Subject: Reilly Publications/The Herald
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The Palin "Phenomena"

By Steven E. Masone
Sarah Palin's resignation as Governor of Alaska has come to many as an unpredictable and confusing move. But to the savvy pundits and political prognosticators, who have paid attention to the phenomena behind her "dark horse" rise to stardom and the intense fear and loathing she has struck in the hearts of her detractors, she could not have done any thing else.
Sarah Palin is authentic. This scares the devil out of politicians on both sides of the aisle because she plans to reform 'politics as usual' across the board.
The Republicans of her own state were side blinded by her meteoric rise when she came out of nowhere after challenging the incumbent republican Governor of ethic violations and then running against him and beating him by 30 points.
While the 'good ol boys' of Alaskan politics were unnerved by her appeal and prowess, they were slow to counter attack her rising popularity in the public forums. While undoubtedly the back room strategy to up-end her growing popularity and influence with the voters was being formulated, all that changed when John McCain tapped her for the VP slot.
Alaska was bathed in unprecedented spotlighting attention as Sarah Palin's appeal went national. She energized the Republican ticket and were it not for Obama having his own meteoric rise much earlier and the democrats more organized with their base at it's height of the euphoria created by their "dark horse", the election could have been different.
The Phenomena of Sarah Palin was fueled by the same phenomena of Obama that he astutely capitalized on...change. Obama caught the first wave of this national sea of dissatisfaction and restlessness that manifested into his being able to capture the imagination and hopes of the electorate that he was the answer.
Palin is now in the catbird seat as there will be an unparalleled massive growth of big government and higher taxes coupled with socialization attempts of health care, education, and a myriad of other conservative issues and ideals will be under attack by 2012 and the conservative backlash will be a 'sunami' for conservatives that will probably win back the House of Representatives also.
Sarah Palin should she stay in office as Governor of Alaska would have had to announce and run for re-election at this time. But it was a no-win situation for her due to the fact that she upset the apple cart in Alaska within her own party who are already working against her from succeeding with that state's progress.
Palin refuses to tow the party line in many areas and this was evident with McCain's own staff as they could not control and manipulate her.Her popularity was overshadowing their boss's star, when they saw that the polls were not going their way they needed a scapegoat if they were going to get jobs in 2012.
The republican party in shambles and disunity without leadership and a front runner for 2012 must move now. After the debacle of S. Carolina's Governor being taken off the "short list" of contenders, Mitt Romney is getting the nod as the heir apparent and the backroom word is that Alaskan republican politicians are being ordered to torpedo Sarah Palin.
The moderate republican caucus are in control and Sarah Palin was a threat if she could tout any more success and experience as Governor of Alaska. But had she announced she was not going to seek a second term she would be a lame duck and would taken tremendous critisism if she ran for president and abandoned her duties , thus she has made the only move that makes sense.
Palin has just inked a book deal for seven figures and she will now begin to raise her war chest with a possibility of personal appearances and perhaps even to keep herself in the spotlight, a contract for radio and t.v. shows. She also will most likely create a "think tank" to amass credentials for foreign policy earning endorsements from the famous and respected experts she recruits.
She will also continue to barnstorm the World as well as the Nation winning over many sceptics once they come under her infectious personality and style. The left wants to paint her as a fanatical right wing extremist because she is vocal about her christian faith, and the republican moderate caucus also fears her Christianity will influence christian voters over their Golden boy Rommney who is Mormon.
The way Sarah Palin handled the attacks from the likes of David Letterman and other Hollywood types garnered her more respect, and the backlash will be that the public will not tolerate a different standard any longer and cadidates families will be off limits in 2012.
Do not underestimate her because she is accused of having amateur people in her political camp, she will continue to prove she means it when she say's she is committed to changing the "business as usual" way of Washington D.C. This is what scares the political establishment the most, as the winds of "change and reform" are being echoed around the world as well as in this country.
There is a fundamental shift taking place in America because of the election of Barack Obama. Including left and right ideologies, a cathartic atonement has taken place in the American psyche, and it seems to have leveled the playing field again where voters can once again voice their strong opposition to issues like same sex marriage and illegal immigration.
Palin understands where and how this wind blows and her resignation is her first move on this 2012 election chessboard. Although she might wait until 2016, either way, when she will be on.
Steven E. Masone is a columnist for Reilly Media and Herald newspapers inc. permission to re-print this article is granted to SarahPAC. for further contribution and contact info:
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