He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.” Daniel 12:9-10
Antichrist? The Beast 666? The Black Pope?
He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.” Daniel 12:9-10
The Coming Armageddon? The Tribulation?
So many voices and interpretations...What does scripture say? Is it happening now?
With: International Evangelist Steven Masone, Eleventh Hour Ministries
When: March 27-28-29-30-31 2013, 6:30pm nightly Sat & Sun 5:30pm
Where: 1205 Rogue River Highway Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
So many voices and interpretations...What does scripture say? Is it happening now?
With: International Evangelist Steven Masone, Eleventh Hour Ministries
When: March 27-28-29-30-31 2013, 6:30pm nightly Sat & Sun 5:30pm
Where: 1205 Rogue River Highway Grants Pass, Oregon 97526
Salvation! Healing! Miracles!
Jesus Christ,
The same yesterday,
today...and forever!
End Time Truth: Eleventh Hour Ministries Revival Crusade - International Evangelist Steven Masone
"Evangelist Rev. Steven Masone is used mightily by God in Healing, Word of Knowledge/Wisdom and Prophesy. At one meeting he called out three people who had hepatitis C, prayed for them and Prophesied that they were all healed in the Name of Jesus, and their Doctors confirmed it! He teaches and leads Saints in outreach and scores of visitors came where The Holy Ghost filled 9-12 and all baptized in the Name of Jesus and many added to our Church even though we were in a Building project and just a few went out in outreach. . The Power of the Holy Ghost confirming the Word of these End-Time truths through his ministry will bless your Church."
Pastor James Rabe, West Side Apostolic Church, Eugene Oregon,
"Powerful moves of the Holy Ghost with casting out of demons, broken legs healed and 20-30 people a week for over 6 week revival filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues. Pastor Masone's Ministry is the real deal!
Bishop Edward Stevens, Apostolic Pentecostal Churches LJC,USA
Bishop Edward Stevens, Apostolic Pentecostal Churches LJC,USA
I have been involved with Rev.Steve Masone in several Eleventh Hour Crusades, God's anointing was evidenced salvation, miracles and deliverance! Over sixty veterans receiving the Holy Ghost and baptized in the Wonderful Name of Jesus Christ in U.S. VA Hospital, Gospel missions, Salvation Army facilities and Jails and some just off the streets. Many vets who suffered from Alcohol, Drugs and Porn addictions were delivered and returned back to their families. As a previous A.C.T.S.Director, (Alcohol, Chemical, Treatment Series)
I can say that Brother Steven Masone's Ministry teaches and preaches a "program" into Revival meetings! Your Church will have revival!
Rev. Adrian Lenhart
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