According to the Lebanese news organization, citing AFP news sources,
On September 11 radical Islamists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya with rocket propelled grenades and machine gun fire.
They murdered US Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
On September 11 radical Islamists attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya with rocket propelled grenades and machine gun fire.
They murdered US Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
Islamists dragged the dead body of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens from the embassy after he was murdered last night.
The radical Islamists attacked the embassy with rocket propelled grenades and machine gun fire.

Al- Ahram
The radical Islamists attacked the embassy with rocket propelled grenades and machine gun fire.

Al- Ahram
But there’s more…
Kerry Picket at The Washington Times reported:
Kerry Picket at The Washington Times reported:
According to the Lebanese news organization, citing AFP news sources, U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, who was killed by gunmen that stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday, was reportedly raped before being murdered. A google translation of the report says.A news report made by the Libyan Free Press is also reporting that Ambassador Stevens was sodomized before he was killed:
Here is another shot of the murdered ambassador at the embassy.

The ambassador’s body was not recovered for 12 hours after the attack.
God rest his soul see examiner story
God rest his soul see examiner story
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