Thursday, October 13, 2011

Herman Cain..."Off the Democratic Plantation!"

Herman Cain..."Off the Democratic Plantation!"

Steven E. Masone

Herman Cain's jump to first place in several polls for the republican nomination comes with the usual attack from African American liberals accusing him of being "racist." In times past he would have been called an "Uncle Tom"  by the radical left of the African American community, but now it also comes from Academia and Hollywood quarters where college professors and entertainers attack with name calling anyone "off the Reservation."                                              {Star Parker is the founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal Education, a 501(c)(3) non-profit think tank}                                                                                                        
In a sound bite from the Sean Hannity show, Herman Cain stated he left "the democratic plantation a long time ago." Herman Cain responded to the attacks by far left pro-Castro activist Harry Belafonte tonight on Hannity:
“As far as Harry Belafonte’s comment, I left the (democratic) plantation a long time ago. And, all they try to do when someone like me, and I’m not the only black person out there that shares these conservative views. The only tactic they have to try to intimidate me and shut me up is to call me names and this sort of thing. It just simply won’t work. “
The irony of it all is that I was first impressed with Herman Cain when I heard him speak in La Grange Georgia nearly two years ago at a Tea Party rally in the town square where history records many were murdered by lynching for the color of their skin.. I had gone to Georgia to Pastor a Church and was struck by the racism still alive and well among "Southern Democrats." I actually had one southern democrat confess they had a KKK hood packed away from a Klan meeting.
I was guest speaking at another Church in La Grange, and the Pastor knew I had knocked doors and was inviting everyone from a predominately African American neighborhood to those services where I became Pastor. He told me they had tried to integrate his church before and asked if I would refrain from inviting non whites to the meetings. He told me he would lose his biggest financial supporters.   
Needless to say, I was aghast at this and could see the racist hypocritical behavior was commonplace.
 However, when Herman Cain spoke to the conservative republican Tea Party rally, I purposely walked around and put on my journalistic investigative reporter hat and could not find one word of racial comment or disparaging remarks against Herman Cain. To the contrary he was given standing ovations with heartfelt "amen's" and other accolades from a colorblind gathering who share common values and political ideas.

So when I vote for Herman Cain, I will be voting for his qualified experience as a leader in business, as a conservative who will not be intimidated by the democratic party bosses who send out the attack orders to their under-bosses whatever color they may be. Obama was elected by disaffected independents and some conservatives who wanted change. Just not socialism which is what they got!

Herman Cain has risen in the polls for his strength of character, experience, and ideas. His success may scare the devil out of many democrats especially the democratic black caucus. Herman Cain is an example of  "American Exceptional-ism"proving anyone can advance on merit and without big government socialization and "plantation mentality" of big government engaging in entitlement hand-outs instead of hand-ups through trade schools and entrepreneurial training and education. Liberals keep people dependent on big government solely for keeping votes to keep the party bosses in control.

Perhaps African American voters will take a second look and find "The winds of change" read Star Parker's book "Uncle Sam's Plantation" and instead of an Arab Spring, America can have a true and honest debate where "race cards" are gone and out of control congresswomen won't profane peaceful and constitutionally protected political party members by telling them, they can "go to hell."

The fact that Herman Cain is African American will be a non-issue to those who vote for him. However, if he wins (and he can) he might be the catalyst for many to embrace better race relations and bi-partisanship without including socialistic hyperbole and Marxist rhetoric that paint conservatives as the boogie-man to the downtrodden and poor. He might not win a lot over to conservatism but we just want him to turn us right side up.  Herman Cain will stand for right.

How refreshing that would be!

1 comment:

  1. The impending destruction of Herman Cain's candidacy AND his life (if they get their vengeful way), brought to you by the party who invented the KKK, jim crow, dixie-crats, filibustering of civil rights leg. and DECADES of racial hate and separation - the democrats!
