by Steven Masone
Just as the liberal media have been bashing Michelle Bachman, they hate Sarah Palin even more. They do so out of their fear that they know a conservative woman can beat a Democrat for the White House. There is no male republican candidate that can make inroads into the African-American voters. However a woman candidate will be able to draw back a lot of the woman voters who voted for Obama and are now disappointed as many of the independents are who also voted for him.
Americans are not going to be as motivated to vote for a woman because it's "in vogue" to assuage our collective guilt as that was a contributing factor for many in Obama's case even though he had no experience and we have paid a heavy price for proving "we've come a long way baby!" $9,000,000,000, (Trillion) Worth!
But "branding" is paramount in selling anything. "Image is everything." So even though substance is needed, we will still see the greater mass of indoctrinated consumers vote out of "feel good emotion" because of "Branding and Sizzle."
The left understands this because the liberal media has for decades mesmerized the "lemmings of american voters" to buy whatever "Brooklyn Bridge" product they want to sell.
For example, Hollywood writer Aaron Sorkin recently wrote a column denouncing Governor Palin as "deranged," a "witless bully," and a "phony pioneer girl."
Talk-show host Oprah Winfrey said "the intelligence of the American public" will keep Sarah from ever being elected President.
And MSNBC's Chris Matthews called her a "balloon head" on national TV.
Just like Ronald Reagan before her, Governor Palin is despised by the Left because she freely admits her faith in God, is unabashedly proud of America, and fights to limit the long arm of the federal government when it comes to our freedoms and our families.
- Sarah Palin is proud of America - not ashamed of our greatness.
- She puts her trust in the U.S. Constitution - not in politicians.
- She thinks you should get to choose your own doctor, what kind of car you drive, and what kind of light bulbs you'll use in your house - not government bureaucrats.
- She's willing to fight the War on Terror - not surrender it to enemies abroad and Islamic radicals right here on our own soil who hate us.
- And she understands that cutting taxes and repealing ObamaCare will do more to strengthen our economy than handing out billions in "bail-out" dollars to businesses and people who didn't earn it.
Frankly, Sarah Palin is a threat to liberals who make their living off of a bloated, out-of-control federal government.
That's why they attack her. It's why they call her names. Why they want her to fail.
In elections past they were able to attack and paint candidates with their "Boogieman Brush" and there was no alternative forums and mediums to counter their misinformation. But with the "info revolution" and our internet access and social media forums the game has changed and many "lemmings" are now re-thinking the "cliff thing."
Palin is being smart and patiently waiting out the first "wave" of contenders and "pretenders" so it will be obvious that her detractors are indeed products of the "Liberal Kool-Aid vendors" who masquerade as journalists.
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