, set up by the victors (including Britain) in WW11 to stop the creation of Police States as happened under the fascists ( Reinhard Heydrich, the NAZI's poster boy and chair of the Wanesee Conference was the pre-war head of Interpol) Last Nazi SS Interpol President 1972
Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies have freely and regularly, exchanged confidential information with Interpol since 1947 by means of electronic communication links and exchange of personnel.
All of that information goes into Interpol's extensive in formation center and is also passed on to any of about 120 foreign countries.
Though it is a private agency officially attached to no particular government, Interpol receives direct funding from the U.S. Treasury Dept. and has its U.S. offices in the Treasury Building. Treasury Secretary William Simon said last week that no information can reach foreign hands through Interpol that would endanger either U.S. security or individual privacy. He said Interpol does not have direct access to highly confidential FBI records, but does have indirect access. Either directly or through the Treasury Dept., Interpol works with the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, Secret Service, Customs and other federal agencies.
It has access to the FBI's vast National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
And, as one government spokesman taking a hard look at Interpol said last week, "If everything the FBI has is in its NCIC computer and Interpol links with that, then the whole world has this information."
Interpol works directly with local police throughout the United States.
"We've done a considerable amount of work with the Baltimore Police Department," Louis Sims, Interpol's chief of American operations, remarked. "We do a lot of work with local police all over the country."
Col. Joseph Carroll, chief of detectives for Baltimore police, said he has given "sporadic" information to Interpol. No member of the police Inspectional Services Division (ISD), the police intelligence unit, would comment on any connection with Interpol.
Thomas Farrow, agent in charge of the FBI's Baltimore office, said he has exchanged information with Interpol, and
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Sunday, March 16, 1975 THE NEWS AMERICAN
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Paul Kramer, deputy U.S attorney here, said his office gave Interpol information on at least one occasion - to try to track down convicted gambler Julius (Lord) Salsbury. No law enforcement person contacted in Baltimore conceded any knowledge of the lnterpol-Nazi connection.
And, while lnterpol chief Sims was quick to point out his agency's ties with U.S. organizations, he was unwilling to admit any links with the Third Reich.
Asked about Heydrich, the wartime Interpol chief, Sims said, "I've never heard the name before." Asked about Dickopf, who died in 1973 after heading lnterpol for four years, Sims said, "He was a German citizen who didn't desire to serve in the SS and fled to Switzerland."
But Dickopf, Sims admitted, joined the SS in 1938. His "desire not to serve" was not manifested until he fled four years later, when a number of Nazi leaders began to desert. Sims added, "Anyway, lnterpol didn't really exist luring the war."
That remark is consistent with repeated lnterpol testimony before Congress, when agency officials have claimed Interpol went out of business during World War 11, only to resurface thereafter.
But documents provided to Sen. Joseph Montoya's Treasury subcommittee by the Church of Scientology's National Commission on , Law Enforcement and Social Justice indicate exactly the opposite.
Because of those documents, Montoya a New Mexico Democrat, will hear testimony later this spring on the lnterpol-Nazi connection, and Rep. Edward Beard, D-R.I., last week called for a U.S. General Accounting Office investigation of Interpol.
A June 1962 Interpol document marked "strictly confidential" states that the agency "since 1940 had been run by the German chief of security police, (Reinhard) Heydrich."
Heydrich took office several months after Interpol's 1939 convention in Berlin, an affair sponsored - according to another Interpol document - by "the SS and chief of the German police Heinrich Himmler." Heydrich was assassinated in 1942, but until then, as Interpol president, he:
* Convened the meeting of 15 top Nazi leaders at Interpol headquarters in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee where, during a four-hour meeting, the "final solution to the Jewish problem" was mapped out: deportation to the east, forced labor and mass execution.. (Among those present at the meeting was Adolph Eichmann, to whom much of the "final solution" work fell:)
Ordered the "Kristallnacht" in November 1938 - the burning and destruction of Jewish synagogues in Germany and Austria.
As SS officer, Heydrich headed the "elite of the elite" intelligence service. When he was assassinated in 1942, more than 2 million Poles were killed in retribution. Heydrich was immediately succeeded as Interpol president by Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, whose photograph - in Gestapo chief uniform - graced the June 10, 1943 issue of Interpol's publication, "Internationale Kriminalpolizei.
Kaltenbrunner, an intimate of Eichmann and one of the earliest members of the Gestapo, was hanged at Nurenberg in 1946 for major war crimes.
(lnterpol chief Sims said last week he had "never heard" of Kaltenbrunner., Nor would he comment on publication of Interpol's magazine throughout the war years - when the agency supposedly did not exist.)
Other Third Reich leaders also were involved with Interpol. ' The "strictly confidential" 1962 lnterpol document says that' Arthur Nebe, "head of the Kriminalpolizei of the Reich," headed Interpol's International Bureau during the war. Nebe, believed still at large, directed one of the "mobile killing units" and assisted in Nazi "medical experiments" during the war. F.E. Louwage, who served on the Nazi Interpol staff under Kaltenbrunner, was Interpol president from 1946 to 1956.
During that time, he ran the Interpol offices from funds left over from wartime Interpol efforts.
But Interpol finances improved dramatically in 1968, when former SS officer Dickopf was elected president.
Interpol acknowledged, in its international publication, that "exceptional contributions" were made by unnamed persons in Switzerland, Venezuela and Brazil - reputed hideouts of former Nazis. Interpol chief Sims described his agency last week as "a middleman between overseas and U.S. agencies who want to exchange information - .-We deal with any American state, local or federal agency with a law enforcement function."
As part of that function, personnel from such U.S. agencies as the Secret Service, Customs, Drug Enforcement Agency and Alcohol, Tax and Firearms help staff Interpol's American offices.
The News American
MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1975 VOL. 202-NO. 207
The Nazi Connection -- Part 2
Hoover Secretly Attended Meeting
* This is the second of three articles on Interpol, the international police agency whose staff includes prominent ex-Nazis.
The late FBI Director J Edgar Hoover established American law enforcement': Nazi Connection almost 30 years ago - by going behind the back of his own government. Hoover's actions are spelled out in recently declassified American and German documents about Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization.)
Documents show that former Secretary of State Dean Acheson warned of Interpol's "Nazi domination" and that a spokesman for former U, S. Atty. Gen. Tom Clark offered a "studied recommendation" that America not unite with Interpol after World War II.
But Hoover secretly attended Interpol's 1946 convention, was elected vice president of the agency, and the United States was inextricably entwined with the organization whose top officials since the war - and at least until 1973 - have been men who were leaders of the German Gestapo and the Nazi SS.
As reported in The Sunday News American, Interpol is a private police agency that receives top-secret information from federal, state and local law enforcement agencies - including Baltimore police.
Yet its history is marked by these names and events:
* Its president from 1968 to 1971 (and German representative until 1973) was Paul Dickopf, who until he fled Germany after four years in the German Security Guards was SS officer 337259.
Its president during the early war years was Reinhard Heydrich, head of the intelligence service of the SS, who on Jan. 20, 1942 - summoned 15 top Nazis to Interpol headquarters, where the "final solution to the Jewish problem" - mass execution - was worked out.
* When Heydrich was assassinated several months after the conference, he was succeeded as Interpol president by Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, a Gestapo chief who was later hanged at Nurenberg for war crimes.
* Arthur Nebe, director of a German "mobile killing unit" and assistant in Nazi "medical experiments," headed Interpol's International Bureau during the war.
* F. E. Louwage, who served on the Nazi Interpol staff under Kaltenbrunner, was Interpol president from 1946 to 1956 and had J. Edgar Hoover as his vice president from 1946 to 1950, when an apparently furious Hoover pulled the FBI out of its direct link with Interpol. Under Louwage, an invitation was extended to the United States in May 1946 to join Interpol at its annual convention - with an obvious eye toward America's resuming the membership it had dropped during the war years.
But Acting Secretary of State Acheson, who received the invitation, immediately sent a memo to the Justice Dept. asking for advice, and adding:
"We assume this is same organization founded Vienna 1923, taken under Nazi domination 1938 and headquarters removed Berlin, at which time U.S. ceased relationship." A Dept. of State confidential memo signed "Kirk" followed quickly, confirming Interpol's background.
Immediately thereafter, a spokesman for U. S. Atty. Gen. Tom Clark followed with a memo flatly stating: "It is my studied recommendation that no represenative of the government of the United States be designated. to attend this meeting.
One year later, Acheson and Clark found that behind their backs Hoover had attended the meeting and had been elected vice president.
That information was transmitted to Acheson from the French Embassy in Washington, which extended invitations to that year's convention on behalf of Interpol. The memo notes:
"The Dept. of State will recall that the American delegate to the (Interpol) conference in 1946 was Mr. J. E. Hoover, chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Washington."
Followup memos from Acheson and Clark indicate a
Continued from Page IA
sudden change of heart over Interpol with Acheson noting the agency "has been reconstituted." Clark added in a memo that Hoover had been elected vice president and, as such, "steps were taken (by Hoover) to make the FBI an official member of (Interpol)."
Thus was the United States entwined with the Nazi-dominated Interpol.
And the matter of Interpol's Nazi domination was never again brought to attention - until documents were presented to Sen. Joseph Montoya's Treasury subcommittee (which helps fund Interpol) by the Church of Scientology's National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice.
The Treasury Dept. became the Interpol hookup, in 1950, when Hoover suddenly pulled the FBI out.
At the close of the war, some Communist countries - which, to this day, as member nations, receive American information through Interpol - joined the Interpol network. One of them, Czechoslovakia, used Interpol in 1950 to track down a group of refugees who had fled to West Germany.
When Hoover learned of it, he immediately pulled the FBI out and, when Louwage flew to Washington to plead with him to rejoin, Hoover refused.
Official explanation fox the FBI's pullout was given only as "special reasons," and it was left to the Treasury Dept. to continue America's Interpol relationship.
As part of that relationship,. U. S. law enforcement agencies regularly provide Interpol - and up to about 120 foreign police organizations - secret information.
Interpol has access to the FBI's vast National Crime Information Center (NCIC).
Because of its history - and today's questionable ties Sen. Montoya, D-N. Mex., will hold hearings this spring on Interpol, and Rep. Edward Beard, D-R. I., has called for a U. S. General Accounting Office investigation of Interpol. . ... TUESDAY: lnterpol 1975.
The News American
VOL. 202-N0. 208
The Nazi Connection Part III
Interpol Follows Jews, Ignores Their Killers
This is the last of three articles on Interpol, the private international police agency, and its affiliation with former Nazis, Gestapo members and SS agents. Baltimore is among the cities contributing to Interpol's information center.
By MICHAEL OLESKER Staff Reporter - Interpol, the private international police agency, won't lift a finger to track down Nazi war criminals.
But its files are filled with information on Jews it suspects of crimes.
The agency blames "the rules" for not tracking down Nazis - but, Interpol itself drew up those rules.
Interpol acts as a middleman for 120 countries that cooperate in tracking down persons wanted by police. But it has historically refused to cooperate in any effort to track down Nazi war criminals, saying its own charter does not allow it to do so. Its charter has not stopped it from making overt religious remarks in International Criminal Police Review, the agency's publication.
"Jewish offenders have a preference for offenses which require the use of craftiness," Interpol official Paul Marabuto wrote in the publication in April 1950.
"That explains why Interpol . . . has so many Jewish names in its files," he added. Those remarks, and the agency's unflinching refusal to pursue Nazi war criminals, are not terribly surprising, though, considering the agency's background.
Its president from 1968 to 1971 was Paul Dickopf, who until he fled Germany after four years in the Security Guards was SS officer 337259.
Its president during the early war years was Reinhard Heydrich, head of the elite intelligence service of the SS, who on Jan. 20, 1942 summoned 15 top Nazis to Interpol headquarters, where the "final solution to the Jewish problem" - mass execution - was plotted. Between Heydrich and Dickopf, recently declassified American and German documents show, Interpol's top officials included former ranking members of the German Gestapo and the Nazi SS.
Documents have recently been presented to Sen. Joseph Montoya's Treasury subcommittee - which funds Interpol - and to Rep. Edward Beard, D.R.I., who has called for a General Accounting Office investigation.
The documents were presented by the Church of Scientology's NationaI Commission on Law Enforce. ment and Social Justice.
Montoya, a New Mexico Democrat, and Beard are apparently concerned that Interpo1 receives top-secret information from federal, state and local (including Baltimore) police and that Interpol has access to the FBI's vast National Criminal Information Center.
"We're wondering if there's been any invasion of privacy," a Treasury subcommittee spokesman said last week. "Who is getting all of this information? What does the U.S. get in return? And how much information does Interpol get?
"And then there's the problem of its Nazi connections. Is Interpol a haven for Nazis? We're going to ask some very pointed questions."
Beard spokesman Morton Blender, who coincidentally covered the trial of Adolph Eichmann 14 years ago, said he was told:
"The whole idea of the Germans with Interpol was to make a Europe-wide police force, the core of which was the Nazis. It would be the Gestapo of the whole world, a secret police."
Treasury officials rejected the criticism, however, defending Interpol as a valuable mechanism for tracking down international criminal suspects.
In a statement to Sen. [missing letters]inued from Page 1A [missing letters] toya, Treasury Secretary William E. Simon said last week that Interpol's operations were discontinued during the war and that member countries rejoined only in 1956.
That coincides with the official Interpol line, but does not hold up with newly declassified war documents.
Simon denied that Interpol has direct access to the FBI information center, saying that any requests for information must first be run through the U.S. National Central Bureau. That, Simon indicated, assures that no information can reach foreign hands that would endanger individual privacy or American security.
Simon listed about a dozen cases in which U.S. police' took advantage of Interpol, and about a half-dozen cases in which foreign police did likewise.
The cases, which took place within the past few years, involve such matters as murder, drug trafficking, deportation and illegal passports.
None concerned pursuit of Nazi war criminals.
The Interpol charter says the agency does not pursue "political" criminals, prompting a Washington critic to say last week, "What they're saying is that genocide is political." Interpol's stance on nonpursuit of Nazis prompted the American Jewish Congress to charge the agency with lending "an unexpected sense of safety" to such criminals in .hiding. Yet Interpol is recognized by the United Nations as a legitimate (though private) intergovernmental organization.
As Simon said last week, "This special arrangement gives both organizations broad opportunities to take part in discussions on matters of common interest."
The UN link - established in 1971 - gave Interpol something else - added credibility. For an organizations whose roots were planted - and flourished - in Nazi Germany, that was a major step forward.
End of series.
Interpol, The Vatican
And The Jesuits - Part 1
The Nazi Connection
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Some time before World War Two, Adolf Hitler took over the International Police. A top official of INTERPOL, with dual capacity was the Director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover. His office as Vice President of Interpol was in the U.S. Treasury Building, Washington, D.C.
I am one of the few that dares mention the dirty little secret of the FBI. They were formed in the 1920s, in what I describe, as from the mists and vapors of antiguity. Then and now, it operates without a Charter. It has no statutory or other authority to exist at all.
Whatever you conclude about the American CIA, good or bad, but THEY operrate under a Charter that formed them in 1947. I perhaps offend some by saying that know-nothings and naive people from time to time demand that I answer why someone does not stop the FBI from proceeding. That requires a long, perhaps philosophical answer which I do not wish to burden anyone with. Plainly, I do not have the power to stop FBI.
As to Interpol, toward the end of World War Two, Nazi officials, some of them having committed war crimes, had their escape from Europe arranged by the Pontiff. As a cover he arranged for them Vatican passports. Dressed in garments befitting priests, they escaped down what some authors described as "The Ratline".
Many of these Gestapo and other Nazi officials were on an Allied list of those to be questioned and presumably prosecuted at the Nuremberg Tribunal and elsewhere. Most of them ended up in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, AND A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION IN THE UNITED STATES.
To understand South America, it must be understood that by1910, some thought Argentina might well out-distance the U.S. in business and other developments.
During World War Two, Argentina was pro-Nazi. Having become a shipping magnate prior to the conflict, Aristotle Onassis during the war used Argentine ships, immune from German U-Boats and Nazi "pocket battleships", to transport war goods to Germany.
The Patriarch of the Kennedy Family, Joseph P. Kennedy, returned from London in 1940 having been U.S. Ambassador. [Kennedy, despite being Irish, was acceptable to pro-Nazi British royalty. As a major bootlegger criminal with paid-for corrupt immunity in the 1920s, he heavily smuggled Scotch Whiskey items into the U.S. to benefit the British Monarchy.]
Kennedy tried to tell President Franklin D. Roosevelt to remain neutral, not to get involved in Europe's war, because, said Kennedy, Hitler was winning. As having been highly corrupt Maritime Commissioner in the Roosevelt White House, Kennedy already was into lucrative corrupt deals with shipping tycoon Onassis.
With the war-time Nazi complicity of Argentina and that of "Founding Father" Kennedy, Aristotle became fabulously wealthy.
With the aid of the Pope's "Ratline", and aid and comfort provided by the pro-Nazi Catholic Church and Jesuit Hierarchy in Argentina, Buenos Aires became a protected haven for war criminals.
So, for many years after the war, Hitler's brain-child, Interpol, was dominated principally by escaped Nazi war criminals.
What was Interpol's specialty? Using their worldwide telecommunications empire, Interpol sent out, throughout the planet, urgent bulletins to law enforcement authorities: That WANTED as fugitives from justice, were various persons, principally small-time and medium businessmen. A revealing compilation of these WANTED orders showed that many of those thus fingered and to be held in custody until further notice, had Jewish surnames. Upon further scrutiny, the offenses that these Jews were wanted for, were mostly petty matters most possibly not at all valid crimes. Certainly such small-time deeds did not warrant worldwide declarations as if they were all bank robbers and such.
Bluntly put, these post-War surviving Nazis, supported by The Church, and the Jesuit Hierarchy, were continuing their blood-lust. "Jews killed Jesus. We are going to get YOU!"
J. Edgar Hoover, in his role with Interpol, certainlky was beset by strange cross-currents. A highly corrupt booze baron named Rosenstiel, to bribe Hoover set up a foundation to profit Hoover under the table. Purportedly a Jew, Rosenstiel ran Schenley. Even more strange, Rosenstiel's firm had as a secret owner pro-Nazi Joseph P. Kennedy.
The ODESSA, from the German Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, meaning “Organization of Former SS Members,” is believed to have been an international Nazi network set up towards the end of World War II by a group of SS officers. The purpose of the ODESSA was to establish and facilitate secret escape routes, later known as ratlines, to allow SS members to avoid their capture and prosecution for war crimes. Most of those fleeing out of Germany and Austria were helped to South America and the Middle East.
Several books by those involved in the War Crimes Commission (including T.H. Tetens and Joseph Wechsberg) have verified the organization's existence and provided details of its operations. Wechsberg studied Simon Wiesenthal's memoirs on the ODESSA and verified them with his own experiences in the book The Murderers Among Us.
In a note, people claiming to represent the ODESSA claimed responsibility for a 9 July 1979 car bombing in France, which was aimed at anti-Nazi activists Serge and Beate Klarsfeld.
In the realm of fiction, the Frederick Forsyth best-selling 1972 thriller The Odessa File brought the organization to popular attention. (The novel was turned into a film starring Jon Voight.) In the novel, Forsyth's ODESSA smuggled war criminals to Latin America, but also attempted to protect those SS members who remained behind in Germany, and plotted to influence political decisions in West Germany.

According to Simon Wiesenthal, the ODESSA was set up in 1946 to aid fugitive Nazis. Interviews by the ZDF German TV station with former SS men suggest instead that the ODESSA was never the single world-wide secret organization that Wiesenthal described, but several organizations, both overt and covert, that helped ex-SS men. The truth may have been obscured by antagonism between the Wiesenthal organization and German military intelligence.
Long before the ZDF TV network, historian Gitta Sereny wrote in her 1974 book Into That Darkness, based on interviews with the former commandant of the Treblinka extermination camp, Franz Stangl, that the ODESSA had never existed. She wrote:
The prosecutors at the Ludwigsburg Central Authority for the Investigation into Nazi Crimes, who know precisely how the postwar lives of certain individuals now living in South America have been financed, have searched all their thousands of documents from beginning to end, but say they are totally unable to authenticate (the) 'Odessa.' Not that this matters greatly: there certainly were various kinds of Nazi aid organizations after the war — it would have been astonishing if there hadn't been.
This view is supported by historian Guy Walters in his book Hunting Evil, where he also points out that networks were used, but there was not such a thing as a setup network covering Europe and South America, with an alleged war treasure. For Walters, the reports received by the allied intelligence services during the mid-1940s suggest that the appellation "ODESSA" was "little more than a catch-all term use by former Nazis who wished to continue the fight."
However, while Nazi concentration camp supervisors denied the existence of the ODESSA, neither US War Crimes Commission reports nor American OSS officials did. In interviews of outspoken German anti-Nazis by Joseph Wechsberg, former American OSS officer and member of the US War Crimes Commission, it was verified that plans were made for a Fourth Reich before the fall of the Third, and that this was to be implemented by reorganizing in remote Nazi colonies overseas:
The Nazis decided that the time had come to set up a world-wide clandestine escape network.
They used Germans who had been hired to drive U.S. Army trucks on the autobahn between Munich and Salzburg for the 'Stars and Stripes,' the American Army newspaper. The couriers had applied for their jobs under false names, and the Americans in Munich had failed to check them carefully... (the) ODESSA was organized as a thorough, efficient network... Anlaufstellen (ports of call) were set up along the entire Austrian-German border... In Lindau, close to both Austria and Switzerland, (the) ODESSA set up an 'export-import' company with representatives in Cairo and Damascus.
In his interviews with Sereny, Stangl denied any knowledge of a group called the ODESSA.
The Nazis decided that the time had come to set up a world-wide clandestine escape network.
They used Germans who had been hired to drive U.S. Army trucks on the autobahn between Munich and Salzburg for the 'Stars and Stripes,' the American Army newspaper. The couriers had applied for their jobs under false names, and the Americans in Munich had failed to check them carefully... (the) ODESSA was organized as a thorough, efficient network... Anlaufstellen (ports of call) were set up along the entire Austrian-German border... In Lindau, close to both Austria and Switzerland, (the) ODESSA set up an 'export-import' company with representatives in Cairo and Damascus.
In his interviews with Sereny, Stangl denied any knowledge of a group called the ODESSA.
Recent biographies of Adolf Eichmann, who also escaped to South America, and Heinrich Himmler, the alleged founder of the ODESSA, made no reference to such an organization. However, Hannah Arendt, in her book, Eichmann in Jerusalem, states that "in 1950, [Eichmann] succeeded in establishing contact with ODESSA, a clandestine organization of S.S. Veterans, and in May of that year, he was passed through Austria to Italy, where a Franciscan priest, fully informed of his identity, equipped him with a refugee passport in the name of Richard Klement and sent him on to Buenos Aires." Notorious Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele also escaped to South America.
Sereny attributed the fact that SS members could escape to postwar chaos and the inability of the Roman Catholic Church, the Red Cross, and the American military to verify the claims of people who came to them for help, rather than to the activities of an underground Nazi organisation. She identified a Vatican official, Bishop Aloïs Hudal, not former SS men, as the principal agent in helping Nazis leave Italy for South America.
Argentine writer Uki Goñi, in his 2002 book The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón’s Argentina, suggested that Sereny’s more complex, and less conspiratorial, story was closer to the truth. In 1938, on the verge of World War II, and with Hitler’s policies on Jews in transit, Argentina’s government sanctioned an immigration law restricting access by any individual scorned or forsaken by his country’s government. This law was alleged to have implicitly targeted Jews and other minorities fleeing Germany at the time, and was denounced by Uki Goñi, who admits that his own grandfather had participated in upholding it. Between 1930 and 1949, however, Argentina took in more Jewish refugees per capita than any other nation in the world, with the exception of Israel. Dr. Leonardo Senkman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem says that "the reopening of post-war European emigration to Argentina during the first Peron Presidency in 1946 pushed up the net immigration figure to 463,456 persons between 1947 and 1951..." the highest in thirty years. The legislation, though already in disuse for many years, was repealed on 8 June 2005 as a symbolic act. The Jewish Virtual Library writes that while Juan Perón had sympathized with the Axis powers, "Perón also expressed sympathy for Jewish rights and established diplomatic relations with Israel in 1949. Since then, more than 45,000 Jews have emigrated to Israel from Argentina."
Of particular importance in examining the postwar activities of high-ranking Nazis was Paul Manning's book Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, which detailed Bormann's rise to power through the Nazi Party and as Hitler's Chief of Staff. During the war, Manning himself was a correspondent for the fledgling CBS News, along with Edward R. Murrow in London, and his reporting and subsequent researches presented Bormann's cunning and skill in the organization and planning for the flight of Nazi-controlled capital from Europe during the last years of the war--notwithstanding the strong possibility of Bormann's death in Berlin on May 1, 1945, especially in light of DNA identification of skeletal remains unearthed near the Lehrter Bahnhof as Bormann's.
According to Manning, "eventually, over 10,000 former German military made it to South America along escape routes set up by (the) ODESSA and the Deutsche Hilfsverein...". The ODESSA itself was incidental, says Manning, with the continuing existence of the Bormann Organization a much larger and more menacing fact. None of this had yet been convincingly proven.
Scientology fought Interpol USA which was headed by a double agent of the US Treasury Secret Service. After achievement of legislative safeguards in California's Legislature, the IRS moved in to take out the...GO..see...revised
Sereny attributed the fact that SS members could escape to postwar chaos and the inability of the Roman Catholic Church, the Red Cross, and the American military to verify the claims of people who came to them for help, rather than to the activities of an underground Nazi organisation. She identified a Vatican official, Bishop Aloïs Hudal, not former SS men, as the principal agent in helping Nazis leave Italy for South America.

Argentine writer Uki Goñi, in his 2002 book The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón’s Argentina, suggested that Sereny’s more complex, and less conspiratorial, story was closer to the truth. In 1938, on the verge of World War II, and with Hitler’s policies on Jews in transit, Argentina’s government sanctioned an immigration law restricting access by any individual scorned or forsaken by his country’s government. This law was alleged to have implicitly targeted Jews and other minorities fleeing Germany at the time, and was denounced by Uki Goñi, who admits that his own grandfather had participated in upholding it. Between 1930 and 1949, however, Argentina took in more Jewish refugees per capita than any other nation in the world, with the exception of Israel. Dr. Leonardo Senkman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem says that "the reopening of post-war European emigration to Argentina during the first Peron Presidency in 1946 pushed up the net immigration figure to 463,456 persons between 1947 and 1951..." the highest in thirty years. The legislation, though already in disuse for many years, was repealed on 8 June 2005 as a symbolic act. The Jewish Virtual Library writes that while Juan Perón had sympathized with the Axis powers, "Perón also expressed sympathy for Jewish rights and established diplomatic relations with Israel in 1949. Since then, more than 45,000 Jews have emigrated to Israel from Argentina."

Of particular importance in examining the postwar activities of high-ranking Nazis was Paul Manning's book Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, which detailed Bormann's rise to power through the Nazi Party and as Hitler's Chief of Staff. During the war, Manning himself was a correspondent for the fledgling CBS News, along with Edward R. Murrow in London, and his reporting and subsequent researches presented Bormann's cunning and skill in the organization and planning for the flight of Nazi-controlled capital from Europe during the last years of the war--notwithstanding the strong possibility of Bormann's death in Berlin on May 1, 1945, especially in light of DNA identification of skeletal remains unearthed near the Lehrter Bahnhof as Bormann's.
According to Manning, "eventually, over 10,000 former German military made it to South America along escape routes set up by (the) ODESSA and the Deutsche Hilfsverein...". The ODESSA itself was incidental, says Manning, with the continuing existence of the Bormann Organization a much larger and more menacing fact. None of this had yet been convincingly proven.
Scientology fought Interpol USA which was headed by a double agent of the US Treasury Secret Service. After achievement of legislative safeguards in California's Legislature, the IRS moved in to take out the...GO..see...revised
How IRS Runs Scientology Not only does IRS have a hot-line telephone set up with the top people running Scientology, IRS has also ordered that they receive regular reports about any change in the leadership or organizational pattern. In other words, IRS is set up over Scientology precisely as any CEO is over any organization, as planned by Meade Emory and IRS when Emory was Legislation Attorney for the Joint Committee on Taxation and then Assistant Commisioner of IRS. This chart shows how IRS exerts command and control over Scientology through its top agents--the non-Scientologist Special Directors hand-picked by Emory and IRS to run the top corporation, Church of Spiritual Technology (CST)--and through subordinate agents, the Tax Compliance Officers in OSA's Tax Compliance Sections. Below this chart, there is another that shows a brief history of the corporate and intellectual property structure leading up to Emory-created IRS takeover for a "before-and-after" comparison, and notes follow the charts: | ||||
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Prior to the Emory-engineered take-over by IRS--as demonstrated in another chart below--all organizations and intellectual property of Scientology were in one "container": The Hubbard Association of Scientologists, International (HASI, Inc. of Arizona), protected by the Guardian Office (chart below at 1966). Emory and his federal cronies knew this, so their first step was to infiltrate Norton S. Karno and the Lenske brothers into Church of Scientology of California (CSC) and the GO. Karno and the Lenskes surreptitiously began transferring some of the intellectual property back to "Hubbard" (into his estate property), then allowed HASI, Inc. to be revoked, leaving the rest of the organizations hung out to dry. Within two months of the HASI, Inc. revocation, Emory and his government pals had the Gurardian Office raided by the FBI (chart below at 1977). In 1978 Karno and the Lenske's completed gutting CSC of the intellectual property, covertly transferring all the copyrights back to "L. Ron Hubbard" (into his estate property), and in 1979 wrote a Hubbard "Will" making Karno Executor and Trustee over the Hubbard estate, leaving only the final phase of the IRS/Emory plan: So in 1980, IRS plants Sherman and Stephen Lenske set up a firm separate from Karno--Lenske, Lenske & Heller, for "once-removed" deniability--and they were then "hired" in 1981 by co-conspiritor Norman Starkey. The Lenskes and Starkey, backed by Emory, removed the Controller over the Guardian Office, Mary Sue Hubbard (with a "letter from attorneys"), and disbanded what was left of the FBI-demolished Guardian Office using Starkey to oversee Sea Organization "missions" to accomplish it, leaving nothing but a stripped CSC and the lower organizations and franchises/missions (chart at 1981). And 1981 is when Lenske, Lenske & Heller started setting up all the "new, improved" corporations to be run by IRS (chart at top) exactly according to Meade Emory's master plan. Here is the brief charted corporate history as described above: | ||||
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With an understanding of how the intellectual properties were stripped out of CSC (its division, HCO) and transferred into CST, and therefore into control of IRS, several notes about the first chart above are in order: ° How can the IRS get away with running a religion, given the First Amendment? Because the control is done through CST, and CST is not a church: it is a corporation. Ref. U.S. Claims Court No. 581-88T, Judge Bruggink: As a corporation, CST has no protection under the First Amendment of the Constitution, and so can be, and is, controlled by government agencies, including, but not necessarily limited to, IRS. IRS materially participated in the planning and establishment of the existing corporate structure--through their architect of it all, former Assistant Commissioner of IRS Meade Emory--expressly for this purpose. It's a fraud, top to bottom, that was largely created by IRS and is being run by them through three non-Scientologist tax attorneys that they hand-picked to be "Special Directors" of CST, the most powerful position in the richest and most powerful corporation. For even more on the fraud, see our report on the IRS brand of "Scientology": The Scientology Religion."CST is not a church...CST represents that it is a religious corporation organized to accomplish the activities of a church. Despite its name, CST is not itself a church... ." ° RTC is promoted in Scientology literature (as well as in legal threats from its attorneys) as being the "owner" of the trademarks, and, indeed, is listed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as owner for the majority of the trademarks. What is not reflected in those records are contractual and estate documents (all in our Documents section) that give controlling interest in the most important marks to CST. In the 1993 estate trust transfer ordered by IRS, CST received all "commercial interest" in the most important marks (ones purportedly "given" to RTC by Hubbard in 1982, but in which transaction he withheld all "commercial interest," which then passed to CST). CST also has contractual right to take back all other interest and goodwill in those key marks from RTC at any time in CST's "sole discretion." None of the other marks RTC has registered have any value at all without those key marks, which include the Sea Org symbols, the Scientology "S-and-double-triangles," the Scientology cross, and the Dianetics triangle. This very covert control mechanism was set up by Meade Emory and IRS to hide the fact of CST's control over RTC and over all of Scientology. ° RTC gained international notariety for being involved in copyright litigation, making most people believe, falsely, that RTC owned the copyrights. RTC never owned any copyrights. The reason RTC was involved in the sensational Copyright Wars against the internet was because the contested documents were the "Advanced Technology" materials, which RTC is licensed by CST to sublicense to the "Advanced Organizations." RTC also is contractually obligated to CST to protect the trade secrets and the copyrights in the Advanced Technology, even though CST is the copyright owner. This was set up this way intentionally by Meade Emory and IRS to hide CST's control. Some have even speculated, with good reason, that IRS agents were involved in instigating the copyright wars for the express purpose of getting media exposure that would create this exact false impression in the public--that RTC was the whip hand--further insulating the wealth and power of CST, and the hidden relationship between CST and IRS. ° Bridge Publications, Inc. (BPI) is the other corporation that has been involved in copyright litigation. BPI is the corporation that publishes CST's copyrighted works. Inside BPI's books and publications you will find the copyrights belong to the "L. Ron Hubbard Library," which is simply a fraudulent fictitious business name for CST, another covert trick devised by Meade Emory and IRS to help obfuscate IRS's involvement and control by hiding it behind the name "L. Ron Hubbard." But BPI is the front corporation for CST that, like RTC, is contractually bound to defend CST's non-Advanced Technology copyrights, even though CST is the exclusive owner of all of the copyrights. ° The Office of Special Affairs (OSA) is placed organizationally as an attachment to the corporation known as Church of Scientology International (CSI). But OSA also has direct ties to CST that are hidden in intellectual property relationships between CST and OSA. The "Way to Happiness" book and trademarks are solely owned by CST, and the marketing and selling of that booklet and its related programs are under the "Social Coordination" branch of OSA. This provides a covert cover for direct command and control from IRS through CST into OSA, which was also created and set up by Meade Emory. But perhaps most important in IRS command and control into OSA is the senior "Tax Compliance Office" established there by Emory, providing a direct line for information and orders between IRS and OSA. ![]() |
Hannah Arendt (1963). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. New York: Viking.
David Cesarini, Eichmann: His Life and Crimes (Vintage 2004);
Peter Padfield: Himmler: Reichsführer SS (Macmillan 1990)
Gitta Sereny, Into That Darkness (Pimlico 1974), 274
Guy Walters, Hunting Evil, Bantam Books, Transworld Publishers, London 2010
Joseph Wechsberg, The Murderers Among Us, New York, 1967
David Cesarini, Eichmann: His Life and Crimes (Vintage 2004);
Peter Padfield: Himmler: Reichsführer SS (Macmillan 1990)
Gitta Sereny, Into That Darkness (Pimlico 1974), 274
Guy Walters, Hunting Evil, Bantam Books, Transworld Publishers, London 2010
Joseph Wechsberg, The Murderers Among Us, New York, 1967
For further reading, supporting and related matters:
"Interpol Exposed", Nexus Magazine, July/August, 1991;
"The Nazi Connection To The John F. Kennedy assassination" by Mae Brussell, Rebel Magazine, 11/22/83, very extensive details about the Nazis;
"Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover", by Anthony Summers
"Aftermath" by Ladislas Farago
"RATLINES: How the Vatican's Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence To The Soviets" by Mark Aarons
"Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII" by John Cornwell;
"Nemesis: The True Story of Aristotle Onassis, Jackie O., and The Love Triangle That Brought Down The Kennedys" by Peter Evans.
see link updated story
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