"All The Fuhrers Men"

So...by the time I learned all about INTERPOL and that our Treasury/IRS were in bed with them, and Scientology had declared war on both, it became clear to me that my 'mission' to find out why another 'alphabet' had infiltrated Scientology made me very uneasy about the loyalties of those who handled me.
Also I found validity to much of Dianetics as I was a student of psychology and Sun Tzu 'Art of War.' Having some personal experience with Army "shrinks" I did not become a fan of that discipline.
My 'alphabet' was not interested in what Scientology was doing, they wanted me to find out what this other outfit was doing in Scientology. And now I did also, especially because of the INTERPOL/IRS connection with a Nazi organization who also was and is ODESSA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As early as 1947, Simon Wiesenthal began to identify escape routes used by Nazis to escape from Germany. The main route he discovered was from the small Bavarian town of Memmingen to Innsbruck, Austria. From there, it was possible to cross into Italy over the Brenner pass. Wiesenthal later learned the Nazis referred to this as the "B-B" route, from Bremen in Germany to the Italian port of Bari. He also knew that the fugitives had little or no difficulty obtaining false papers and seemed to have enough money available in their new home to establish comfortable new lives. Wiesenthal concluded a secret organization with substantial resources had to be involved in helping fugitive Nazis. The seeds of that project were planted before World War II ended.
By 1944 it was clear that the fortunes of war had turned against Nazi Germany. Many Germans began to anticipate defeat and to plan for that eventuality. On August 10, 1944, a secret meeting of top German industrialists and bankers was held at the Maison Rouge hotel in Strasbourg to devise a means of insuring a secure future for Nazis. Among those attending were coal tycoon Emil Kirdorf, Georg von Schnitzler of IG Farben, Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, steel magnate, Fritz Thyssen, and banker Kurt von Schroeder.
The Nazis recognized that Germany's assets would fall into the hands of the rapidly approaching enemy if they were not transferred and hidden. The nation's wealth, much of it acquired through the plunder of the nations it invaded and the people the Nazis murdered, had to be transferred so they would be out of judicial reach, but accessible to fund a future movement to resurrect the party and build a new Reich. Leading Nazi officials also feared retribution from the Allies and, rather than face likely punishment for their war crimes, they decided to seek safe havens outside Germany, and beyond the reach of justice. According to the protocol from the meeting:
The party leadership is aware that, following the defeat of Germany, some of her best-known leaders may have to face trial as war criminals. Steps have therefore been taken to lodge the less prominent party leaders as "technical experts" in various German enterprises. The party is prepared to lend large sums of money to industrialists to enable every one of them to set up a secret post-war organization abroad, but as collateral it demands that the industrialists make available to it exisitng resources abroad, so that a strong German Reich may re-emerge after the defeat.....
The outcome of the meeting in Strasbourg was the genesis of an organization; one well-financed and well-organised, with the express purpose of helping fleeing Nazis escape justice. This organization was called the "Organization Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen" ( "The Organization of former SS members) — better known as Odessa.
Wiesenthal learned of Odessa accidentally during conversations with a former member of German counter-espionage who he met during the Nuremberg trials.The source said the organization was set up in 1946 after many Nazis already had been imprisoned. Those in jail contacted friends and aid committees that had been established to promote the welfare of prisoners. The assistance often went beyond humanitarian aid to abetting their escape.
In short order, Odessa, built a large and reliable network geared to achieve its ends, and began operations. Routes were mapped and contacts were established. Influential Nazis vanished as they were secretly ushered out of Germany and assisted in starting new lives under false names in foreign countries. At the end of the war, only a handful of high-ranking Nazi officials stood trial. Many who were guilty of war crimes escaped with the help of Odessa.
Some war criminals remained in Germany and took on new identities, managing to get themselves smuggled out of Germany and to freedom during the chaos at the end of hostilities. An underground network called "Die Spinne" (The Spider) supplied false papers and passports, safe houses, and contacts that could smuggle war criminals across the un-patrolled Swiss borders. Once into Switzerland, they moved on quickly to Italy, using what some called "The Monastery Route." Roman Catholic priests, especially Franciscans, helped Odessa move fugitives from one monastery to the next until they reached Rome. According to Wiesenthal, one Franciscan monastery, Via Sicilia in Rome, was virtually a transit station for Nazis, an arrangement made possible by a bishop from Graz named Alois Hudal. Wiesenthal speculates that the motive for most of the priests was what he viewed as a misguided notion of Christian charity. Once in Italy, the fugitives were out of danger, and many then dispersed around the globe.
Some countries may not have known about their new immigrants' pasts, but many did and chose to look the other way. Others, including the United States, looked to exploit the knowledge of Nazis. Fascist countries, such as Spain under Franco, as well as those in South America, became safe havens. The establishment of the state of Israel after World War II led some Arab nations to welcome Nazis who shared their hatred of the Jews in the hope they would use their experise in areas such as rocketry to tilt the balance in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Adolf Eichmann was one of the most notorious of the Nazis to escape Germany thanks to ODESSA, but he was eventually captured in South America by Israeli Intelligence agents and brought back to Israel to stand trial for his crimes against the Jewish people.
Sources: Simon Wiesenthal, Justice Not Vengeance. NY: Grove, 1990; Lee Saunders, from “The Puzzle” project, Crystal Music International
The U.S. Government began to be infiltrated by 'moles' recruited by Communist, and Nazis both...
through their 'respective Secret Orders' these 'double agents' knew of L. Ron Hubbard's Naval Intelligence activity and wanted what many "analysts" believed was his 'technology' to create "Super Spys" who could "remote view" ( leave bodies in astral projection type as spirit entities to spy and obtain secrets) as well as sabotage in like manner.
I became concerned that my 'alphabet' was not impartial to the wrong players as my experiences on active duty Sun Tzu understood the dangers of 'double agents' being 'for hire to whomever.
The Art of War
Sun Tzu said: Raising a host of a hundred thousand men and engaging them in
war entails heavy loss on the people and a drain on the resources. The daily
expenditure will amount to a thousand ounces of silver. There will be
commotion at home and abroad, and men will drop out exhausted.
Opposing forces may face each other for years, striving for the victory
which may be decided in a single day. This being so, to remain in ignorance
of the enemy's condition simply because one grudges the outlay of a hundred
ounces of silver is the height of stupidity.
One who acts thus is no leader of men, no present help to his cause, no
master of victory. Thus, what enables the wise commander to strike and
conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is
foreknowledge. Now this foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits; it
cannot be obtained inductively from experience, nor by any deductive
calculation. Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained from
other men.
Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies -
Having local spies means employing the services of the inhabitants of an
enemy territory; (2) Moles - Having moles means making use of officials of
the enemy; (3) Double agents - Having double agents means getting hold of
the enemy's spies and using them for our own purposes; (4) Doomed spies -
Having doomed spies means doing certain things openly for purposes of
deception, and allowing our spies to know of them and report them to the
enemy; (5) Surviving spies - Surviving spies means are those who bring back
news from the enemy's camp.
When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret
system. This is called "divine manipulation of the threads." It is the
commander's most precious faculty. Hence it is that which none in the whole
army are more intimate relations to be maintained than with spies. None
should be more liberally rewarded. In no other fields should greater secrecy
be preserved.
(1) Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity;
(2) They cannot be properly managed without benevolence and straight
forwardness; (3) Without subtle ingenuity of mind, one cannot make certain
of the truth of their reports; (4) Be subtle! be subtle! and use your spies
for every kind of warfare; (5) If a secret piece of news is divulged by a
spy before the time is ripe, he must be put to death together with the man
to whom the secret was told.
Whether the object be to crush an enemy, to storm a territory, or to kill an
enemy general, it is always necessary to begin by finding out the names of
the attendants, the aides-de-camp, and door-keepers and sentries of the
general in command. Our spies must be commissioned to ascertain these.
The enemy's spies who have come to spy on us must be sought out, tempted
with bribes, led away and comfortably housed. Thus they will become double
agents and available for our service. It is through the information brought
by the double agent that we are able to acquire and employ local and inward
spies. It is owing to his information, again, that we can cause the doomed
spy to carry false tidings to the enemy.
Lastly, it is by his information that the surviving spy can be used on
appointed occasions. The end and aim of spying in all its five varieties is
knowledge of the enemy; and this knowledge can only be derived, in the first
instance, from the double agent. Hence it is essential that the double agent
be treated with the utmost liberality.
Hence it is only the enlightened and wise general who will use the highest
intelligence of the army for purposes of spying and thereby they achieve
great results. Spies are the most important asset, because on them depends
So here I was, working in the "GUARDIANS OFFICE" Intel Unit for Scientology with infiltrators in league with two diametrically opposed ideologies 'alphabets'. I finally resigned myself to semi-trust my guys since if they were 'military'... Army at that, they had more marbles than the others.
So with the gauntlet thrown down, I faced off with a man named Louis B. Sims. Treasury Agent, and on loan to INTERPOL as head of U.S. INTERPOL housed in the basement of the U.S. Treasury Building in D.C.
Sims has been involved in everything...he was in Dallas when JFK was Assassinated, and Secret Service agents Louis B. Sims and Raymond C. Zumwalt, both assigned to the technical services division at the White House were in charge of maintaining the elaborate eavesdropping operation at the White House and changing the tapes,of Nixon tape cover-up according to the sources revealed in the 'Watergate Hearings."
Louis B. Sims---1950's: served three years with U.S. Army Intelligence at Fort Holabird, MD (Entered Secret Service in 4/61 and assigned to Chicago office until 1/64*; 1/64-12/65: WFO ; 12/65-7/69: Intelligence Division; 7/69-11/72: Liaison Section; 11/72-9/74: Technical Security Division; 9/74 until at least 5/78: Chief of Interpol)]*a member of the Chicago office with Bolden; also attended Bolden's trial (Bolden was in a cell across from Nagell for a time. From “The Washington Post,” 7/17/73 : " Reliable government sources said yesterday that Alfred Wong, the former head of the technical services division for the Secret Service at the White House [On JFK’s 9/24/63 Milford, PA trip], was in charge of installing the listening devices. Wong had recommended James W. McCord Jr., who was later convicted in the Watergate case, for McCord's position as head of security at the President's re-election committee. Secret Service agents LOUIS B. SIMS and Raymond C. Zumwalt, both presently assigned to the technical services division at the White House were in charge of maintaining the elaborate eavesdropping operation at the White House and changing the tapes, according to the sources." [Emphasis added; as we know, SAIC of PRS Robert Bouck was in charge of the taping system during JFK’s time in office]
Richard Case Nagell---7/1/54: assigned to Army's Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) School at Fort Holabird, MD, serving in this capacity for several years. At the time the HSCA reviewed the Secret Service's CO2/ JFK-threat files on 4/20/78 which included a synopsis re: Nagell , Lawson was the SAIC of the Secret Service's Liaison Division, while Sims was the Chief of Interpol (and, of course, ALL three were investigated/ contacted by the HSCA)!
Sims even had Jim Jones and The Peoples Temple associations:
Within Peoples Temple, there was always suspicion of intelligence agency ... he also swore that Conn had bragged of his ties with the Treasury Department. ... through a document authored by a known Interpol agent, Louis B. Sims, ...excerpted from CIA docs.
Louis B. Simms Treasury/Interpol Agent (yes 'they' shot me at the Sacramento Org-Inside Scientology) was agent at assasination...google "Louis B. Simms Warren Report" see (Time magazine report at that site also Washington Post and Ref House of representatives RIF# 180-10093-10022HSCA interview w/ Simms 5-22-78
Sims was With Nixon as his Chief of technical security, oversaw Oval office tapes that brought Nixon down andd is the one who erased the missing minuets, that they knew of.
Nixon resigned and instead of Sims fading into obscurity, he was made Chief of U.S.Interpol but remained as Treasury Secret Service Agent simultaneously even though Interpol is a privately owned company of Nazi SS origin.
In 1978 back channel conditions of CoS's surrender to these "urban legends" began. Assistant IRS commissioner Meade Emory created CST and became head of the Empire after the GO (Guardians Office) was destroyed. Google;"Church of Spiritual Tecnology IRS Approved."
As CST and RTC were immediatly 501c3's tax exempt status for CoS did not come till 1994... it would not have looked right too soon after the FBI raids and convictions of GO 11...to reward CoS exemption', it's very telling that it even was finally granted!
INTERPOL/IRS controls Scientology financial Organization and tried to water down the tech so it's effective "remote view" tech remains with their faction. Of course it is yet to be validated that it is the 'tech' and not individuals that the 'tech' improves their 'para-normal' abilities.
True believers in Scientology have found the attempts to sabotage LRH Tech and have restored most of what is in the public view. The problem for them is "moles" still in place "in high places" still can subvert the delivery of the "AUDITING PROCESSES."
So in retrospect, from the 'Theological Viewpoint' one can see the "Antichrist " influence of those who would use every weapon found to destroy Israel/Church remnant because of their satanic hatred for Christ.
The "Fourth Reich" is the "Head as it were wounded to death" Resurrected!
next....Operation Snow White was the Church of Scientology's name for a conspiracy during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard. This project included a series of infiltrations and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church members, in more than 30 countries;[1] the single largest infiltration of the United States government in history[2] with up to 5,000 covert agents.[3] This was also the operation that exposed 'Operation Freakout', because this was the case that initiated the US government investigation of the Church.[3]
Under this program, Scientology operatives committed infiltration, wiretapping, and theft of documents in government offices, most notably those of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Eleven highly-placed Church executives, including Mary Sue Hubbard (wife of founder L. Ron Hubbard and second-in-command of the organization), pleaded guilty or were convicted in federal court of obstructing justice, burglary of government offices, and theft of documents and government property. The case was United States v. Mary Sue Hubbard et al., 493 F.Supp. 209 (D.D.C. 1979).[4][5][6][7]
But the infiltrators, were the infiltrators of Scientology's enemies. Their agenda was to infiltrate religious groups who has less than desirable PR and create incidents like Jonestown or Waco in order to test what they can get away with in assaults on religious freedom. And when unable to destroy, overthrow and control by inserting moles, agents, and sleepers to layer be their "poster child Church" that extols the virtue of joining the New World Religion.
Islam and it's radical element will usher in the laws and restrictions needed to reign in all religious freedom. One "dirty bomb" exploded in a major U.S, city will allow the enemies of religion to undo our constitutional rights along with the entire document that has kept us free.
In the interest of "Peace and Safety" the public will allow it while in a state of shock after a catastrophic nuclear attack a thousand times worse than 911.
Obama's executive order giving INTERPOL unlimited access to U.S. law enforcement files and immunity from prosecution ought to scare the devil out of anyone who knows INTERPOL's history, and the fact that they are the "EU's" (European Union) 21st century "Gestapo".
Not subject to "Freedom of Information Act" nor court order and lawsuits.
When Nazi Germany took over "The International Police of Chiefs Organization" and formed Interpol, it's secret files with damaging evidence both true and false against leaders in the countries they soon took over by blackmailing and 'turning' their victims into double agents... and this is how the IRS/INTERPOL tandem infiltrated THE Church of Scientology (CoS)and with the blackmail information on many leaders in religion,education,politics at their disposal through internet vices and embarrassing information, they have all the potential "assets" they need to recruit. continued...http://freedomforreligion.blogspot.com/
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