That woman Jezebel
by Pastor Steven Masone on November 20, 2010
In Rev 2 The Lord reveals to John three heresies that he hates. The two most prominent today are the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes and "That woman Jezebel."
A Jezebel 'spirit' will use lies, gossip, evil surmising, and flat out "false accusations" to achieve her agenda in controlling the groups and sub-groups (cliques) in the church.
From small and insignificant silly arguments (little foxes) to fomenting hatred and hostility against those she is threatened by.
When God sends a true prophet/preacher to help the ministry, she will immediately sense true anointing will expose her for what she is and her sins brought to light.
Jezebel hates God ordained authority! She will act submitted to the local headship, whether it is her relative or not...in most cases it will be spouse or child that is in leadership. She knows how to mimic the anointing, and often does so thru music and or fleshly "rah-rah" cheer-leading.
This spirit manifests a "crying spirit" quite often that seems authentic, but secretly takes pleasure in destroying those she feels are a threat to her "reign." She really believes she is a "prophetess" of God, but no one else recognizes her position, thus it's lawful for her to manipulate and control behind the scenes.
Often in smaller congregations the women who are infected by this spirit will have spouses that will not be faithful in attendance /walk...because the Jezebel in these women want to maintain spiritual headship, and will overtly and sub-consciously keep their spouses from their biblical position. Men who are infected will undermine leadership through holding back finances and never helping the ministry in "helps and administrations. Of course they will gossip with those also infected and murmur & complain, causing division and creating heresy.
There will always be many afflicted with both physical and mental conditions. Depression will be prevalent and anxieties rampant as well as sexual immorality. Should the Pastor not be an "Ahab" that lets his "Queen" run things, he will probably be clueless that his wife called him to pastor and God did not! {Jeremiah 23}
Another major sign of the Jezebel spirit in ministry will be a "match-making of marriages." Not the harmless type where people like to see "lonely hearts" find love, but to help their agenda in manipulating and controlling for 'filthy lucre sake, and against scripture even "forbid to marry."
A Jezebel spirit will not allow revival and Church growth if she and Ahab cannot get 100% of the Glory! The few evangelists that are allowed to hold meetings are usually the same "circuit" preachers who will cow-tow to her whims so they can come back for a paycheck.
This is this end-time "strong delusion" that will beset us if we are not prayed up and studied up in this hour! Many Apostolic organizations are fighting this spirit at the very top levels of ministry where this spirit seeks to destroy 'CALLED' leadership vs ambitions of "that woman" and "The System" it'self becomes Jezebel." "Queen of Heaven-Mother of God" is the title that "Semiramis" the Wife of Nimrod, took upon herself and all of the "System" of false religion sprang from it's systematic practice and occult sorcery. So when "the system" becomes "Queen" it is because "That woman Jezebel" has taken over the headship! Thus we see the Catholic "Maryolotry" heresy is derived from.
So what we see here as these two are connected,(Nico-late ans) is an AHAB & JEZEBEL ruling over God's Church.
From the Greek, 'Nico' means to rule over and conquer, and 'laitanes' means laity. So it is an oppressive usurping of God's authority over his flock instead of serving in love and humility.
Jezebel hates a true prophet of God and will always try to control the "tongues and interpretations and prophetic utterings in the church. Since she has her spies everywhere, it seems her 'prophesying' is always on target..but not as the Spirit reveals. Those who are deceived because they are under her spell, are participating unfortunately in adultery and fornication (spiritually) by "worshiping" this heresy.
Jezebel hears of her defeat at Mt. Carmel and breaths out a vow proclaiming to kill Elijah within a day. The mighty man of God melts when hears of the threat. Elijah runs for his life. All his strength and power left him, and he asked God if he could now die. What happened? What caused the dramatic change of spirit and heart? Can a single threat from a single person bring such effect? Yes, the vile Jezebel spirit carries something which should not be underestimated. This spirit seeks to kill prophecy. It is an anti-prophet spirit who hones in on places where the Word of God is powerful and is especially backed by signs and wonders. It can strike at a time of great victory and success. It releases a cycle of confusion, division and despair.
That is why it is so important not to receive accusations without 2 or 3 witnesses. Satan is the accuser of the brethren! Saints forgive and restore. Murderers hate their brother/sister when they repeat accusations and gossip.
Confusion: First comes confusion. Elijah began to think, and then confess with his mouth “I am the only prophet left”. There is a sense of futilism that immediately grips the heart. In churches it often takes the form of a person, most often a Christian woman. She often has a “prophetic” gift, and seeks to have a voice in the congregation. As a result she finds it necessary to get near to the pastor or presiding elder of the church. This she does first by flattery. It might sound something like this. “Pastor, this the most awesome church I have been to. You are truly a New Testament church!” she will exclaim. 3 When she gains the pastors ear, then she will lead to the next stage of manipulation. It is here that she says something like this. “Pastor, this church is very strong, except in this one area. I understand that area and would like to teach you. With this area of the church mature, we will grow even more, and expand the boundaries of our tent further” With this she attempts to posture herself as a teacher of the teacher. She is setting the trap to usurp leadership. For this be successful, it requires an “Ahab”- type leader who is willing to abdicate his God given assignment and role. Jezebel can only lead as Ahab abdicates his leadership position. During this time the pastor become confused and begins to doubt his own calling and ability to lead. He will ask himself questions like these. “Why did even think I could actually lead a church. I should step away and let this place grow to it’s next level – a place beyond where I can take it. This congregation doesn’t want what I have to offer them.” These words are like Elijah’s who considered himself the only prophet left in the land. It was not true, and God let him know that there was yet seven thousand left.
John the Baptist’s Elijah spirit confronted by Jezebel spirit in Herodias The next clear place that Jezebel emerges again is in the story of John the Baptist. As I have shown at the beginning of this writing, the spirit of Elijah was upon John the Baptist.
Luke 1:17 He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah [emphasis mine], to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,' and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." This verse shows not only that John had the Elijah spirit, but it also reveals John’s three part mission of 1) bringing the hearts of the father together with the children, 2) confronting sin, 3) preparing the way for Jesus.
These three parts have a bearing on our study. Turning the hearts of the Fathers to the children The Elijah spirit first seeks to turn the hearts of the father’s to the children. Malachi prophesied this in the last two verses of the Old Testament: Malachi 4:5-6 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. 6 And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse." 4 The Elijah spirit breaks a pending curse off of the people of God by uniting fathers and children. It specifically mentions fathers.
Fathers must have their hearts pointed to their children, next generation. They should not be focused on just their own careers, ministries and interests. Fathers are other-oriented, and this results in an offspring (or in the case of a pastor – his congregation) being healthy and “curse-free”. As a result the offspring can move into their full dominion and calling (Genesis 1:26).
In the spiritual we believe that it means that we as elder-pastors, should take under our wings younger pastors, and speak encouragement and destiny into them. John’s ministry of confronting sin The second assignment given to John the Baptist, is also those of us who carry the Elijah spirit today. It is to confront sin. John did this by confronting Queen Herodias, who was illegally married to King Herod (she had been the wife of Herod’s brother Philip). John pointed this out publicly, and it is from this point on that Herodias hated him and plotted to have him killed.
She succeeded (Matthew 14:1-12). Manifesting the Jezebel spirit, Herodias manipulated Herod, using her beautiful daughter to dance before the King, exciting his lustful passions. In the heat of his passion, he looses his poise of soul as King and promises the beautiful young dancer anything she wanted as a reward. Then Herodias steps in, coaching her daughter to request the death of John the Baptist but bringing his head on a platter.
The Elijah spirit, in true prophetic fashion, confronts sin. Jezebel hates that. John’s ministry of preparing a way for Jesus The third part of John’s ministry assignment is that he is to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. This he does well, calling people to repentance, and baptizing them, announcing that the messiah is coming soon. He was successful in his calling. He truly was powerful in the spirit of Elijah, also successful But before John dies, while he is in prison for confronting the Queen’s sin and desire to gain power, he falls to intense discouragement. It is at this time that he begins to doubt even his own message, sending messengers to ask Jesus if He truly was the Christ. His ministry was clearly forerunner to the Christ, and one to prepare the way.
In his discouragement and the onslaught of evil oppression and filth from Jezebel, he became confused, divided from his call and ministry, and despairing, wondering to himself “Did I declare properly when I baptized my cousin Jesus as the Messiah?” Matthew 11:2-6 2 And when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples 3 and said to Him, "Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another? [emphasis mine]" 4 Jesus answered and said to them, "Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: 5 The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them. 6 And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me." 5 Steeped in despair, the result of being confronted by the Jezebel spirit, John doubts the central success of his ministry – announcing Jesus! This spirit is craftier than many think. She has chained many successful ministers in despairing bondage.
The word is clear that in these last days God will send a "strong delusion" to those who love not the truth, and they shall believe a lie." Jesus commands us to love and forgive.",they that love me, obey my commandments."
Do not fall in with those who participate in destroying the vineyard...2 or 3 witnesses (eye witnesses) or I don't want to hear it!
We know the end of Jezebel! As Mystery Babylon the Great, Mother of harlots dies at the hand of the nations that she seduced, so will those who give themselves over to this spirit in this hour. More and more in this last hour, "Jezebel' will be exposed and if saints who have played with her do not repent...they will be turned over reprobate into "The Apostasy" and believe a lie!
Because she ( Mystery Babylon/Jezebel) is "drunk with the blood of the saints....it's like the blood of Abel...crying out of her for justice that will condemn her to the lake of fire with the Beast and Dragon.
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